Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 462: Cheap

However, there was no way to violate the order. In the end, under Suzugosaku's order, a helicopter belonging to the headquarters of the Bureau of Countermeasures took off.

This helicopter learned the lessons of the previous one and almost maintained a safe distance twice.

While making noises, maintaining the flight attitude, always ready to make evasive actions.

"The monster is not affected by the helicopter, command!"

The helicopter was too far away, Suzuo knew the reason, and directly ordered: "Let the helicopter come closer."

"Uh... yes."


"Ground command, let us get closer!"

Inside the helicopter in the sky, the correspondent shouted to the pilot.

"Damn it, can't you launch an attack, fight it!"

The helicopter pilot's fingers were tightly clasped on the button of the machine gun, and there was no way to press it without a command.

After a fierce psychological struggle, the driver chose to obey the order.

The helicopter quickly approached the monster, and even flew past the monster's eyes at the closest moment.

Sure enough, such a bold act of self-sacrifice succeeded in attracting the monster's attention.

The monster stood still and roared at the flying helicopter.

The deafening sound resounded around.

The helicopter was shaken by the sound, but fortunately it quickly returned to its normal posture.

"No... Didn't you spit out rays?"

The driver originally thought that he would definitely not be able to survive, but unexpectedly, this time the monster did not spit out the same rays as before.

"What's going on." Linggosakuren on the ground also fell into doubt.

"Command! The attack order came down!"

Suzugosaku has waited for so long, and the results of the emergency meeting have finally come down, allowing all means except weapons of mass destruction to destroy the monsters on the spot!

In this case, it doesn't matter why the monster doesn't spit rays.

"Command, the chief ordered the airborne F-15x to attack first, and then fire coverage."

"Well, do as the Secretary said."

This was for the initial tentative attack, and it was most appropriate to do it from nothing. Suzugosaku had no reason to object.



The order to allow the attack was issued extremely quickly to the various units.

Soon, all the troops entered a state of combat, and as long as an order was issued, they would launch an attack.

At this moment, the helicopter, which is still in the sky on the task of attracting attention, is the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

Upon receiving the order, he immediately flew away in the helicopter, keeping a distance from the monster.

But this monster didn't seem to make him what he wanted. Seeing the helicopter flying far away, it even caught up with a few steps.

"It... It's catching up!" The helicopter pilot was shocked and hurriedly shouted.

At the same time, he quickly raised the height of the helicopter, trying to get rid of the monster.

This action put the helicopter in real danger, and the monster that could not catch up with the helicopter opened its mouth.

The desperate driver saw the monster open his mouth, his hands were tightly holding the operating lever, his palms sweated and he was nervous.

As soon as he saw the monster emit a ray, he immediately tried his best to operate the helicopter to avoid it, maybe he could avoid it.

"The monster is using rays again!"

The pilot who was supposed to operate the helicopter immediately to evade, but because he was too nervous, his reaction was half a beat slow.

It was this millisecond response that caused another helicopter to evaporate in the air.

"Then what principle is the ray composed of? The power is too great."

The troops watching the battle below were dumbfounded, and it was still unbelievable to see it for the second time.

On the other side, the Lu Zi Division who came to support,

"What to do, sir, are we going to attack that monster."

The Self-Defense Force soldiers overturned the small rifle in their hands. Their task was to stop the monster from advancing, but this thing might not even be enough to tickle it.

And their heavy weapons are extremely limited, and most people fall into the awkward situation of watching the monsters and having nothing to do.

"Do your best." The chief didn't know what to do, but orders were orders, and they had to be executed.

"Wait, you see, sir, it's an empty plane!"

Looking in the direction of the soldier's finger, sure enough, three black dots gradually enlarged in the distant sky.

Anyone with a little experience can judge that it is three planes.

"I don't know what it is, F-35."

"After all, to deal with this monster."

"Finally do it!"

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces on the ground talked a lot, as if finally there was a little hope.

"No, it looks like an F-15." A sharp-eyed soldier recognized the flying plane from the outline.

"It's F-15."

Old antiques such as the F-15 don't have a high status in everyone's hearts, but as the main engine in the past, it is still worthy of use.


Compared with the disappointment of ordinary soldiers, the officers are more aware of the problem of dispatching F-15s, not to mention whether the newly-modified F-15x is flying. As a multi-purpose fighter, the F-35 is obviously more suitable for the current situation. .

They were full of doubts what they were thinking about.

What was thinking above is very simple. After questioning, Suzugosaku got a dumbfounding answer: "Cheap."

To put it simply, the F-35 is too expensive, and a few drops of the F-15 are considered to be a clear inventory.

"Empty from those incompetent trash!"

Linggozuo was furious in the command vehicle. Now, they still don't know the unusual danger.

"Command, the airborne fighter has launched an attack."

The agent on the side said cautiously.

"Understood, turn the screen over." The matter has come to an end, and I can only adapt to changes.

Suzugosaku calmed down soon after venting.


Above the sky outside,

The three F-15x flew in formation, and they saw huge monsters as soon as they entered the line of sight.

"Unit 1, Unit 2 found the target."

"The third unit also found the target."

"Received, confirmed the target, received the attack instruction, and prepared to launch the Sidewinder air-to-surface missile."

"Rattlesnake is ready."

"Rattlesnake is ready."

"Target is locked."



After a few instructions to calm down after the mask,

A total of six Sidewinder missiles in the abdomen of three F-15s were dropped.

Immediately afterwards, it ignited and flew quickly towards the monster under guidance.

The speed of the missile was extremely fast, and it quickly passed through the sky, accurately hitting the monster on the ground.

None of the six missiles fell, but all hit.

"The missile has hit the target, confirm the target condition."

"Received, confirm the target status."

After the three F-15s passed the monsters at high altitude, they turned back again to confirm whether the monsters were injured or even died.

Suzugosaku also stared at the screen closely, hoping to see some good news.

However, the facts disappointed everyone. After the missile attack,

Everyone heard a roar full of anger, from the monster.