Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 461: Forward monster

"What did the Self-Defense Force say."

"Lu Zi has dispatched the nearest division level to blockade the monster's forward path. Sora Zi is still coordinating."

Kashima Kurosuke frowned when he heard the news of Sora, but from the standpoint of the Countermeasures Bureau, they really did not urge them for their rights.

"To contact the Cabinet, I want to speak with the Prime Minister in person."

Kashima Kurosuke turned to the secretary.

Afterwards, Kashima Kurosuke bowed slightly to Hu Damin and left the command room temporarily.

"Whether this is a godsend or a splinter, it's very interesting."

Hu Damin nodded and thought.

And this time, he decided to let the alien control group play the role of bystanders, including Yingtian Academy, and Hu Damin would not let them take action.

Hu Damin needs to see what role the Xenodrome Administration and the scp foundation will play in this incident.

Hu Damin is looking forward to the next development, the variables will bring opportunities, it is time to change the situation.


The mountainous area in northern Kyoto,

The Erke led by Suzuo Zuoren first rushed to the front line by helicopter.

In order to catch up with the monster to understand the situation on the front line in real time, Suzugo Zuoren adopted the method of moving the headquarters, and got into the car as soon as he landed, keeping a safe distance of two kilometers from the monster.

However, when facing the huge monster in front of him, even Suzugozuo made a difficult time.

How can such a huge monster stop him from advancing?

Suzugosakuto is thinking about countermeasures,

"Chief, the basic data of the monster has been calculated." There is the latest data in the headset.

"The monster is 62 meters tall and weighs 6...60,000 tons. The material elements it carries are very similar to those near the volcano."

This exaggerated data made the reporting people stutter and couldn't believe it.

There are volcanoes? Does this mean anything? Suzugosaku looked at the monsters getting closer and closer.

"Is it possible to use a helicopter to temporarily attract the monster's attention?" Linggo Zuoren thought for a long time, and it seemed that only this method could be tried.

"Send a helicopter to fly around the monster, attract its attention, and try to take it away from the city."

Suzugozuo immediately ordered.

"Yes, command!"

The order was quickly issued.

In the end, it was decided that a transport helicopter of the Five Branches would undertake this task.

"Ready to take off!"


After ten minutes of preparation,

After the helicopter unloaded all the extra things, it began to fly towards the monster.

And in the meantime,

The monster didn't seem to notice that there were a lot of people under his feet and nearby, and it still headed toward Kyoto wholeheartedly.

Until the helicopter flew to the height of the monster's head, and approached to a distance of more than ten meters,

Finally, the monster reacted.

"The monster stopped and worked!" The agent below was surprised.

Suzugosakuren was very calm and continued to order: "Keep the helicopter at a safe distance and always pay attention to the monster's reaction."

"Are the three or four subjects not in place yet? Also, the person responsible for contacting the Self-Defense Forces."

There were still a lot of things at the scene, and Suzuo Zuo gave orders everywhere without any relaxation.


I don't know if the monster was attracted by the noise of the helicopter. In short, the monster stopped, followed the trajectory of the helicopter, twisted its huge body, and followed the helicopter around in a circle.

At the same time, the monster's short hands kept trying to reach the helicopter, but they couldn't reach it.

Later, he even jumped up anxiously.

And every beast of the monster will cause violent vibrations, making it difficult for people on the ground to shake their feet.

Even if there was a certain distance, Suzugosaku felt this kind of vibration, not to mention the countermeasures that were close at hand.

"Could you think of a way to stop it from jumping!"

The section chief of the three divisions just couldn't stand it. He just received several vehicle losses and injuries caused by the vibration.

As soon as a phone call, we reached the mobile headquarters of Linggo Zuoren.

"Do you mean letting the helicopter be sent to death? If Wuke agrees, I have no opinion."

Suzugozuo replied indifferently.

There is no problem at a lower altitude and a little closer. This can even better appease the monsters, but it will greatly aggravate the danger for helicopter pilots.

The matter has not yet endangered Suzugosaku's order.


The section chief of the three sections didn't get the response he wanted, and hung up the phone angrily.

"I only know the **** who is calling! It's because it's not his second division at the feet of this monster that he can give such an order so leisurely!!"

The head of the third division dropped the phone angrily.

"The section chief, what should we do."

"What else can we do, let everyone pay attention to safety, and evacuate when it's time to evacuate. This kind of monster is not something we can deal with."

"Yes, section chief."


Regardless of the confusion caused by the contradictions between the various sections within the Countermeasures Bureau,

The monster's next actions made all this meaningless.

For a long time, there was a fly flying around on the side of his head, but the monster couldn't catch it. Finally, it was furious.

The monster opened its mouth toward the helicopter, and then, a thick ray ejected from the monster's mouth.

The speed was so fast that the pilot on the helicopter had no time to react, and was penetrated by the hot rays and melted directly in the air.

The ray did not stop after passing through the helicopter, and it plunged straight into the clouds and opened a big hole in the clouds in the sky far beyond the ray itself.

At this time, the people who surrounded the monster finally realized how dangerous this monster is.


"The monster is raging!"

Whether it was the mobile headquarters of Suzuo Sakuto or the headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau, they were all messed up at the moment.

Various new emergency plans were immediately put on the table.

The emergency high-level meeting was also decided at the same time.

Kashima Kurosuke, Cabinet Prime Minister, and senior officials of the Self-Defense Forces gathered to discuss this anomalous incident.

The leaders in the rear still have a leisurely meeting,

People in the front line, monsters did not leave them so much time.

I saw that although the monster was taken a little bit crooked, it still walked in the direction of Kyoto as a whole.

Sitting on a chair, Suzugosakuru kept pointing his fingers on the table, showing his irritability.

What to do now.

After hesitating for a few minutes, Linggozuo gritted his teeth and said, "Continue sending helicopters!"

This is currently the only method that has been proven effective.

It's not impossible for the ground troops, but at the speed of the ground troops, it won't take long for them to be trampled into flesh after attracting attention.

Suzugosaku thought several times, but reluctantly chose the helicopter.

However, a helicopter was sacrificed just now,

Immediately send another one, everyone knows that this is undoubtedly dead.