Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 86: William castle

There are two types of maps in the dynasty.

Ordinary map. Displayed directly on the player's map coordinates, the monster refresh is relatively fixed, there are fewer elite monsters, and the monsters will refresh infinitely.

Unexplored map, which is the so-called hidden map in the player's mouth. This type of map has accumulated a large number of creatures, treasures, missions and plots due to the era's unique sedimentation mechanism.

When an unexplored map is explored for more than 70%, you can report it to the empire, convert it into a normal map, and get rewards such as honors, equipment, and even knighthood, depending on how rare the map is.

Lin Jie's destination this time is William Castle, also known as Vampire Castle!

地图 This map is a gospel for Holy Priest and Holy Paladin! In the epoch, the slowest leveling is in these two healing professions. 80% of their skills are healing, and leveling can only rely on teammates.

The development of this map, however, has made this stage of level 20 to level 25 the world of Shenmu and milk ride!

When the Holy Priest uses Holy Light and Divine Heal to treat himself, it will cause damage equal to the amount of healing to the surrounding vampire and vampire bat. Strictly speaking, as long as this priest (Paladin) has enough healing and magic, he can level up infinitely in Vampire Castle!

The previous generation Lin Jie did not participate in the exploration of this map, so every step must be cautious!

Looking at the deep hole, Lin Jie touched the torch and threw it into it. Sharp screams came from the cave. Several vampire bats fluttered their wings like black lightning, but they were evaporated when they touched the light. clean.

Aiming at the hole, he opened the feather drop gem, and Lin Jie jumped down.

—— “You have explored William Castle on the unexplored map. (Note: When you explore more than 70%, you can report this map to the empire for a rich reward.)

Exploration, including map area, monsters, elites, plots, agencies, etc., the judgment conditions are very complicated. Exploring a map can take as little as three or five days, and as many as several months.

The dark channel was damp and gloomy, and the ticking sound echoed in the channel. Lin Jie suddenly felt a coolness on his nose, and blood-red liquid dripped down.

is blood!

Lin Jie raised her head, only a distance away from the vampire bat swooping down! The **** fangs of the vampire bat evoked a bloodthirsty radian, his claws slammed Lin Jie's shoulders, the pale yellow pupil beating impatiently, the fangs stretched towards the neck ...

血 Vampire Bat: Level 18, Health 420

Vampire bats have extremely low health, but they have two nearly invincible talents.

守护 Vampire Guardian: Vampire bats do not die when they take damage, then offset 90% of the damage.

触 Touch of Vampire: Vampire bat's attack will be converted into health.

Tong Linjie held the bat's uneasy twisted body with his right hand and tore it out, the flesh from his neck was torn apart with the fangs.


-50! (bleed)

Zhe Linjie gritted his teeth and smashed the bat against the wall with a broken blade and a dead leaf sword to draw a cross, aiming at the soft body of the bat.

Cowardly click broken!

-31! (279 resisted)

-19! (171 resisted)

The vampire bat made a funny smile and swallowed the blood left in the corner of its mouth.


"嘹 ——"

Bats hit again, flying very fast, and with the dark environment, ordinary people are hard to tell!

The Jackal Soul necklace flickered slightly, Lin Jie's pupil was immediately covered with a layer of pale green film, the vision gradually became clear, the broken blade flipped in his hand, and the blood tank rushed to the top instantly.

Blood Souls Continue to Slash! -490!

Before the second strike, the vampire bat was shot down and fell to the ground.

—— “You killed a vampire bat and gain 780 experience points (leapfrog kill)”

The effect of the experience gem plus the kill bonus of the leap forward, the experience bar is visible to the naked eye for a small movement.

Through the dark vision attached to the wolf soul necklace, Lin Jie finally saw the channel in front of him—the bottom end, a closed door. But the passage was full of vampire bats, their eyes closed, 17 yards apart.

Calculated using the hatred formula, Lin Jie was shocked to find that the hatred range of the vampire bat was 16 yards!

There is an extremely narrow passage between bats!

If there is no equipment to increase the dark field of vision, I am afraid that in this passage, his eyes will be blacked out, and he will scatter around, and finally end up being killed by a vampire bat.

Lin Jie thought about it, taking off his heavy armor, and taking off his heavy leg armor ... In the dark passageway, Lin Jie only wore a pair of concealed underwear, with a glittering necklace hanging on his chest. Confusing.

Image is gone! Fight for sub-legendary pieces!

Tong Linjie slowly raised his right foot, tentatively stepped between the vampire bats, and his feet followed the toes slowly, and the bats did not seem to respond.

Slowly moved his body over, Lin Jie calculated the road map and proceeded ... No, stepping on the next stepping point, lightly, even breathing was greatly reduced, and shuttled through the bat group.

