Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 37: Chasing and Fleeing in the Mountains (En

"This is the first advance team. Repeat, here is the first advance team. No target was found in the No. 4 area in the 30 direction. Repeat, no target was found in the No. 4 area in the 30 direction. Over."

"Received, move on."


People come and go here, and they are too busy to gather all kinds of information.

"The No. 4 area in the 30 direction is classified as the green area."



"Yawn, I said, our life is too boring."

"That is, does it take such a big fight to catch a terrorist."

"How many days have been in this ghost place. It's all mosquitoes."

The two soldiers in uniform of the Self-Defense Forces groaned boredly. Looking around, their state is by no means an exception. The morale of everyone is not very high, but it is no wonder that ordinary soldiers just take their wages as a job, and have no consciousness of working hard.

As night fell gradually, just when everyone thought they could go back to rest, suddenly the alarm sounded at the camp, and the beep, beep, beep, forcibly lift everyone's spirits.


Within a few minutes, all the Self-Defense Forces here were assembled.

"Our action has begun, in that direction, a carpet search, we can't let go of a living thing! Let's go!"

"Yes!" At least you can go back after completing the task, which is what most people think.

And this happened in every camp. All the troops were mobilized for a while, and the net became tightly closed within a few minutes and was rapidly shrinking.

Linggo Zuoren looked at the strategic map spread out on the table, calmly waiting for the news from the front line, motionless.

at this time,

Night fell completely,

A line of ten Self-Defense Forces is advancing slowly in the dark, a little bit of wind and grass may make them nervous, and point their guns over.

The light of the flashlight is not enough to illuminate the surroundings, and it is even more depressed behind this dark jungle, and Master Huiye is not too strong. The moon tonight is blocked by the clouds, making it even more dim on the ground.

These ten people advanced in a standard line. The two looked at the rear to prevent a sneak attack. It can be said that they took into account all-round defense, but they, forgot, overhead.

Shadow Fox has already let the two teams go, and the interval between each team is about ten minutes, but there will be more people around behind.

Take a look at the time, ten o'clock, just the right time.

Seeing the right time, Shadow Fox jumped down from the branch, kicked in the air directly to faint and observe the last person behind. When the penultimate person was still in a daze, Shadow Fox immediately squatted down and took out the one who was still in a daze. Soldier with pistol in thigh.

Then, raising the gun to his head, it was a shot, and he took his assault rifle in his hand. The Shadow Fox had already stood up, and began to output stably toward the front without mercy, and the flame of the muzzle continued to illuminate the darkness.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, this team did not know what happened, so they were destroyed by the regiment.

Looking at the fallen corpse in front of him, Shadow Fox fired a shot at the soldier who had been kicked out of his feet, headshot directly, and then began to quickly collect their weapons and ammunition, equipped themselves, and disappeared into the darkness.

There is no doubt that the gunshots here attracted everyone, and within a minute, the place where the group was killed was surrounded by at least three groups of people, and the lights shone on the area.

"All killed!"

"How many of them are there!"

"Where did they go!"

The Self-Defense Forces here are like headless flies and don't know what to do.

"With this as the center of the circle, spread the search!" Finally, someone gave the order, it was a second lieutenant, and everyone started to take action.


After everyone had walked a certain distance, the second lieutenant exhaled and waited here for the next reinforcements. Be safe. I don't want to go out and die.

The ensign lit a cigarette and smoked it on the spot. By the way, stay away from the dead, too unlucky...

The thoughts in the poor Lieutenant’s heart hadn’t been finished yet, and the smoke in his mouth fell uncontrollably. How did it feel that my head was a bit cold, and the blood gradually left behind, blurring the Lieutenant’s eyes, and the Lieutenant realized something I wanted to lift my foot, but found that I couldn't do it, so I could only kneel on the ground and lost consciousness.

"Bang!" The Self-Defense Force, who had just walked out, heard it, and another gunshot came from behind.

"Damn it, you got fooled. Behind, go back quickly, quickly!"

As soon as the soldiers returned to the spot, they found the ensign's body.

"Damn, gather the body of the ensign and wait for the instructions above!"

"Yes!" It would be best to stay in the safest way. The soldiers didn't want to meet such an enemy at all.

However, just as the two were going to gather the ensign's body, there was a clear voice accompanying the movement of the ensign's body. They were very familiar with such a voice, the grenade's pull ring!

"There are grenade! Get down!"

But it was too late. The huge explosion of "Boom" sounded immediately after the voice, and the two unethical people who were bombed died on the spot.

"What are we fighting with!"

Just when everyone hadn't recovered from the shock of the explosion, the gunshots representing death sounded again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three consecutive shots, the bullets quickly passed the gap between the trees, and accurately completed his mission.

Three people fell again without warning.

"There! Fire! Fire!"

For a time, gunshots rang across the night sky, and flames from the muzzle appeared in the darkness, firing continuously in one direction.

The shooting lasted a full minute.

"The reinforcements haven't come yet!" a sergeant shouted loudly.

However, the next moment, he became the next person to fall, and lost the breath of life. This time, no one even saw the flame of that person's muzzle.

"Reaper, he is a Reaper!"

"Run!" The morale of this group of Self-Defense Forces finally collapsed, and they began to escape disorderly.

"Stupid choice." The shadow fox's eyes flashed with cold light in the dark, and he began to call his name one by one, leaving more than a dozen corpses here.

"Such movement is big enough, right." Shadow Fox looked in the direction of the team.

"No, it's not enough." Shadow Fox himself denied himself, and after replenishing the ammunition, he disappeared into the darkness again.

Ten minutes later, more troops flocked to this place, and troops from other directions began to shift in this direction.

The helicopter also arrived. A huge beam of light illuminates the entire area. Below are groups of Self-Defense Forces diverging to search. Almost all the troops in this direction are here.

It was still here where the terrorists first appeared, and more people gathered. A small group of people moved forward cautiously at this time, even taking care of the top of their heads.

However, this time, I forgot to hear the familiar crisp sound under my feet.
