Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 942: It's a disaster

The wind and sunshine of the Reiwa era is like a framed movie. The last second was a good wind and smooth, and the next picture became a terrifying disaster movie.

The storm is not the whole of this disaster movie. It seems that there are 10,000 Godzillas dancing disco in Tokyo Bay.

The waves slapped the embankment incessantly, one layer of waves pushed another layer of waves forward, and gradually pushed the waves higher and higher.


In the flood weather, the waves finally hit the shore, and the huge water force directly pushed the cars parked on the shore into the distance.

Vehicles weighing in tons hit buildings like ragdolls, and trees rooted in the ground were pushed and pulled out.

What's worse is that the ships in the port are either overturned or fragmented. There are even many yachts that have not had time to enter the port and are still traveling in Tokyo Bay. They are carrying the upper class of Tokyo. Before this natural disaster, the souls of people are equal. of.

"It's all over, it's all over, Tokyo is going to be destroyed." The staff officer said to the cabinet bosses with trembling lips, "Masters, give an order to attack the extraordinary in the sky, otherwise the whole Tokyo... ...more than 10 million people in Tokyo will suffer an unbearable disaster!"

"He can't move in the sky now. It's a good time to start. Please give an order now."

"If you continue to delay, there will be five figures, and tens of thousands of people will die in this disaster."

"Including the follow-up effects and suicides, hundreds of thousands of people will die!"

What the staff officer said is true. Although no specific statistics have been delivered yet, there must have been a lot of casualties in Tokyo. Three figures? There are four figures!

Even breaking through five figures is not impossible.

Tens of thousands of people died at one time. Even the 311 earthquake only killed 20,000 people, not to mention that the affected area is now in prosperous Tokyo, not a rural area like Fukushima Prefecture.

The Prime Minister glanced at the staff officer and wondered if this guy had lost his mind.

As the chief executive of a country, he knows better than anyone what the situation is now facing. Compared with the despair that the whole country is suffering from, his own political future is not so important.

But even if he announces his immediate resignation now, it will not solve the current problem. As for the order to attack Mizuno Sora, it will lead to a bigger disaster than it is now.

Mizuno is obviously more terrifying than the poor Takahashi!

If he intends to destroy Tokyo, this city that has been established for nearly a thousand years will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Water City Tokyo.

In the past, Edo developed into a big city because of the developed water system, but now Tokyo has become a sea country.

Some shrines and temples built on the hills were also damaged by the flood weather, the wooden buildings kept seeping water, and the walls and fences were washed away, but they were more fortunate than the flat buildings that were flooded. many.

"I beg God to stop being angry."

"Amaterasu is on top, five men and three goddesses are on top..."


"God bless……"

There are devout clergymen in various religious buildings praying and asking God for forgiveness. They don't know where the Tokyo is wrong to provoke the wrath of the gods, but anyway, as long as they pray, it is right.

As long as you say your apology sincerely, the gods can forgive sins.

But there are no gods in the world, Mizuno is very clear that he is the only extraordinary person in the world.

If there is a god, it is himself!


The reincarnation eye of Jiugouyu gradually stabilized, and the wind, rain, thunder, electric erosion and waves poured into Mizuye's eyes and ears.

His brain is still a little confused, and it took a long time to master the power this time.

The global offline ability was drawn back into the body for recombination, and the breakthrough of Yin-Yang escape technique was carried out from the foundation, which was equivalent to shuffling the five-element escape technique, blood succession limit, etc.

This is completely beyond Mizuno's control, just like he didn't think that his simple breakthrough caused such a terrifying disaster in Tokyo. ,

"It's okay, they're fine."

Immediately contacted the two 'beasts' to confirm the situation of several people in Shimo-Sada Kaibu, Mizuno's heart calmed down a little.

In the flood weather, the government of the island country was too busy to take care of itself, and the ground vehicles and helicopters could not be used. It was impossible to attack Sada and others irrationally.

How many people are there in Tokyo? He vaguely remembered that it was more than 10 million, and if it was expanded to the Tokyo metropolitan area, it would be more than 30 million.

However, in Mizuno's eyes, these people are just abstract numbers, and it is impossible to truly empathize with these numbers.

The joys and sorrows of ordinary islanders in flood weather? What does this have to do with him.

However, if the flood weather continues, Sada and others will also be in danger, and the rain will not be able to distinguish between enemy and neutral people.

Overlooking the chaotic world, Mizuno frowned.


He clenched his palms, his clenched fists creaked.

Unprecedented power surged in his body, not only the power of the Yin-Yang escape technique, but also the ordinary five-element chakra ninjutsu suddenly jumped to a new level.


The sky beside him was full of dark clouds, and the pitch-black cumulonimbus clouds roared and roared like claws.

The sky is like a dam that has been cut open, and the massive water storage is vented non-stop.

Although Tokyo is a top-ranked metropolis in the world and has a relatively good drainage system, in the face of natural disasters caused by terrifying ninjutsu, these drainage systems are as fragile as window paper.

If you don't do it the whole Tokyo will be covered with stagnant water.

"Disperse." Mizuno swung his fist towards the thick clouds.

First, the rain hit his fist, and then the rain burst open, and in the water curtain that formed a line, Mizuno's fist wind kept spreading to the distance.

Spiral channel.

Bright spiral passages form in the air, even slicing through the rain curtain.


There was a loud bang in the thick cloud layer, and the slightest void expanded thousands of times in an instant.

Like the spreading mushroom cloud, the blown dandelion, the accumulated black cloud disappears in the blink of an eye, and the reflection on the satellite cloud map is that the newly formed cyclone has produced a wonderful change.

The cyclone that enveloped Tokyo was pushed into the distance by an invisible hand, pushed through the six districts in the center of the capital, pushed through Tokyo Bay, and pushed toward the Pacific Ocean.

"Crack crackle crackle!"


"Peach patter..."

Flood weather turned into heavy rain weather, then heavy rain, drizzle, and finally disappeared.

Only the water droplets from the eaves of the building and the telephone poles beat the water-filled pavement, which is the final footnote of this sudden disaster.

"Rain, the rain has passed and the sky has cleared..."

"We are saved!"

"It must be that God has become apparent."

Shiroshima Kiyomi stared at Mizuno in the sky. She saw vaguely just now that Mizuno used some method to clear the clouds.

Set aside the natural disaster that enveloped the entire Tokyo. .

"The natural disaster is gone." A staff member was cheering for the rest of his life.

Shiroshima Kiyomi picked up the walkie-talkie: "It's a natural disaster."