Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 297: origin

scp-082 was originally only the size of a standard wooden door, but now in front of White, it is a huge space that is more than five meters high and can accommodate dozens of people at the same time.

In the center of scp-082 whirlpool, Foundation personnel and equipment are constantly coming in and out.

Transporting supplies and equipment to scp-082-1.

"That's it, Mr. White, good luck to you."

Zhongzheng sent White to the edge of scp-082 to provide a passage for people to enter and exit.

"Thanks, bye."

No more stays.

White raised his foot and stepped into scp-082.


That long-lost magical feeling strikes again,

White traveled through the world again,

Back in the earth.

If you really want to count it, it seems that the time that White spent in scp-082-1 ​​was actually longer than that of the earth.

In this regard, White couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

White's eyes became clearer,

A figure first appeared in front of him,

Seems to have been waiting for him here for a long time.

"Welcome back, Mr. White."

White followed the voice and looked over.

She is a Japanese woman in a capable suit. She is not tall and looks too thin.

"Hello there......"

White stepped forward and greeted him proactively.

"Hello, Mr. White, call me Reiko Oda, just like Reiko, I am responsible for welcoming you to stop 06." Reiko bowed.

"It shouldn't be too late..."

"We will set off now, Mr. White."

"no problem."

Without much words, Reiko took White and walked out.

At this time, White began to carefully observe the environment of SCP-082.

The original cabin has been expanded into a large shrine building, even if the enlarged scp-082 is placed in it, it will not appear crowded.

The surrounding area of ​​scp-082 is much lower-key than that of scp-082-1.

After all, here, the Foundation still has a lot of restrictions.

White followed Reiko out,

The entire shrine has also undergone earth-shaking changes,

At a glance, the footprint alone has more than doubled.

But what is different from the situation inside is that there are almost no Foundation personnel actions here, as if it were a normal shrine.

It seems that the Foundation's facilities and passages are elsewhere.

White is also used to this.

"This is an asset of the Foundation. A functioning shrine will become a cover for scp-082, but in fact, no outsiders will approach the shrine."

Reiko briefly introduced this asset before.

"Mr. White, the publicity here is an acquisition by Origin Group. At the same time, you have been given an identity in Origin Group. Next, you will act in that identity."

"What identity."

"Here, Mr. White." Reiko handed out a business card.

"The specific identification information should have been transmitted to you via the Internet."

"Okay, I'll see it later, there is another question, Origin Group, can you introduce it to me."

The two chatted all the way to the long stairs of the shrine.

While walking down, Reiko introduced,

"Origin Group, a giant rabbit country that has recently emerged, has its business scope covering entertainment, film and television, daily necessities, and machine manufacturing. It currently ranks tenth in the world.

Origin Group has recently begun to seek transnational development, and Neon is his first goal. "

What Reiko is talking about is the origin group that most people know in this world.

"In fact, the actual controller of the Origin Group is the scp foundation, which is responsible for secretly conducting a large number of weapons and various other experiments."

"Probably understand."

"Then let's go, Mr. White."

Reiko stood beside a black car and opened one side of the car door.


"Someone is nearby, not from the Foundation."

On the car about to drive down the mountain road,

White said suddenly.

In the grass not far away,

There are indeed a few dark figures, holding devices such as cameras, quietly squatting there.

"Don't you need to deal with them."

White watched the car go straight through the people hiding in the grass, and said to Reiko in the driver's seat.

"It's the people of the bureau, they are still skeptical about the shrine. This is normal, and we can't avoid such things."

"Could it be that the Foundation has any countermeasures so that even if they find scp_082, they will come home?"

"Sorry, I don't know about this either, Mr. White, you can try to check with your own authority."

"This is unnecessary, I just heard about 13 subjects, and I was a little curious about them."

"It's a coincidence, Mr. White, soon, you will be able to meet people in the 13th subject."

"Oh, isn't it? It's really exciting."

White cocked his legs and looked at the long-lost town scenery outside the window.


Foundation Neon Division,

Site 06,

As one of the most important sites of the Foundation in Neon,

Not only does it contain dangerous difficult-level containment objects, but also scp-007 shy people, it is also the command and coordination center of the Foundation in this area.

Previously, No.1 received black here, which made the security level here reach an unprecedented height.

Then, just after the security level returned to normal,

Another person’s arrival made Site 06’s supervisor, Kazama Ryozo, directly alarmed Number 1.

With a brand new order from No. 1, Site 06 has once again raised its security level.

Wait for the situation to end.

"Scp-007 is there any abnormal situation today." Kazama Ryozo is conducting daily inspections.

"No problem, supervisor."

Researchers in white coats checked the data in their hands once again. All the data were within the normal range and reported to Kazama Ryosanhui.

They are separated by a special glass underneath, which is the containment procedure of scp-007.

scp-007 is contained in an airtight steel container with a length of 5 meters in length, width and height. The room where the steel container is placed is also a huge confined space with only a few permitted Foundation employees. Maintaining the normal operation of the containment facility.

"But, supervisor, we simulated the actions of scp-007 and found some strange things. We hope we can obtain permission for further research."

"With this level of research, there is no problem. Pay attention to containment matters."

"Yes, Director Kazama, there will be no problem."

"Supervisor... the guest hopes to meet you. He is in the second reception room." A message came from the earphones in Kazama Ryozo's ear.

"I see, let him later."

Kazama Ryozo made a gesture to continue working, and then left the SCP-007 containment facility and went to the second reception room.

"Supervisor, he is inside, without any suspicious movements."

At the entrance of the No. 2 reception room, the guard saluted Kazama Ryozo.


Kazama Ryozo nodded, expressing understanding, and then opened the door and entered the second reception room.