Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 290: What is the People (Part 1)

The young Baron Nash held his long sword in embarrassment,

For such a scene, he did not expect it. Originally, he thought that he could lead the people of these kingdoms and do his last part for the kingdom.

Unexpectedly, he was the only one willing to dedicate his life to the kingdom.

Only a dozen of his soldiers were willing to follow Baron Nash at the scene. Under the influence of Baron Nash, these soldiers were also people with the ideal of serving the country.

And more soldiers,

No one wants to sacrifice their lives for these nobles who usually do nothing but squeeze them, let alone the name of the illusory kingdom. Except when collecting taxes, these peasant soldiers have never heard of what the kingdom has done for them.

At this time,

The other two barons behind Baron Nash stepped forward.

Baron Nash thought they had changed their minds, after all, as aristocrats, there is always some bottom line.

Unexpectedly, Baron Nash overestimated them.

These two people have no bottom line at all.

The two of them stood on the ruins and shouted to the soldiers below: "The soldiers of the kingdom, the frontier of Ulovana and His Royal Highness Zanak, the second prince, have all died in battle.

Unfortunately, we can no longer continue this war. If anyone wants to quit, I promise, I will never stop it, all right, soldiers! Go back to your home! "

The shouts of the two barons also made the soldiers hesitate and dare not act.

However, when they saw that they had finished speaking, the two barons got on their horses directly, followed by their soldiers, facing the direction they had come.

They started to move consciously, and kept rubbing the hands holding the weapon.

"Soldiers! Let's go home!" The two barons left the last words, and they left the camp without hesitation.

Such actions are the most direct signal to these soldiers.

So there is no suspense,

Within an hour, the camp of the kingdom's army became empty.

The ground is full of flags and **** lying on the ground.

On the way Zongma left, one of the barons was still a little worried about their actions, fearing that the king would punish them.

"If we do this, will we be sent to the gallows for treason?" He looked worriedly at the lanky baron who was also galloping aside.

"We are here to protect the vitality of the kingdom, to ensure that one day we can counterattack, why treason." Although this reason is lame, it has to be said that it is indeed useful.

After speaking, the lanky baron muttered to himself in a low voice: "Moreover, after this war, does the kingdom really have the energy to deal with us."

"what did you say."

"No, nothing, I thought of some other things."

After the perfunctory past, the two did not talk any more, and swiftly galloped away surrounded by the guard cavalry.

That's right, the lanky baron saw something, and this was the main reason why he decided to leave without hesitating the future and reputation of his nobleman.

He saw the attack last night. It was an attack from a distant high ground. It was a magical attack at a distance that he knew and could not believe in his life. Such a person is definitely not something they can deal with.

In this case, escape is the only option.

Moreover, he didn't tell the other two people, he didn't know what kind of psychology it was out of, but he just suddenly felt that he couldn't speak out.

Is it fear? The lanky baron didn't know, he had never felt this kind of palpitations.


Kingdom camp that has become a real ruin,

Baron Nash sat decadently on the ruins, surrounded by a dozen of his own soldiers, all bowing their heads speechless.

"My lord, I don't think we can give up. Even if we are alone, we can contribute to the kingdom."

The words of his men pulled Baron Nash out of his depression.

"Is there any way."

"My lord, we can sneak into Water City and collect the enemy's intelligence. Since the kingdom knows nothing about the enemy, then we will be the ones who removed the masks of those shameless people!"

"Yes, sir, let's do this!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Baron Nash was reminded by these words, yes, even if he is alone, he can still do something for the kingdom.

"Just do what you said, let's go to Water City! First, we need to change our clothes."

Baron Nash's armor had been lost in the chaos of last night, and now the noble costumes he wore were too conspicuous. They needed to find civilian clothes before they could get in.

Unfortunately, their actions are doomed to failure before they even begin.

"Command team, this is the C-5 detection team. The situation at the scene has been reported back."

In the woods in the distance, a lens of a Foundation team clearly shows the situation of the kingdom's army.

"The command team received."

Behind the bushes, the C-5 team leader and a member of the side held a binoculars respectively, observing the actions of the remaining dozen people in the Kingdom Army.

"Captain, what are they looking for." The team members witnessed the collapse of thousands of kingdoms' armies all the way, and now the only a dozen people left are rummaging everywhere in the camp.

"One possibility is to search for the remaining valuables and then to evacuate; the second is to go to Water City." The captain's telescope shows the same scene, and he has his own guesses about it.

"Water City, just relying on them?" The team members said they were unbelievable.

"If they still have the heart to continue the mission, Water City is their only choice. They can do secret destruction and collect intelligence."

"Seeing the situation before, I can't believe that they have such a belief."

"There are so many people, there will always be some people like this, with ideals in mind, not afraid of fear, if they choose Water City, I admire such people."

That is to say, the beliefs are different, otherwise, what the foundation needs is such a person.

"The captain, do we need to report."

"They haven't confirmed their purpose yet, continue to monitor, and then report after confirmation."

"Yes, Captain."

The actions of Baron Nash did not surprise the C-5 team.

All of them changed into ordinary crude civilian cloths.

Wearing such clothes at the beginning made Baron Nash very uncomfortable. He kept pulling on the clothes, shaking his shoulders back and forth, trying to relieve the uncomfortable feeling of wearing this kind of clothes.

Even the brand-new civilian clothes were not as good as his tattered aristocratic clothes.

But in the end, Baron Nash relied on his firm belief in the kingdom and endured such clothes.

"Go! Goal: Water City!"

With a wave of his hand, Baron Nash took a dozen of his personal soldiers and continued on the path that tens of thousands of troops had not completed before.