Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 520: Lost text!

Under the halo of the sacred tree resisting the earthquake, the changes in Akita Prefecture were slightly obscured in the past. It should have received 100% of the national attention, but now there are less than 50%.

Some people on the Internet have published posts about the explosion in Akita Prefecture and the military blockade, but more of it is an analysis of the sacred tree.

The words in the sky are collected by good netizens, and they are researched in a good way. Although they are not regular soldiers in text research, among the tens of thousands of good people, there are still one or two people who know a little bit. As soon as the person shot, it caused an exclamation.

What Akita Prefecture? Backcountry places are also famous for beautiful women. Is there anything worthy of our attention?

However, Akita people felt the terror coming 100%. The explosions that saturated the washing floor bombarded the ears of Akita citizens, and some people in the prefecture who were close by were frightened and suffered a heart attack on the spot.

Not to mention the fighter jets that landed at Akita Airport and then took off again, the light armored vehicles traveling on the streets, and the soldiers of the Ground Self-Defense Force, all of which looked like war was coming. Ordinary Akita citizens had never seen such a scene.

But fortunately, within a day or two, the terrifying arrangement slowly faded away.

To the delight of the fishermen, the strict fishing ban has also been lifted slightly. Although fishing boats can only travel on the Akita coast, it is no problem to transfer to other sea areas to fish again.

Ye Yezi and several people have also had a long-lost vacation in the past two days, and the economic people are too frightened to go out.

Packing the backpack, Ye Yezi shoved the pink stone towards the side of the backpack.

But when was there a white piece of paper in the bag?

She couldn't remember when she stuffed such a piece of paper into her bag.

"Strange." She didn't care about this strange piece of white paper, anyway, there are always strange things in people's bags from time to time, Ye Yezi just put the white paper and spar together.

"Wow, this stone is so beautiful." Ryoko looked at Yeyezi's backpack, her eyes suddenly cold.

"You said this?" Ye Yezi pouted at Shitou, "The one I found in the park should be made of glass."

Such a regular and transparent rhombus looks like an artifact.

"It's great, I also want to pick up one of these. Let's go to the beach anytime, and let's pick up things at the beach together."

People who live by the sea are always obsessed with what good things can be picked up on the beach, although in most cases they can only pick up useless seaweed and plastic bags.


Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo University.

A bunch of archaeological experts who are well-known in the industry gathered at the University of Tokyo, and in front of everyone were placed the sacred tree text sorted out by the government.

Everyone has published heavyweight papers and is a big man in the field. Some experts are mentally prepared for being recruited by the government.

The advent of the supernatural is an important event that will affect all walks of life of mankind.

"Do you want us to decipher the divine tree script?"

Although the island country itself is not rich in relics in BC, there is no unsolved text, and it has also experienced an archaeological catastrophe, but it is insufficient on its own, so it cooperates with foreign countries.

Domestic expenditures have been cut, and foreign archaeological expenditures have increased. With sufficient funds, the participation of island countries in international archaeology is still relatively high.

For example, Assyria, including Sumerian and Babylonian archaeology, the island nation's research on Assyria is much more in-depth than the current Mesopotamia countries themselves.

"Yes, you are all masters in the field. Please look at the information on the table. It is a clear text organized by the organization."

It is much clearer and more reliable than the online version, and it is not only the text that flew out of Tokyo, but also a small string of text when the alien body was sealed for the first time in the Akita prefectural park. The second document is top secret.

"The text presented in the first material is about recourse in nature."

"And the words in the second document should be sealed or killed in nature."

"Isn't there a comparison? It's hard for us to decipher it with such a nature."

The deciphering of words is not just guesswork or random speculation, but must be based on real evidence.

For example, the deciphering work of Egyptian characters continued until the excavation of the Rosetta Stone during the Industrial Revolution. The stone stele wrote a passage with the same content in Egyptian, unknown and Greek, which gradually opened up the deciphering of Egyptian characters.

The deciphering of the cuneiform script also relies on bilingual comparisons on clay tablets.

On the contrary, Huaguo’s oracle bone inscriptions are the simplest. After getting them, even people who have only received Confucian education can decipher them independently. However, because of the complex combination of ideographic and phonetic characters, there are still a large part of oracle bone inscriptions before Mizuno Crossing. Not deciphered.

However, except for a few characters that were deciphered through comparison, grammar, phonetics, and inheritance, most of the lost characters were actually indecipherable, such as the seal characters of ancient dampness, the linear characters A of Europe, and the pottery characters of China.

There are also earlier quasi-characters, such as Jiahu and Shuangdun carved talismans from 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and the Tertella seal from 7,000 years ago of Europa. If you want to decipher these, you have to wait for the invention of the time machine.

All of the people present here are experts in writing and have had brilliant experiences in deciphering words. The deciphering of every single font of ancient writing is enough to produce a paper.

The difficulty is not unclear, and trying to decipher a text without comparison is a nonsense.

Even the sacred tree script was not invented by human beings. It has no common origin with human beings, and no common production and life experience. The difference is a thousand miles away. How can it be deciphered.

Might as well let biologists decipher the messages communicated between ants!

"This..." The archaeologist and the text expert looked at each other, "This is really beyond our ability."

"I also know that this is a bit difficult for everyone, but the power of words beyond human civilization is being deciphered by countries all over the world."

"This is the text message sent by the divine tree in our country. We already have a unique advantage, and we can't help us to crack it and ruin it."

"Then why not learn directly from the divine tree? The divine tree is in Tokyo, isn't it easier to learn from the divine tree?"

"There was a request, and you all know it."

The host of the meeting sighed.

As a result, Mizuno refused to be distracted by the weakened sacred tree.

"However, we have a lot of important information on hand that other countries don't have, which can help me wait for a faster deciphering."

Deciphering the divine tree script with divine power is the top priority of the island nation.

Humans have found the carrier of energy through gems, just like humans have discovered oil, then these two mysterious texts are the diesel engine that can burn oil, the heart of the revolution in the new era.

"One thing is certain, the first text of the recourse materials should have the three words [Tateishi Xiao], or a pronoun that refers to someone whose identity may include a servant, a woman, a **** The status of a loved one, etc., or both at the same time."

The half-truths have thrown the archaeological world of the island country into chaos.