Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 247: Response and support

"Is the scp-082 really an extraterrestrial world, sir, what should we do next, invest our energy to explore."

In the command post, Number One first stared solemnly at the actions of the Foundation employees on the other side of the screen, then turned around and pleaded with the black.

"The strength of the Neon Division is already insufficient. Now, there has been an extraterrestrial world...I can't draw conclusions yet. Let's talk about the situation when the b-10 team completes the isolation inspection."

"Yes, my lord. I think the current situation requires me to go to the scene in person."

"Go, take the new support I brought, and we must ensure the safety of scp-082."

"I see, my lord."

The lack of intelligence prevented Hei from making judgments and choices immediately, and all he could do now was wait.


And where scp-082 is located,

The employees of the Foundation moved quickly so that the wait would not last too long.

For the first ten minutes, no one moved around scp-082 until the first group of tactical team members and researchers wearing white protective clothing appeared from the rear.

The team members holding the disinfection nozzle sprayed the disinfectant medicine towards the b-10 team from head to toe.

Even the ground they have stepped on has not been let go.

Immediately afterwards, the dead fox, who was the first to discover the field agent team of scp-082, had all been disinfected in exactly the same way.

After disinfection, everyone was taken to a temporary but absolutely reliable isolation facility in the shrine.

They need to do further inspections there.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for researchers and professionals in white protective clothing to arrive, and psychological rehabilitation for the mental state began afterwards.

In all the orderly progress, One has rushed from the site to the shrine where SCP-082 is located.

There is also a support unit that comes with Number One. The number is not large, but each one does not seem to be very relevant. Among them, there is a trump card.

Blond hair is its most conspicuous feature, blue eyes, indifferent and determined young face, wearing a black trench coat with the Foundation logo, standing beside Number One without saying a word.

"White, you may need your abilities at any time in a while, be prepared."

"Yes." The blonde ace, known as White, said only one word.

The arrival of Number One also made the on-site commander rush out to greet him.


"Well, how is the progress."

"All basic inspections have been completed, and no unknown elements or viruses have been found, or on the other side, it can be said to be exactly the same as the earth."

"Is it exactly the same? I really don't know if it's good news or bad news. Is the inspection of the b-10 team finished."

"Yes, Minister, they just finished it three minutes ago, and they are still resting in the isolation room. Someone will soon ask them for information about the outside world."

"Arrange for someone to ask, I will listen later."

"Yes, Minister, I will go now."

The on-site commander saluted and turned and left.

Number One turned around and said to the support troops he had brought back: "You take a rest for a while and wait for orders, White, the same goes for you."


After giving the order, Number One turned around and walked to the isolation room where the b-10 team was located.

When I came to the door, what I wanted to see on the 1st was of course Captain Xingkong's report.

The starry sky at this time had already woken up from the fainting just now, and all the inspections were done when the starry sky fainted.

Now, inside is making inquiries about the starry sky which is still a little confused.

"Soldier, we have no way to find out why you fainted. Do you have any clues yourself."

Across the glass, the Foundation staff who came to collect the report asked.

But the starry sky still seems a bit dazed,

"I think we need to intervene in the psychological state of the starry sky." Next to No. 1, the on-site commander proposed.

Number One was thinking, and the starry sky seemed to have recovered.

"Wait, I have important information to report!" Xingkong suddenly got up and said with excitement.

"You can tell me anything, and I will be disciplined, soldier."

The recorder's peaceful voice seemed to have worked, and the starry sky quickly calmed down and sat back in the chair.

Slowly, Xingkong said solemnly: "Report, in my mind, a piece of unknown information suddenly appeared, according to its content, it is related to scp-082."

"What did you say." The pen in the recorder's hand paused.

The number one at the back couldn't help leaning forward.

"I suspect that the change occurred when I had just passed through scp-082 and arrived in the extraterrestrial world, when I experienced an inexplicable headache for the first time."

"I understand, then, what the information in your mind tells you." The recorder took down what Xingkong said and continued to ask.

"Scp-082, his name is Dimensional Gate, it is connected to many worlds, through a certain method, you can open it, close it, or connect to other worlds!"

"What method, who can use it."

"The method... is unknown. The information in my mind does not clearly tell me the method... As for the user, it should be me..."

"You mean... you can control scp-082."

"The voice in my head said so."

The report is still in progress, but the sudden intelligence has forced No.1 to intervene.

He who has been listening behind his back also suggested No.1.

One took the microphone and talked to the starry sky inside.

"Captain of the nine-tailed fox b-10 team, Xingkong, this is the head of the Neon Division, number one."

"Minister!" The starry sky that heard the number one stood up and saluted, as did the recorder on the opposite side.

"Are you sure that the information in your mind is completely accurate, Xingkong."

"Yes, Minister."

"Now, you will make a detailed report about scp-082 Dimensional Gate, and submit it to me tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Minister."

"Now, put this matter down first and continue to report on the intelligence of the extraterrestrial world. Go ahead."

Number One put down the call and came outside alone.

Immediately, Number One opened up the black connection,

"My lord, automatically select human beings to transmit information. If what the starry sky says is true, then the scp-082 portal, no, now it is the dimensional portal. Is it consciously affecting it?"

"The characteristics of the containment items are strange. Is there something that controls the mind of the starry sky through memes, or whether scp-082 is indeed the case, it is still open to question."

"Then, my lord, what should we do." One had no way of starting.

"You forgot, do you still have White."

"White, yes, my lord, I have forgotten a third-level reality bender. It's a mistake."

"Let White influence the starry sky and confirm the result. If scp-082 can really connect to various extraterrestrial worlds and can be opened under the control of the Foundation, then the value of scp-082 will be immeasurable."

"Yes, my lord."

Contact suspension,

"001, create a scp-082 file, graded, Anomalous (not graded yet)."

[Yes, host]