杰 With the help of the Wolf Soul Necklace, Lin Jie was able to gain insight into the situation inside the passage. Slow motion, stop one step at a time, and gradually approach the gate.


The knock on the door made a slight noise, Lin Jie's heart tightened. Fortunately, the bats did not respond and rushed into it.

Vampire Castle, similar in style to the ancient European castle, with a huge luxurious staircase leading to four directions in the center.

不同 Unlike modern castles, the aborigines here have fallen asleep.

Lin Linjie looked around, the coffins were everywhere! The simpler style is where the servants live, and the gorgeous style should be a residence such as a supervisor.

The dense coffin made people look creepy.

Lin Jie's location is on the back door of the castle. That is, the small door where the maid took out the garbage, there was only an erect coffin, and a broom was placed beside it. This is where the vampires stood before death. After death, they still faithfully perform their duties.

The magical gemstone of the Bega King Beast King, as the funeral of the Count of Vampires, lay silently with him in the coffin. To get this gem, you must go to the residence of the Count Vampire, the master bedroom on the second floor.

If you want to walk through the hall with great swing, I am afraid that it will anger more than 70 dead vampires at the same time. Lin Jie looked up. He was above the azimuth's side bedroom. It should be the Countess.

Opening feather fall, Lin Jie leaped, his body was raised a few positions, but he still couldn't catch the fence.

Even worse, the moment he stepped on the ground, there was a sudden knock inside the coffin. A maid vampire floats faintly, and although her skin is full of the dark color after death, she is still full. Vampires still value the appearance, otherwise why do artists only shoot the twilight city instead of the zombie city?

William Castle Maid: Level 20, HP 3500

Vampires generally have low health, but 100% lifesteal with attacks is extremely difficult.

The servant's lips flipped, and the blood-sucking fangs were exposed to the air, connecting raised blood vessels and gums.

Hunting Charge!

Preemptive! Lin Jie's pupils shrank, and the first time he put on his full body equipment and controlled the slave. The broken blade pierced his eyes and swept across the army!

-215! -220! -198!

The maid's blood strip dropped a bit, scarlet lips sucked, the blood-red blood was drawn from Lin Jie's meridian, and shot into the maid's mouth. She greedily licked the smell of blood.



Magic damage is fatal to a high-defense fighter like Lin Jie!

The blade of dry leaves swept across the maid's lips, the tip of the sword wound around, a vampire tooth was pried down, and Lin Jie chased after her victory, slamming **** the back of her head, and the blood vessels connecting her teeth were raised and crushed.

Cowardly click broken! Blood Slam!

The thick blade of the broken blade pierced the slave's body, drilled out from behind, and killed it!

"Undead dominance, get up!"

The dim light flickered in the palm of Lin Jie's palm, and the vampire maid stood up again, staring blankly at her master.

I ordered the maid to stand under the fence and start feather fall. With her as a stepping stone, Lin Jie was more than five yards taller!

Close at hand!

Gao Linjie gritted his teeth and opened the rocket launcher around his waist, only to hear a loud blast, sparks from the abdomen, and scurrying around.

Lin Linjie lost his balance and slammed on the fence. His body was centered on the ground like an onion. The gorgeous diving posture made his neck crooked so that it didn't break.

"Goblin technology is a pit father!" Lin Jie cursed. Fortunately, the results were good, at least to avoid a lot of vampires and came to the second floor.

And, there is another windfall-a treasure chest!

Unexplored Map ~ ~ According to historical records, it has been deposited for countless years. It is strange that there is no treasure chest!

Treasure chest is open ... 1% ... 2% ... 3% ... 2% ...

Lin Jie waited patiently, and the treasure chest opened.

—— "You get 4 silver coins."

—— "You get the skill book: Vampire Touch."

—— "You get the pupil of the night"

—— "You get a lower-level virtual potion recipe."

Lin Jie continued to explore in the treasure chest for a few times, there were no other items.

触 Vampire's Touch is a continuous output ability of Dark Shepherd, which can cause considerable recovery, make Dark Shepherd a perpetual motion-like existence, and can trigger special effects of Shadow Art, which is a good skill.

Lower-level virtual potion is one of several life-saving potions necessary for players in the wild. It can make the player enter the virtual state within the next 3 seconds, reduce the movement speed by 90%, reduce the hatred value by 100%, and reduce the damage taken by 100%.

For a pharmacist, a recipe represents a lot of revenue.

最后 And the last one is a special item.

瞳 The pupils of the night: can be blessed with necklaces, rings. Dark Vision +5.

Lin Jie shook her head and smiled bitterly.

The Jackal Soul Necklace is about to evolve into a searchlight.


The God of War broke through the million collection! Thank you brothers for your support! Thank you! !! !!