Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 455: Eagle country political affairs

"You do your best. Another problem is that there is still Hawaii." Jonas's meaning is obvious. As an overseas territory of Eagle Nation, it is more difficult to control there.

"At the worst, I can also directly transfer the person in charge there and send someone of my own. It will always help."

Of course, it is also possible to send a person of his own to die, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and it is not surprising that the traitors do anything.

But Leonhard can only do this.

"Who is it? I stretched my hand so deep. Recently, I always feel that I'm surrounded by spies from the other side, and I don't feel at ease every day." Leonhard took out a cigarette and smoked it.

"Have you read the report that Viani submitted."

"Well, Cross League and Artison, right, but they are just a group of businessmen, can they really do this kind of thing."

Leonhard took a puff of flue.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I don't believe you haven't checked the Cross League and Artison, how about it, have you found out what the result is."

Leonhard tilted his head and said nothing, meaning that he had not found any useful information.

"It's the same here for me, how could an ordinary businessman have such ability."

"The problem is that they are the sponsors of the new president. I don't dare to move them anymore. Once my dear Mr. President and the FBI are torn apart, it's not good."

For an instant, this issue fell into a dead end. After all, they were still a politician, and they couldn't do things that were too ruined.

Jonas and Leonhard did not continue to struggle with this issue for too long,

Forget it, just watch the changes,

"Ahem, put this question aside, let's talk about UIU, the director and deputy director are dead, they are also behind the terrorist attacks in Washington, I think UIU should be disbanded."

Leonhard dissolves a department within his organization, and no one can say anything, although only in name.

"Have you thought about an alternative." Jonas did not show any opposition.

"Well, re-establish an exception control center within the FBI."

This time, unlike before, Leonhard intends to establish an anomaly control department completely under his control.

"On the CIA's side, they have been showing their desire to get in for a long time. If UIU is disbanded, it will inevitably become an opportunity for them."

Jonas reminded.

"The CIA guys, it's okay to engage ordinary people, let them deal with abnormalities, who can rest assured, don't worry, with your help, it is not difficult to suppress the CIA."

"You are too optimistic, the president, do you think he will support you."

Leonhard was too anxious to personally control the anomaly, and Jonas couldn't help but worry about the problem.

"Does he know what anomalies are? There is a president who cares about these supernatural things. Just managing this country is enough for him."

Leonhard's is not unreasonable, but Jonas still feels too aggressive.

"If the president objects, it is impossible for you to receive UIU's abnormal control resources and form a new department. At that time, you may be caught."

"Then what do you think I need to do." Leonhard narrowed his eyes.

"I suggest you talk to the president first. It is important to understand the president's attitude."

"What you said makes sense, I still have something to do, don't bother."

After receiving Jonas’s advice, Leonhard stood up directly, walked out of the office of the national security department, and left the Pentagon.

"Huh." Jonas sighed, and Leonhard didn't care about what he said.

After all, in the final analysis, he and he are in a competitive relationship. Since the proposal of the national security department, his authority has been divided by the FBI and the CIA, and it has almost been reduced to a semi-peripheral organization.

It was Jonas's coming to power that led the national security department back to the center of Eagle State politics.

Although he tried his best to act as an unambitious person in front of Leonhard, I am afraid that Leonhard was still suspicious of him.

Jingle bell!

Not long after Leonhard left, the phone in Jonas’s office rang.

Jonas answered the phone.

"Minister Jonas, all of UIU's assets in Washington, DC have been fully investigated."


"Minister, when will we be dispatched."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, the time has not yet arrived."


While the situation in Eagle Country is still chaotic,

Xizhou, which is separated by an ocean, is also not very peaceful.

St. Mary's Basilica of the Holy See,

This is one of the three most sacred cathedrals of the Holy See. The clergy who serve here are all people with the most pious beliefs.

Ordinary people who come to worship are usually only able to reach the one-tenth of the front end of St. Mary's Basilica, and almost no one has ever entered afterwards.

Where they can't see, the nuns of the Holy See and a large number of knights are undergoing daily training.

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the current Holy See still possesses such a large-scale armed force.

"Master Louis." A knight bowed to an old man in a red robe and handed an envelope.

After the knight retreated, four bishops in white gathered around the cardinal.

After reading the letter, Bishop Louis received it without wrinkling.

Before the bishops in white clothes had time to look at them, they heard Bishop Louis say: "Notify the knights and paladins of the court, and all the bishops in white to go to the temple to discuss matters."

"Yes, Lord Bishop."


Half an hour later,

Two knights in ordinary clothes and seven bishops in white gathered in the temple, waiting quietly.

Before long, Bishop Louis appeared.

"Everyone, the trial knight Agnes died with a bishop in white." Louis's voice was grieved and said to everyone.

"Under the Lord's blessing, it may not be a good thing for them to ascend to heaven and stay away from the world."

The paladin did not express much emotion about this, just a very official way.

This caused dissatisfaction with the chief judge,

"It is Agnes' greatest honor to contribute to the Lord, but we still have to mourn his merits and honours. Agnes is the most promising one of the trial knights and deserves a formal ceremony."

The remaining bishops in white are more interested in the dead bishop.

The group discussed it for a long time before Louis suppressed their voices.

"I listen to your wishes, but first and foremost, we need to know who killed our pious companion."

"Is there no explanation in the letter?" a bishop in white asked.

Louis shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the glory of the Holy See has not yet shined on Hawaii, the trial of the knight commander, this matter is up to you, find the murderer, and punish him with God's will!"

"In the name of the Lord, my lord."

The trial knight commander stroked his chest and made a chivalry salute.