Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 307: Man-made accident

A few days later, White finally came to the Cleveland consortium, the Cleveland area.

From the name of this area, we can also know how long the Cleveland family has been working in this area.

It can be said that here, the Cleveland family is the **** of all people.

And the most central city is the big city still named Cleveland.

Nearly 70% of the GDP of the entire Cleveland region comes from Cleveland.

White entered this city alone, which was not very vibrant at first glance.

The tactical response team that Black had promised was also in the city.

Now, White’s first thing is to get in touch with this team and take over their command.

He stopped a taxi casually, and White was driving on the road in Cleveland, an industrial city that had fallen far too much compared to its most glorious moment.

This of course reflects the decline in the status and strength of the Cleveland consortium from the side.

For the Foundation, it is just a more controllable piece.

All the way to one of the industrial areas in the city,

White got out of the car and walked into a factory that was still in operation.

"Stop, who are you!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, White was stopped by the security guard in the security booth.

The security guard was very rude. While drinking White, he took out a baton.

White didn't say anything, and took the initiative to approach the security guard, revealing his wrist.

Above the wrist is a tactical watch owned by every Foundation employee.

To facilitate foundation staff to perform tasks.


The security guard also showed his wrist after seeing White revealing the watch on his wrist.

I scanned White’s watch.

After confirming, the security's attitude relaxed: "Please come in, sir."

Afterwards, White was able to see the true face of the factory, and at a glance, it was no different from an ordinary factory.

In fact, it is no different.

The Foundation does not set up observation points or safe houses here.

Here is a property of the Cross Alliance, nothing more.

White observed the layout of the factory, walked through the front of the factory, and found a warehouse.

The door was just concealed,

However, if someone wants to approach silently, it is absolutely impossible.

Because, White saw the alarm device in front of the warehouse at a glance, as well as cameras in at least three directions.

White revealed the watch on his wrist as usual, and then walked into the warehouse door openly.

A tactical response team that was temporarily recruited has been waiting here for a long time.

The number of them is a standard ten-man team, and on the big table in the middle of the warehouse, various weapons and tactical equipment are placed.

And, when White came in, they had already assembled and stood in an orderly manner.

"Sir! The tactical response team k-31 team obeys your command!"

The team leader shouted loudly to White.

"Hello, I am the commander of your containment operation, Level 3 reality bender, White, I hope you can fully implement my orders and successfully complete this containment operation!"

"Yes! Sir!"

"Captain, have you already learned about the containment target this time."

"No, sir! We have received an order to unlock the scp-079 file with your authorization! At the same time, we will accept Class B amnestics after the operation is over!"

The captain told White the entire order they had received.

"No problem, you continue to be stationed here, and I will give you permission. During this time, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of scp-079 and rehearse the action plan by yourself."

"Sir, I don't know when to start the operation."

White pondered for a moment: "Three days, after three days, all our support will be in place, and you must be prepared by then!"

"Understood! Sir!"

"OK, disband!"


Successfully took over the k-31 team,

After walking out of the factory’s warehouse,

White raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was still early enough for him to go to the Cleveland Consortium.

This time, there is no need for White to stop the car on the side of the road. A car has already been prepared for White in the factory.

The license plate of this car is special in the eyes of some people. It can prevent White from being stopped by some boring things and wasting time.

White got in the car and kicked the accelerator and drove out of the factory.


The vehicle entered the city center of Cleveland,

White drove smoothly through the busy streets.

When White drove past a red street light, an accident happened suddenly!

To the left of White, a car rushed through the red light.

At the same time, a harsh brake sounded,

The car left a long black mark on the road.

accident? Car accident?

White's complexion was calm, his mind was running fast,

Looking at the driver's seat of the car on the left, the special glass makes it impossible to see what's inside.

However, White is not an ordinary person. He casually used a little ability to distort reality, and White saw the situation in the car.

The driver also looked calm, staring closely at White's car.

It seems that it is not an ordinary accident.

White's face became serious.

The other party stepped on the brakes, indicating that this was not an assassination. Is there another purpose?

Thinking of this, White didn't take any extra action. He stepped on the brakes normally, just watching the car crash.


The two cars collided together without accident.

However, due to the timely braking, the damage of the two cars was not particularly serious.

White got out of the car indifferently, and the person in the other car got out of the car at the same time, but with a panic expression.

"No, I'm very sorry! If we can, can we solve it privately! Sir, I will definitely give you appropriate compensation!"

White, without showing his attitude, watched this man's performance quietly.

"However, I am just a driver. This matter may need to be handled by my boss himself. My boss will be here soon. I don't know if you can wait for a while. I can contact someone from the towing company now!"

In the end, this person kept saying what he had prepared.

Then, waiting nervously for White's answer.

"No need, I'm in a hurry." White coldly rejected the person in front of him.

But this person hasn't given up yet,

"Then this way, sir! May I leave you a contact number. In this case, it is convenient for us to discuss some compensation issues!"

This time, White did not refuse, nodded, and handed his business card up. He wanted to know who was doing it.

"I'm in a hurry, I'll leave it to you to deal with the police."

They did not call the police, but passers-by had already called the police. After all, their two cars paralyzed half of the traffic on this road.

After speaking, White got into the car and left the scene.