Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 357: Call from another dimension

The three began to step down, and every thirteen steps, there was a semicircular platform for people to stand on.

Missia looked down through the edge of the stairs, and there was only an invisible darkness in front of her.

Coupled with this dim environment, it has to be said that such a depressed environment can easily cause psychological problems.

Step, step, step,

In a not-so-empty space, there are no windows, only the faint light of a flashlight.

And the footsteps of the three of the Horizon Team echoed.

In the first hour, they still remembered how many levels they had walked.

In addition to a flashlight, Di Luke held a portable depth gauge.

Due to caution, they are now only located at a depth of 223 meters underground.

The communication expired half an hour ago.

Before the expiration, no accident occurred, and Wangchuan did not issue a new order.

So they are still going down the stairs normally and boringly.

At the same time, although the three people in the Horizon Team are still in good spirits.

But anxiety has quietly begun to appear.

"Is it only an hour?" Misia complained.

Their descending speed is too slow, so the more obvious time passes slowly.

"Patience, keep patience, once we find that our psychological condition has ups and downs, we stop and rest."

Di Luke soothed.

Violet also continued: "Yes, we don't lack time here, the only thing we have to worry about is ourselves."


Two hours, three hours,

Until one day, two days,

Three days later, the Horizon Team took a break for the first time.

At this time, they didn't know how deep they had penetrated.

The number displayed by the portable depth measuring instrument in his hand has been displayed in four digits, but Di Luke can be sure that this instrument is no longer accurate.

They just sat on the semicircular platform, leaning against the wall.

"I am about to lose the concept of time." Violet described his situation.

Yes, since the depth gauge is not trustworthy, it also means that the watch in their hands is not trustworthy anymore.

Di Luke and Missia leaned on the other side, closing their eyes to rest.

Missia, who complained first, was in the worst condition at this time. He closed his eyes and said: "I didn't expect that it would be such a torment to stay here. I would rather go to a fight with Hydra."

Di Luke constantly boosted his spirit through various psychological cues, so he was in the best condition of the three at the moment.

Suddenly, the flashlight in Di Luke's hand flickered a few times and finally went dark.

Di Luke didn't accidentally throw away the dead flashlight and took out another one from his bag.

"In another five hours, it's time to go to bed again. Seriously, I think I must have a psychiatrist to explore." Misia said weakly.

"If the psychologist is not the first to go crazy. After all, as the saying goes, doctors can't heal themselves." Violet didn't have any hope of the effect of this.

"Violet, you have been affected by the dim environment, and negative thoughts are not conducive to our next exploration." Di Luke reminded in time.

"You are right, let us do something that can lift our spirits."

"such as?"

"I brought a picture of poker."

"In such darkness."

"Then what do you think about bringing a game console next time."

Phew, the three of them chatted one after another, hoping to dissipate the dark atmosphere.

After talking for more than ten minutes, Di Luke said: "I am worried that we have not yet encountered the voice mentioned in the intelligence."

"It stands to reason that we are already close to the extreme depth explored by the previous team."

"And their bodies, although there are some obvious human traces, but that's all." Violet also didn't understand.

"Maybe there is something unknown here."

"But we can't always be vigilant!" Misia said.

"We just need to maintain a minimum of energy, let's go."


This time, the three of them hadn't had much time to descend the stairs, probably just ten minutes.

They saw what they talked about before.

When Dick's flashlight shone on the platform below them, several corpses suddenly appeared in front of them.

Misia moved the fastest, jumping down the stairs in two or three steps and came to the dead team member.

"Watch out! Violet!"


Violet immediately became alert, using a flashlight to shine back and forth in the narrow stairs.

Afterwards, Di Luke also walked to the corpse.

Misia, who had already checked the corpse initially, said: "There was no obvious trauma. The body was in a sub-healthy state before death. He died of great pain, but the cause of death is temporarily unknown. And everyone's symptoms are exactly the same."

Di Luke also checked afterwards, and did not see anything more than Missia.

So Dillock stood up and shook his head, "Now that we lack equipment, it is already the limit. Collect the materials that can still be used, and we continue to go deeper."

"Yes." Misia immediately got busy.

Di Luke was not in a daze either, and together with Violet began to watch the surroundings.

"From now on, we may be attacked at any time."


ten minutes later,

Missia quickly collected all the supplies, although the quantity was small, but it was still a little supply.

Next, no more time wasted,

The Horizon Team hit the road again.

However, the intended attack did not happen immediately.

In the next few days, they continued to descend in a dim environment.

And once again encountered a dead UIU agent team.

However, it was obvious that the downward speed of the Horizon Team was getting slower and slower.

Compared with the initial speed, it has dropped by more than half.

"Our current depth is..."

Di Luke picked up the depth gauge again, and the number displayed on it was six kilometers underground.

In such a deep underground, there was still no change in the composition of the air, and Dill took a deep breath.

Moreover, there is no change in their surroundings from the beginning.

"I suspect that this staircase has no end. Go back, Captain." Misia's mental state is even worse.

It will be supported by drugs soon.

"Although the current depth may not be accurate, I am willing to believe that we have gone so deep."

"So, do you want to continue." Violet also saw the numbers on the instrument.

"We haven't encountered that sound yet, and, where we are, the depth of the earth's crust is 23 kilometers, and we have already walked a third."

Di Luke analyzed the current situation and also showed that he did not want to give up.

But after seeing the state of Misia, Di Luke gritted his teeth and said: "Retreat! Bring the existing intelligence back."