Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 295: fire

"Che Wan?"

The Minister of Defense pursed his lips. He didn't expect to hear such two-dimensional words from General Shangguo.

Few of the politicians in the island country are interested in the second dimension. One of the few may be the former chairman of the mercury lamp, but this does not mean that the defense minister does not understand the second dimension. After all, the dead house is legally considered a national. Part of it has the right to vote.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that my little grandson likes it better." Rodney waved his hand and said that he had no interest in Che Wan at all.

The sky at this time is indeed like a barrage shooting game, the difference is that the black angel is too watery, and it is solved in one face.

After seeing the feathers falling from the sky, the soldiers who were within the range of the feathers also immediately hid in the trenches of the position.

The usual trick of the black angel is to bombard with feathers, which is also under consideration by Eita Imishi.

The feathers slowly fell into the forest. Most of them exploded when they came into contact with the treetops, and only a few exploded on the ground.


As expected, the hundreds of feathers had explosive abilities, but the soldiers who had already hid in simple shelters had no effect at all.

Inishi Yingtai couldn't stop laughing, everything is under control, everything is under control, he is the reincarnation of Zhuge Kongming.

"Looks like we won, it's that simple." Rodney shrugged, getting ready, supernatural as well.

"Smart plan."

"Looks like we're going to find the angel's corpse in the forest, and that's the real hard task."

Eita Inishi imitated Rodney, shrugged his shoulders very Americanly, and called the angel who was killed just now without hesitation.

But almost nothing goes really well.

The machine gun positions that have been extinguished have just quieted down, and the silence has not even lasted for half a minute...

"We were attacked!" The signal of a machine gun position suddenly sent out a heartbreaking cry for help, "The other party, it's a tiger... squeak~"

The signal became a noisy squeak.

"Hello, hello?!"

The operator slapped the table, but not even a word came out from the other side, and the channel was silent.

"Hey, here we are..."

"Position 34, please help..."

The first distress signal became the fuse, and the continuous distress calls were like the snowflake failure of an old TV, which was noisy and chaotic, constantly falling one after another.

The situation was good just now, but now more than ten positions have been attacked one after another.

The forest, which hides the fortifications and shields the falling feathers, has a natural ambush advantage, but at this time it has become an obstacle for Imaishi Eita and others to observe the battle, and they can't see or hear anything.

"What the **** is it?" Ima Nishi Yingtai gritted his teeth, pushed aside one of his subordinates' shoulders, and strode towards the command car.

The special brigade has a small number of people, not to mention the quality of the individual soldiers, and the equipment is still decent. With the command vehicle as the center, the orders of Eita Imishi can be conveyed to the ears of almost every soldier, but this kind of micro-manipulation is not necessary. Blind command will only make the situation worse.

Tiger, really a tiger.

The information helmets worn by soldiers have the ability to record and broadcast in time. In a real war environment, this ability is subject to signals and other reasons.

In the picture of the camera, a black and white tiger appears impressively. To be precise, only black and white paints make up its body, and it moves like a frame-by-frame animation.

It has ferocious fangs, a head larger than a human body, and its walking limbs are covered with black cloud patterns.

Five meters high, where is this tiger, is it a mythical beast!


The previous positions were all wiped out by this tiger by surprise.

"Da da da!!!"

After jumping to the bunker, several members of Lu Zi fought the tiger with rifles in their arms. At this time, escaping was even more fatal.

There is more than one enemy, and several positions were attacked at the same time in the broadcast footage!

what is going on?

The sudden change in the situation in front of him was beyond the expectations of Eita Imaishi. The attacks he envisaged were basically from the air. Although he also considered the ground, he did not imagine that his layout would face attacks by animals such as tigers and leopards. Besides, where is this place? It is an animal, such a huge body has clearly become a monster.

The machine gun positions in the northwest have become a mess, and the positions that jointly strangle the air targets have been divided into small units fighting independently by the monsters.

The figure of a young girl suddenly appeared, directly killing Kusumoto Ryo.

"Damn, this is the real body!"

No one expected the chaotic situation in front of him, but it would be good if Takahashi appeared pitifully.

You in the sky are a blind eye, and this one in front of you can’t be a blind eye!

"Order the artillery to fire."

The white circle on the ground is not only the entrance to the hole, but it is not a calibration point for measuring. It blasted into the makeshift courtroom.

The madness of human beings is vividly reflected in the artillery, and the artillery uses ordinary shells.

Although Eita Imaishi really wanted to use thermobaric bombs directly, but using thermobaric bombs when there are air raid shelters in the ground is like murdering ordinary people who are hiding, but even ordinary artillery shells are frustrating to blow up. Effect.


The artillery shells dragging their tails from the sky and hitting the ground are like rain lines in the pouring rain, densely packed, hanging down from the sky, like the divine might of hell.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

One, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, countless shells landed on the ground at the same time, and exploded instantly after touching the earth and stone.

As soon as the orange-red flames subsided, the thick black-gray smoke rose again. The land of the Tribunal instantly turned into a hornet's nest, and the ground was covered with countless craters.

Due to the distance, the sound of the explosion of the cannonball landing sounded like a spark meeting to Eita Imaishi, and it was the same sound effect when the fireworks were set off intensively.

"Did you make it?"

For half a minute, I don't know how many cannonballs have been fired. In this case, Ultraman came to the earth and could bombard the salted egg Superman. Except for the strong enough concrete fortifications, there is nothing on the earth. Something can stop such a furious attack.

Even Eita Imaishi has to wonder if someone hiding in the air-raid shelter will be killed by bombing. The air-raid shelter has a perfect defense against shelling, but it does not rule out the possibility that some people are born with weak constitution and are killed on the spot~www ~ Impossible, Impossible. "

"oh my goodness, oh my goodness!"

Rodney could no longer pretend to be calm, and he pointed to the center of the explosion with trembling hands.

The hazy smoke dissipated, and a young girl stood alone.

The gray smoke didn't stain her wings with any uncleanness, only blood.

Bright red blood slipped from the tips of the wings, and a line of blood stunned the white feathers.

"Uh, uh, ah..."

Kusumoto Ryo pursed his lips and stared blankly at the wings passing through his chest.

He was run through from front to back, and the whole person was dragged into the air, what happened.

Haven't I been reborn...a new life?