Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 695: Are you here?

Yan Guo has left his name in the phonograph. Although Judge Cui is not a living person, he still left endless imaginations for those who know him.

Immortality? have.

come back to life? have.

Kazuo Matsunaka's return of the first seven is just a start to the resurrection from the dead. Judge Cui's affirmative remarks completely revealed the huge treasure in front of the world's eyes.

The confidentiality level of the short conversation was instantly raised to the highest level, and only those who experienced it and those in power at the highest level knew all about it. All that was left for professionals to study was the monitoring of the hall and some of the conversations.

It is enough that they only know the means of immortality.

Dozens or hundreds of experts watched the surveillance video, holding the deleted conversation records in their hands.

The video and dialogue are very simple, but a group of experts can't wait to see everything between the lines and make a comprehensive mental model for Judge Cui and Black and White Impermanence.

This is the first contact between the government of the underworld and the government of the world, and it is of great significance! To deal with the attitude of receiving aliens!

"First of all, it is very clear that a major force in the underworld, the underworld, has revealed its identity to us."

"Cui Yu and Black and White Impermanence are the core personnel of the underworld; the ghost generals and lamp girls who appear on the Izu Peninsula should be underworld personnel, and their rank is not low, otherwise they will not have anything to do with the government; Whether the demon avatar is related to the underworld still needs to continue to be screened."

In the eyes of the global audience, the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts in Kyoto is a lively event, but professional organizations keep records of every ghost in the records day and night, and search the database according to the figure, such as the Minotaur, which is a creature in Western mythology. The wrong door is still the old man of Ma Mian.

Even if there are several identical Kappa, they have to forcibly find out the different points, and then analyze whether the multiple birth environment is different.

"From the standpoint, the general attitude of the underworld is neutral. When walking in the world, it only gathers the lonely and wild ghosts, and has no intention of interfering in the human world."

"Even in the conflict between the ghost generals on the Izu Peninsula, it can be seen that the underworld is evasive about interfering in the human world, at least for now."

"Controlling yin and yang, and adjudicating the sins committed by ghosts in their lifetimes, is the new power shown this time."

"But what is the standard of evil?"

"Judging by the morality of the Middle Ages, or today's standards?"

The moral standards of human beings change with the progress of productive forces, just like one of the sins in the Shang Dynasty in the Zhou Dynasty was that they did not respect the divine right.

"In addition to morality, there is also law. What law does this law follow?"

It is equivalent to the martial arts methods such as the "Royal Success and Failure" in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties of China, as well as the confusing "God Judgment".

After the samurai was accused, he could request to write a "petition," which is an oath to the gods.

If there are no nosebleeds, bird droppings on the head, mice chewing on clothes, sick coughing, and choking on meals within seven days, the samurai will be closed in the relevant shrine for another seven days. If there is still no bad luck in these seven days, It means that the gods affirmed that the samurai was telling the truth and judged that he was not guilty.

"In terms of space, is it the standard of China or the standard of an island country?"

"Without a single standard, it's all terrifying."

After all, if you really look at the three views in religious books, it is estimated that people who are truly innocent will be killed before they reach the age of eighteen.

"I think it is necessary to further contact the underworld to clarify the criteria for criminal judgment."


Huaguo, Daiyue City, Haixi Province.

A flight taking off from Tokyo slowly landed in the 'Izumi City', and a team of well-dressed and unmistakable ordinary people walked out quickly.

After a little repair, then take the high-speed train to this Confucian holy mountain.

It is also the holy mountain of Yin and Yang Dao. The main worship **** of the Yin and Yang masters is Taishan Fujun, and it is self-evident which mountain is worshipped.

As a religious feature in East Asia, there are various religious sites around Mount Tai, but generally Taoism is the main one.

It was very strange that this group of people worshiped at the temple. When they arrived at the Dai Temple, the sky was a little dark.

It is a normal working day now, but there are still many people in the Dai Temple.

"This is the temple that worships Taishan Fujun?" Nakasone Genxiong also bought a few sticks of incense from the door. Except for one stick of incense, the others were burned for the elders in the family.


"Yeah." Looking at the solemn Dai Temple building, Nakasone Nezuo also nodded seriously.

Although there are rich political resources in the family, both grandfather and father have held top positions, but political resources also have to be realized. Unlike the elder brother who has embarked on the road of politicians, he has chosen the road of realization, and it is also convenient to enter and exit as a businessman. Other countries.

This time, the worship of Taishan Fujun is a major event ordered by the elders of the clan, and it is not allowed to be careless!

Although I don't know why I want to worship, and I have to donate a lot of, as long as it is done seriously, the fog of the upper level of the island country is now even invisible to the N generation of political tyrants like him.

There must be a reason for only letting yourself come to worship in secret, don't be sloppy!

Reverently put the incense on, and then learned from other good men and women to kowtow and bow down, and Nakasone Nezuo also used his life skills on the round palm.

"Contact the donation..." Nakasone Genxiong also got up and walked out of the main hall slowly, while rubbing his forehead, he arranged for his subordinates to practice donations, but his eyebrows were wrinkled.

The person walking down the steps was a little familiar. It seemed to be from some political family?

The N generation of the Hatoyama family is also in the business world.

The other party also clearly recognized Yuya Nakasone. The two teams did not expect to meet in a foreign country thousands of miles away, but neither of them planned to speak. They just nodded to each other when they missed it, and they were very tacit.

Among these political families, you have me, and I have you. For example, when Taro Aso formed a cabinet, eleven of the eighteen key officials were hereditary cabinet members.

one, two, three...

Before Tarzan had finished climbing, Nakasone Genxiong had seen several acquaintances along the way.

The backbone of the political and chaebol family of the whole island country seemed to have made an appointment, and they all gathered on Mount Tai to kowtow and worship.

From surprise, shock, and numbness, Yuya Nakasone's mind was left with only doubts, what happened?

Besides, besides Mount Tai, I have to go to Fengdu, which is farther away, to worship and donate...

Looking at the phone with doubtful thoughts, Yuya Nakasone's eyes widened, then his whole body trembled, and he immediately looked at the tall and majestic Mount Tai.

It's the best news reported by the hair country big newspaper!

The figure on the news photo made him instantly think of the sculpture in the temple!

How can this service and hairstyle be so similar?

"Go back, I want to burn a few more incense sticks!"