Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 464: Conference decision

In an instant, the explosion of the two fighters caused the surviving No. 2 aircraft to raise the operating lever to the highest position and made a very thrilling evasive action to see the ray that escaped the monster.

Frightened, the pilot of the second plane who had taken his life was still in the circle.

The voice in the headset called him back.

"The second unit, please answer when you hear it. This is the mobile headquarters."

The voice over the earphone was repeated several times before he subconsciously replied: "This is the second unit."

It seemed that something was said on the other side of the headset, but the pilot couldn't hear it anymore, because a red laser suddenly magnified in front of his eyes.

Then there is no more.

Linggozuo on the ground watched the three groups above the sky quickly dissipate the fireball and fell into silence.

The latest image was also sent on the screen of the mobile headquarters, and the monster walked out of the scorched earth unscathed.

There are monsters that humans cannot defeat in this world, and Suzuo Sakuru clearly experienced this feeling at this moment.

"Command, the cruise missile is already on the way."

An agent attached to Linggozuo's side to remind him.

Linggosaku nodded without making a sound.

It seems that the highest-level side also saw the scene just now, and chose to use the last resort, cruise missiles.

This is the most powerful weapon of mass destruction Ni currently has, if it doesn’t even work...

Suzugosakuto has a pessimistic attitude towards this. He doesn't think that a more powerful missile can deal with this monster.


High-level emergency meeting,

Although the top leaders agreed to launch the cruise missile, what to do after that, they still inevitably got into a quarrel.

"Cooperate with the Rabbit Kingdom? How do you explain to the Eagle Kingdom? Your strategy bureau will do it privately. We can still treat it as if we haven't seen it. Now that there is such a big movement, it is even more impossible!

It was the generals of Kongzi who were talking. They have had so many planes now relying on the support of Eagle Country's father since the beginning of the construction.

To say that among the Neon people the least dared to offend Eagle Country, Sora is the first one.

And the person who proposed to cooperate with the rabbit country is Kashima Kurosuke, he is a loyal pragmatist.

"Far can't quench our near thirst, and we can't always rely on the eagle's breath. The future of the world is bound to be abnormal. Mastering more abnormalities means grasping more possibilities in the future. This is a golden opportunity for us, Prime Minister. , Please think about it."

Kashima Kurosuke actively tried to persuade the Prime Minister.

But the Prime Minister pondered for a moment and hesitated: "Cooperating with Rabbit Country, I have to be cautious."

"Prime Minister, there are risks in cooperating with the rabbit country, but they also face threats like the scp foundation and the alien management bureau. As long as we make good use of this, we believe that it is more in our interest than kneeling at the feet of the eagle country. "

Kashima Kurosuke's words are very reasonable, but ideals return to ideals. The reality is that Neon is still inseparable from the military support of the Eagle Country.

"I disagree."

"I object too."


Lu Zi, Kong Zi, and Hai Zi all expressed their attitudes.

Kashima Kurosuke did not even think about persuading them that, as the beneficiaries of the existing system, it is impossible for them to agree with Kashima Kurosuke's ideas.

The only one who can finally decide this matter is the Prime Minister, and Kashima Kurosuke is watching the Prime Minister closely and waiting for his statement.

"Neon wants to develop, it must look for opportunities, this is no problem." The first half of the Prime Minister's sentence seemed to support Kashima Kurosuke.

But then, the Prime Minister turned around and said: "However, we can't immediately lose the support of Eagle Country..."

"Prime Minister, what do you mean..." Lu Zi's general asked.

"Even if we put forward the idea of ​​cooperating with Rabbit Country, Eagle Country will not really do anything to us. We need to hold a certain degree. Let us be able to deal with it."

Although the Prime Minister’s remarks sounded twists and turns, they clearly supported Kashima Kurosuke’s ideas.

Because Kashima Kurosuke has only one sentence that is absolutely correct, Neon will not always rely on the breath of Eagle Country.

"Actually, what we really need to be careful not to reveal our true intentions, nothing more, isn't it." The prime minister said at the end, turning to several members of the Self-Defense Forces, hoping to get their answer.

"The Prime Minister is fine with your words, but how to implement it? I have to remind you that we are currently discussing the F-35 point follow-up purchase plan.

In addition, Haizi seems to be discussing a submarine purchase plan with Eagle Country. "

While speaking, the general of Kunzi also pulled in Haizi.

Haizi's general did not speak.

The meeting was silent again, but Kashima Kurosuke was already ready to respond to the arrogant general's question.

"The countermeasure bureau will set up representative offices with the alien control group. The relationship we have revealed will be nothing more than that. At the same time, the countermeasure bureau can sell part of the control rights to the UIU that belongs to the FBI.

In this way, we can not only deepen the cooperation with the Alien Control Group of the Rabbit Country, but also appease the Eagle Country. "

"Sell the right? What right? The right to control abnormality?" the Prime Minister immediately questioned with dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, UIU has encountered a lot of things recently. Even if we promise to hand over some of the rights, they don't have the energy. This is just a blank check."

After speaking, Kashima Kurosuke also produced a piece of information and distributed it to everyone present.

After receiving the information and reading it roughly, several people put the information on the table again.

Haizi’s general took the lead this time and said: I also heard that the situation in the Eagle Nation is severe and that there have been several large-scale military operations. If the relevant intelligence held by the Countermeasures Bureau is true, they are indeed overwhelmed. "

"Kashima Kurosuke, can you guarantee the accuracy of the information."

"I can assure you, Prime Minister." Kashima Kurosuke stood up and assured him with a firm face.

Then, after a moment of silence,

The Prime Minister finally decided:

"Well, then the specific plan is left to you, Kashima Kurosuke, and the Self-Defense Forces will provide necessary help."

The three generals nodded their heads in agreement, but the Self-Defense Force had no reason to refuse if necessary help.

"Yes, Prime Minister."

"By the way, we know too little about what happened on the Eagle Country. I will let the intelligence agencies focus on that side. Looking at this information, I always feel that there is some force that is interfering with our understanding of what is happening across the ocean. What happened."

The Prime Minister picked up the information again, and finally added.


Just when they just decided on this strategy,

The report from the front line came again:

The attack of the cruise missile failed to stop the monster's progress.

Kashima Kurosuke gave a wry smile: "Unexpectedly, I really have to contact the alien control team so soon."

The Prime Minister was also disappointed: "Go ahead, settle this matter sooner."