Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 409: Assassinate

"Damn it, if it weren't for restricted weapons and equipment!" The guard commander stood on the armored vehicle and slammed the body.

Today is the inauguration of the president. Of course, they cannot attack the demonstrators with tear gas, otherwise it will immediately become a national violation of democracy.

The epaulettes on the shoulders are light, and the military court must be visited.

"Call the reserve team!" Seeing that the people here were about to be overwhelmed, the guard commander had to mobilize the reserve team on standby according to the plan.

"Yes, sir!"

Soon, a National Guard appeared in the underground garage of a building not far from the White House.

They were photographed in two rows, everyone holding explosion-proof shields.


Under the command of the commander, with neat footsteps, this force joined the line of defense.

The addition of the new force made the pressure on the National Guard drastically reduced, and the demonstrators were gradually suppressed.

Although these demonstrators did not use self-made incendiary weapons in a restrained manner, the conflicts at the scene were still fierce.

They punched and kicked their shields, spitting fragrance.


"Sir, we may have to change our route."

Nathan, who had just finished his speech, heard the secretary whisper in his ear.

"what happened."

"There are demonstrators attacking the National Guard's line of defense. It may be the group of Democrats."

"Does it have to be a detour."

The detour is not just a simple decision, Nathan must consider it completely.

"Well... the demonstrators do not have weapons such as incendiary bombs, and the guards have suppressed them now, if you insist..."

Nathan was silent for a moment: "Follow the original route to the gym."

"Yes, sir."


Five minutes later, the convoy set off on time,

Nathan entered the middle car under the **** of the agent.

Subsequently, a group of vehicles in front of the White House started at the same time and drove off the side of the road.

In a building near the White House, a white man who has been staring in the direction of the White House looked at the passing vehicles and whispered: "The target has not changed its course."

"The president has not changed course."

"Understood, close the team and move closer to area a!"

The Hydra Commander put away the sniper rifle and quickly disassembled it and packed it in a box.

Hydra made two-handed preparations and arranged a breakup on both routes, so it was not worried that the assassination would fail.

Now he needs to lead his men to the end of this ceremony and make the last insurance.

It took less than a minute to lift the suitcase, and Commander Hydra stood up.

But the moment he put his hand on the headset, he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Intuition made him step aside immediately.

Sure enough, in the next second, a bullet hit his original position.

If he didn't evade, the shot would penetrate his abdomen directly.

There are enemies! Is it the FBI!

While making this judgment, Commander Hydra quickly prepared to notify his men.

But on the other side of the headset, there was only a sizzling electric sound.

"Dead? No, it should be blocked."

Commander Hydra gave up immediately, and pulled out his pistol instead.

The attack just now came from the opposite building, as long as you bend down and reach the living room...

As he was planning, the sound of breaking through the door rang in his ears.


The Hydra commander responded quickly, reaching out and firing several shots.

But what he saw next made him shocked.

The group of people who rushed in were fully armed, wearing FBI armbands.

But the problem is that their bullets can't penetrate the body armor worn by these people at all, and can't even repel them. Obviously it is such a thin body armor.

how can that be! There is no such bulletproof vest in this world!

His shock also ends here.

The group of people who rushed in were not only well equipped, but also extremely precise in their marksmanship. Just now Commander Hydra showed only a little hand, and a bullet penetrated his palm.

The piercing pain spread all over the body in an instant, but his good qualities made him hold back not screaming, instead, he changed his hand for the first time and wanted to get his pistol back.

It's a pity that this is just a delusion of his. The next moment a foot is enlarged in front of his eyes, and then the eyes go dark and he loses consciousness.

"The target is successfully subdued." After the leader of the team reported to the top, he turned his head and said to the team member who had just received the shot: "No problem, right."

"It's just a bit painful, it doesn't get in the way." The team member shook his head, his abdomen may have turned blue, but it was a trivial matter.

"Take this guy back to the site."

"I don't think this kind of person can open his mouth. I hope he can survive the forced brainwashing."


At the same time, on the streets that the president must pass, there is a sea of ​​people,

A group of people in plain clothes are also searching for the killer of Hydra.

"The goal is 12:100 away, red sweater, black mask."

"Goal confirmation, come on!"

Quietly, the hydra killer who was still waiting was surrounded by several plainclothes.

Then the thunder could not hide the ears and steal the bell. When one passed behind the target, he quickly pulled out a stun gun and leaned behind him.

The Hydra Killer hadn't made any response before he fell to the ground trembling, his body still twitching constantly.

This situation shocked the passers-by, but after showing the FBI ID, he quickly returned to calm.

Such things happened almost at the same time in various places on the line.

In only ten minutes, all the killers of the Hydra were subdued.

"A total of 30 Hydra killers, all successfully controlled."

"Interrogate them and find the black hand behind the scenes!"

Hydra's assassination plan failed completely before it even started.

At this time, Seymour didn't even know anything about it, and he still didn't realize the coming danger.

He was still on the grass of the White House, casually attending the party organized by the host, but most of his thoughts were patiently waiting for the chaotic sound to sound over there.

However, as time passed slowly, there was no confusion, and Seymour's hand holding the red wine glass gradually became unstable. What happened? Has it been discovered?

He couldn't help but think.

Continued to wait for as long as five minutes, these five minutes can be described as seconds for Seymour.

Finally, at a certain moment, the gunfire rang out!

The continuous gunfire resounded across the sky in Washington, did you succeed!

Seymour was calm on the surface, but very active in his heart.

But why hasn't news from my subordinates...

Seymour didn't know what was going on now, it felt bad.

"Sorry, ma'am, I may have to leave first."

"Of course, Mr. Seymour, do it yourself."