Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 667: Otolithiasis

  Chapter 667 Otolithiasis

  Doctor Xiao also frowned, this is not very common.

   "Aunty, when do you usually feel dizzy? Except when you go to bed, do you also dizzy at other times? What is the method of dizziness?" Guo Xiang asked.

  Wang Chunhua thought for a while, “I have it at other times, but I don’t feel dizzy if I sit here like this or stand up.”

   "It's..." Wang Chunhua recalled, "It's when you go to bed, when you turn over, when you bow your head, and when you bend down, you feel dizzy."

   "The dizziness is very short, maybe less than a minute. But, it's also uncomfortable, and sometimes I feel like vomiting..."

   "Yes, sometimes I fall down accidentally. My mother is too old, so she can't fall." Wang Chunhua's son said worriedly.

  The three of them were lost in thought.

  Guo Xiang thought about Wang Chunhua’s words, going to bed, turning over, bowing, and bending over, all when there were changes in her movements, she said that she would not feel dizzy when sitting and standing.

  That's when you lose your balance.

   "I know!" Guo Xiang thought of it.

   "What?" An Zehan hurriedly asked, and Dr. Xiao also looked at Guo Xiang.

   "It may be otolithiasis!" Guo Xiang said.

  "What's'earwax'? I don't have earwax. I regularly remove my ears, and I have never heard that earwax can cause dizziness." Wang Chunhua said suspiciously.

  Guo Xiang laughed, "Auntie, it's not'earwax', it's'otoliths,' stone stones."

  "What is'otolith'? There are stones in people's ears?" Wang Chunhua's son asked.

"This otolith is an important organ in the ear, look at it..." Guo Xiang took a pen and paper and drew an ear on the paper. "This is our ear. What people can see with the naked eye is the outer ear. For example, what is inside the eardrum, the deepest part is the inner ear."

"The inner ear is not only responsible for our hearing, but also our balance!" Guo Xiang said while touching the ear on the paper with a pen: "Once there is a problem with the inner ear, people will feel that they are rotating. It is because of the otoliths in it. There is a problem."

"The oval sacs and air sacs in the inner ear have cyst-like plaques, and there is an otolith membrane on the surface. There are many calcium carbonate crystals that are otoliths. It is a real stone, born with us, and accompanied us at birth. Under normal circumstances, the otoliths are attached to the otolith membrane, but the otoliths may fall off due to some reasons."

"These dropped otoliths will swim in the fluid called endolymph in the inner ear. When the position of the human head changes, the position of these semicircular canals will change accordingly, and the sunken otoliths will follow the liquid. It flows and moves, which stimulates the hair cells of the semicircular canals and causes the body to experience intense dizziness."

  "So these otoliths make the aunt feel dizzy?" An Zehan asked in surprise, he really didn't know much about this.

  Dr. Xiao also looked at Guo Xiang in surprise. He didn't expect this intern to be so familiar with this. Isn't she a tumor professional?

   "What, what should I do?" Wang Chunhua's son asked. It was the first time he heard that there were otoliths in human ears.

   "You should go to the otolaryngology department." Guo Xiang said, "The dizziness can be cured by resetting the otoliths."

  "Ear, nose and throat?" Wang Chunhua's son was surprised, and the headache was related to this.

   "Our hospital is the ENT department. On the third floor, you go to the ENT department and talk to the doctors there, and tell them the views we put forward here." Dr. Xiao said.

   "Well, where can I solve my mother's dizziness?" Wang Chunhua's son asked in surprise, and finally found the reason. It is the doctors of Beijing medicine who are good at medical skills.

   "Go, it can be solved." Guo Xiang smiled.

  The two thanked again and again, and went to the Otology Department.

   "Guo Xiang, you are amazing, how did you come up with it?" An Zehan asked.

"I just thought about the dizziness that the aunt said. It didn't happen in a static state, so it should be caused by the balance being broken." Guo Xiang said with a smile, "You see if we ride in a car, suddenly accelerate or It was a sudden brake. We could feel the acceleration and deceleration of the car and adjust our body, otherwise we would fly out a long time ago."

"If there were no otoliths, we would have no sense of speed, balance, or space, and we would just wander around all day long. How can we live?" Guo Xiang said, "So I thought it was caused by otoliths falling off. of."

   "And the aunt has no other discomforts, and the dizziness time is very short, so the cause of otoliths is very large." Guo Xiang said, "Otoliths are also called'benign paroxysmal positional vertigo', so it fits well."

The reason why I didn’t expect it at the beginning is that most people think that it is a physical illness, and those common diseases are more likely to cause dizziness. Otoliths are rarely encountered, and a person may not encounter it once in a lifetime. Natural doctors are not so easy to think. .

  "How can the ENT department be diagnosed and treated through diagnosis?" An Zehan asked curiously.

   "The ENT department should use nystagmus to determine which side of the semicircular canal has otoliths." Guo Xiang said: "As for the treatment..."

Some treatment methods of later generations did not know if they were available now, and said: "The main method is manual reduction, that is, the otoliths that fall into the semicircular canals are adjusted to their original positions through the changes of body position through the rotation of the body and the head. This facial features The doctors in the department should have experience."

   "I am really curious." An Zehan said, "I went to the Department of Otology to see if it was this'otolithia'."

  After finishing speaking, he realized that he was still at work. Looking at Dr. Xiao, he nodded, "Go!"

  It’s good to get insights, since it’s an internship, of course, the more you learn, the better.

   "Thank you, Teacher Xiao." An Zehan was pleasantly surprised and raised her eyebrows towards Guo Xiang. She smiled, "I'm not going anymore, you go and come back soon."

   "Hmm!" An Zehan responded and ran out.

  Doctor Xiao looked at Guo Xiang curiously, "I have learned very well."

   "Thank you Teacher Xiao." Guo Xiang smiled.

   "I saw the department where you had rotated before, and the results were all good, how did you learn?" Dr. Xiao was very curious, she could be a general practitioner, and she seemed to do everything.

   "In fact, it's nothing, I just have a stronger memory than others, and I won't forget what I have seen." Guo Xiang said.

  Doctor Xiao raised his eyebrows, that's no wonder, this is a talent, and others can't envy it.

  After half an hour, An Zehan came down.

   "Guess what? That aunt is already well." An Zehan said in surprise.

   "So fast?" Guo Xiang smiled.

"Well, I asked the ENT doctors and they said that it is indeed'otolithia'. Some people can get better in the same day through treatment, some take several days, and some take months to get better. It is not the same. It varies from person to person." An Zehan said.

   "The aunt is so happy, her head finally stops dizzy." An Zehan smiled.

  Wang Chunhua and her son came in just as she said, "Thank you so much, doctor!"

  After watching for so long, if it hadn't been for Guo Xiang to talk about it, they would never have thought of going to see their ears and suffered so many crimes.

  Although the ENT doctors are optimistic about it, if Guo Xiang hadn’t found out, they might have been delayed for a longer time and suffered more crimes.

   "Hey, this is really what it should be. Isn't our doctor just to solve problems for your patients?" Guo Xiang said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)