Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 177: Financial war

When such a big thing happened in San Diego, Black was not in San Diego.

The black at this time has already arrived, Washington, the center of this country.

Hei, who led a team of nine-tailed foxes and a small number of agents, has found the hotel where he stayed.

The identity of their trip is that of Artisan Financial Company, and they are ready to make the foundation usher in a leapfrog development.

Regarding what happened in San Diego, Hei first received a contact from Sophia and reported to him the huge mushroom cloud that appeared northwest of San Diego.

But Sophia's request for investigation was rejected by the black, because what happened there, the black has probably guessed it.

Turning on the TV, as expected, the reporters who smelled the blood had already posted the news.

Although they don't know anything yet, they must first arouse the public's interest.

All of a sudden, rumors spread through the media, and there were all speculations. The most reliable and closest to the truth was that the nuclear bomb exploded.

But the black just passed away with a slight smile.

"001, turn on the containment radar."

[Yes, host]


Above the radar, the containment object originally located there has moved.

On the side, is the brief information of this containment item.

Item number: scp-682 (expired)

Project code: Immortal Lizard

Item level: Keter (difficult)

Item characteristics: scp-682 looks like a huge reptile, which is hostile and aggressive towards almost all life, and especially hates humans.

The vitality of scp-682 is extremely tenacious, has strong adaptability and regeneration ability, and can evolve with the harsh environment.

scp-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible, this sentence is the best description of the immortal lizard.

At that time, an O5 meeting was held for the immortal lizard, and it took a very short time to confirm this policy.

Come to think of it, this sentence seems to be said by O5-3.

When Black saw the immortal lizard from 001's radar, he was in a mixed mood.

But Hei soon discovered that the Immortal Lizard had been in one place and hadn't moved, and that the location of that place on the map was very special, and it was included in the military restricted zone.

So Hei immediately understood that the immortal lizard had been taken into custody by the Eagle Nation Containment Organization.

Now that there is a nuclear bomb explosion, it is obvious that containment has failed. After all, that thing is restless.

Unfortunately, the current Foundation does not have the ability to contain the immortal lizard, so it can only temporarily avoid its edge.

But the Foundation must also take some action, not to let the instability factor of the immortal lizard stay free.

Do you want to warn the Eagle Nation Containment Organization? Their various attacks will only make the Immortal Lizard stronger.

Now, the nuclear bomb is no longer useful.

Perhaps, this task could be given to Wang Chuan, and it could be regarded as a traction for the Bright family to enter their field of vision.

Hei thought about the feasibility of various plans, calculated the results of various plans with the assistance of 001, and analyzed the impact.

In the end, Hei finalized the plan, chose, and contacted Wangchuan.

After temporarily handling this emergency, Hei needs to officially go to the destination of this trip to Washington.

Wall Street.

The rich man’s paradise, the speculator’s hell.

But it is the place where the Foundation rises in Eagle Country.

Under secret protection, black disguised as a half-hundred old man, dressed in black, wearing a top hat, carrying one million, entered Wall Street.

"001, show your abilities here. Let them understand what real capital is."

[Yes, host]

A war without gunsmoke has officially begun.

But as the other side of this war, the financial predators, have not yet noticed anything, and live a life exclusive to the upper class.

In this way, the black invested in this market with negligible funds and began to grow exponentially.

For this period of time, Hei has been staying in Washington, traveling between the hotel and the exchange, finely controlling the funds he is working on.

At the same time, the situation in the direction of San Diego is always in control, but with Sophia's power in controlling Site-13 and most of the foundation there, under normal circumstances, nothing difficult to face will happen.

The only problem is that during this period, the situation of the Mafia will become a variable, testing Sophia's ability, but it is not a major issue, and it is completely no problem to hand it over to Sophia.

This allows Hei to devote himself to the confrontation with those treacherous people on Wall Street. Each of them is a man-eating python. It has not yet been manifested, but once He exceeds that limit, those people For his own benefit, he will definitely do whatever he can to get rid of the outsider who suddenly broke into the game.

At that time, it will be the real test. We need to deal with it and seek the greatest benefit for the Foundation. At best, there is only one winner.

Hei pulled down the top hat on his head, covering his face.

Once again, I came to the exchange, and now there are one billion in the black hands, which is a hundred times more than a dozen days ago. Of course, in addition to normal operations, there are some abnormal methods.

For this billion, Black invested only 10 million, and the rest is all in his hands, just for today, first to destroy a "small company" and formally show to Wall Street that he exists.


"How do I feel that something is wrong."

On the second floor of the exchange, two Xizhou people in black suits looked at the lively scene downstairs and talked.

"Huh? What happened."

"No, it's just that there is a little fluctuation here." One person looked at the tablet in his hand, and the complex data and graphics on it were dazzling.

"Is it normal?" The other person didn't look at the tablet in that person's hand, there was always some taboo.

"On the edge of normal values."

"Oh? Is there a suspect." At the edge, there is indeed someone who is operating.

"No, after all, I am backed by the mountain, most people would not dare to move me, but there is no sign of those opponents." The person shook his head.

"Then you are not nervous."

"I didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but my instinct told me that I had to make some preparations." His long experience made him dare not leave any flaws, and he was still worried.

Finally, after hesitating for a while, the man made up his mind: "Forget it, just in case, I'm going to contact the person above."

"Well, it's okay to be cautious, go well, and see you tomorrow." The other person had the mentality of watching the excitement, but he hid it well and did not show it.

"See you tomorrow." Saying hurriedly goodbye, the man put on a coat and hurried downstairs to the outside.

Anxiously, he passed by an old man wearing a bowler hat, completely unaware of the old man.

But the old man glanced back at him, then turned back silently.