Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 570: moco

No. 85 was agitated in his heart, and was very elated with his current performance, but on the surface, it was the opposite of his heart, becoming more and more calm, and there was sadness and beauty in every frown and smile.

If you go to Hollywood movies with this acting skill, you can get good awards in the selection of the golden statuette. Of course, if you have dark skin, it is estimated that the golden statuette will be taken home directly.

Watching No. 85's performance from a distance, Mizuno couldn't help but feel a burst of angina.

Although these different avatars are similar in strength to each other, their inherited temperaments are very different. Some are hot, some are loose, and they are all entities dug out by Mizuno's inner emotions and projected into reality.

Seeing this excited appearance, Mizuno wondered in horror whether there was such a perverted side in the depths of his personality.

"It must be the result of infinitely magnifying features, even one can be magnified to a hundred."

So relieved, Mizuno's mind sank again.

"It's Ge Ye."

The name of Kuzu Ye does not require expert science. As the legendary biological mother of Abe Seimei, the popularity of the fox fairy Kuzu Ye in the island country is comparable to that of Tamamo former.

However, in mythology, Yuzaoqian always appears in the image of harming the common people, while the fox fairy Geye generally prefers the kindness of the fox.

The sexuality of ancient literati in China | Fantasy is that a scholar is rushing to take an exam - sleeping in the wilderness - having **** with a mountain fox, the folklore of the island country also has this meaning, Ge Ye is a white fox rescued by nobles, After being rescued, the little fox had no retribution but promised himself.

As a major **** of Yin-Yang Dao belief, Kuzu Ye also has incense offerings in the island country.

The Kuzuha Shrine in Osaka has recently been thoroughly investigated by the officials of the island country, but I didn't expect that Kuzuha was not in Osaka, but was drilled out of Mount Fuji near Tokyo.

It is a blessing to be able to have **** with such a beautiful demon witch, Onmyoji Seimei's father.

"If it's Ge Ye, I can't say that it can really seal the snake."

"After all, a great onmyoji like Abe Seimei is just her child."

"But what the other party proposed was to contact Takeo Moribe..."

"What are you afraid of, since Takeo Moribu sits in his seat, he must be worthy of his salary."

The idea of ​​Shi Jun, Lu Zhongjun and affairs also exists in the island country, but the island country calls it Yuen Fenggong.

"I agree that Kuzuha is not an evil **** in mythology. In this case, even if Takeo Moribe goes there, there will be no problem, but the big snake coiled on Mount Fuji is different. The nation is a heavy blow."

"It is conceivable that the capital market is now a **** storm!"

"Ask Takeo Moribe for his opinion, isn't he on standby in Shizuoka Prefecture?"


Ge Ye stood quietly in front of the army, pursed his lips and smiled, so delicate that he was speechless.

Facing the dark muzzle, the smile on her face did not change at all, her beauty was filled with indescribable sadness and sadness, but just seeing it made the hearts of the witnesses tremble.

Amelika's soldiers and the island nation's Self-Defense Forces all responded, and many soldiers couldn't help shifting their guns. The island nation's soldiers took out their mobile phones from their pockets and started shooting.

No matter what the race or culture is, there is always the same understanding of women's aesthetics.

People of yellow race who think they are ugly will not be considered beautiful by white people. Even if they say they are beautiful, the video views of many **** websites can reflect the most real thoughts of all men.

"Master Ge Ye, Minister Takeo Moribu is coming right away."

A mid-level cadre of the Office of Occults respectfully kept a distance of three or four meters from Meisha, lowered his head and said earnestly.

He didn't dare to look up at this radiant and legendary woman, for fear that he would accidentally react, which would be a serious diplomatic problem.

Looking at Ge Ye standing in front of him, some soldiers couldn't help but take a long breath, with a dazed expression on their faces.

This is just the application of seduction techniques, if coupled with the illusion that ordinary people can't resist, it is not impossible for an entire army to be disarmed.

The two Meisha, who were capable of parrying one or two, were hidden among ordinary soldiers. Meisha was wearing ordinary military uniforms.

Kamhara Feixiang, who had been exposed to the public for a long time, held the handle of the knife, and also did not stand out in the first row.

Just ten minutes later, a helicopter quickly landed on the flat ground.

Sitting in the cabin, watching the terrifying big snake entrenched on Mount Fuji, overlooking the already crowded highway, Takeo Moribe's face was solemn.

In the vast sea of ​​trees, the three-kilometer Mount Fuji is extremely abrupt, and the big snake composed of flames is extremely abrupt.

On the highways, countless cars honked their shrill whistles, and it sounded like a moment of silence for the deaths of thousands, and the sudden death prediction destroyed everyone's sanity.

"These things are all because of me."

Moribu closed his eyes in pain, but he didn't expect that he proposed to search Mount Fuji and the sea of ​​trees, but instead caused the big demon to change.

Hearing the request of the fox fairy Ge Ye, Takeo Moribu didn't even think about it, and nodded in response. Ge Ye's search for himself must be for the fox demon of the same family in his body, to take back his power? Or completely release the fox demon?

Moribu didn't think much about it. Although this terrifying power has changed his destiny, if he takes away the power, he can quell the riots on Mount Fuji, and it's all worth it.

Looking at Takeo Moribe who got off the plane, the eyes of No. 85 clone lit up, and the endless desire to perform burst out from the body.

It can't wait to deceive in front of everyone!

No. 85 showed a mysterious smiled and looked at Takeo Moribe who was approaching. Wearing a serious suit, Takeo Moribe was neither happy nor smiling, nor could he see panic and shock.

The initial search plan was to find out the truth about the fox demon, and the fox fairy Ge Ye, who took the initiative to walk out of the mountain, could be considered to have realized this initial plan.

"You're back."

Ge Ye's voice had a kind of magic power, and just hearing it made the nearest soldiers drowsy.

Even if it was a little farther away, the soul seemed to be soothed.

"I..." Takeo Moribu covered his chest, and an unbearable tearing sensation came from his body.


A flame seeped out from the upper body of Mobu, and instantly ignited the shirt, but the flame intelligently avoided the pants, but the burning upper body was more deterrent.

Ordinary faces are under the flames to bring out the ferocious ferocity.

Foxes, foxes formed by a combination of fierce flames and special energy gathered in the air, and the illusory foxes twenty or thirty meters high scared the soldiers to the point of shooting.

"Ge Ye!"

His majestic voice suppressed his anger, as if he was annoyed at why Takeo Moribe sent him to the door so stupidly.

"It's time to go home, Moko."