Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1013: The correct usage of "God damn"

The vampire crusade was fierce, and the post-war liquidation work took a long time.

In that dungeon, there are not only a large number of vampires, but also other evil creatures that help the tyrants more than vampires, as well as a large number of victims.

The paladins first rescued the victims, treated them and sent them home, and then compared the various materials found in the dungeon to find out the guys who were hidden in the world who had contacts with vampires and secretly cooperated with them. , one by one trial and punishment.

The whole process took about two months.

In the process, thousands of villains lost their lives - this is because the paladins in charge of the trial have relaxed a little bit because of the large number of people, giving many people a chance to repent. Otherwise, the number of dead will at least double.

The number of nobles involved in this matter is also extremely large, and there are more than one large nobles among them.

However, those big nobles are still on their way, knowing that the matter is exposed and there is no excuse, everyone simply wrote a confession and committed suicide - as for whether they committed suicide or were committed suicide... Panda once asked this question After passing the highest authority in the kingdom of Ellands, the queen's answer was: "Everyone's friendship for so many years, save them some last face."

In other words, everyone understands.

So many years of friendship, of course, is not in vain. Even if you don't hit the road yourself, good friends will help you save face.

Well, no thanks, that's what we should do.

Meanwhile, something else happened.

For example, the attitude of the nobles who found their children to the clergy suddenly changed. There were even many nobles who directly converted to a certain sect—unfortunately, they were basically the God of Order or the God of Law, and not even one converted to the God of Suffering, which made Panda sigh.

"Impurious!" he said.

"Do you still expect nobles to be pure-minded?" Roland asked rhetorically.

When they said this, they were in a secret base jointly established by several churches to help train teenagers who aspired to become paladins.

This secret base was funded by the "Yellow Sky Mutual Aid Federation" in the Kingdom of Ellants. The Prince Ellants, who called himself "The Great Sacrifice Wine of the "Yellow Sky Federation", once approached several senior church leaders to ask questions about faith ——He was a little worried, afraid that he would be criticized as a heretic or a cult. As a result, he worried too much, because the clergy said that evil or not is determined by deeds, not beliefs.

How to explain this? Basically, as long as you do good deeds, you can believe in anything, even if you believe in the devil.

But do people who believe in demons do good deeds? Maybe one or two occasionally, but in general, they must be mainly evil.

The situation of Huangtian Faith is completely different. The Taiping Road can be revived again and again after many blows in the East, and even the collapse of the Great Han and Tang has a lot to do with them. Of course, it is not a crooked way. attractive.

The core purpose of Taiping Road can be roughly understood as a utopian ideal state. Although the possibility of realization is negligible, it has always played a positive role in promoting social progress, resisting tyranny and exploitation and oppression.

The "Huangtian Mutual Aid Federation" established based on the concept of Taiping Road is actually the Westland Branch of Taiping Road. Only Liu Daoqing revised the teachings of Taiping Dao, deleted some outdated or outdated things, and made a new face.

If you only look at the teachings, this organization is undoubtedly decent, and it is a typical neutral and good-natured - mild-mannered but not giving up force, abiding by the law and retaining the ability to fight by force, and their teachings have even been taken by many priests. To learn, feel that you can use it to guide your own organization...

For this reason, Sanyu, Eric and others once specifically found Liu Daoqing and told him not to be blunt, and to say slogans such as "workers all over the world, unite!" Some exciting But don't rush to release the content that does not meet the current productivity level.

Liu Daoqing naturally agreed, and he sneered disdainfully: "I'm the one who manages a country. Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't care about anything when he's bloody?"

Those who run a country should indeed be cautious.

Even the undead.

So in the past two months, although the priests have been careful to guard against the possible counterattack of the undead forces, they have never waited for the expected battle.

On the contrary, after more than two months, the necromancer sent messengers to the Church of God of Order in the Republic of Western Brunei, expressing that they would start negotiations.

"Negotiations?" Panda, who had not recovered from the aftermath of "Divine Retribution", got the news and asked in surprise, "What are they going to talk about?"

"Let's talk about admitting defeat." Roland, who had seen the messenger at the headquarters of the Church of God of Order at the time, replied.

"Admit defeat? Their strength is still very strong, why did they admit defeat?" Panda didn't understand.

"I don't understand either, but at least they seem sincere," Roland said. "Are you interested in negotiating?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this kind of thing." Panda shook his head, "If it's to exterminate them, then I'm willing to be the vanguard. But negotiating with them... I think it's hard for me to restrain a sword and chop them to pieces. It's better not to go."

In fact, there are not many paladins willing to negotiate.

The vast majority of paladins hate evil, even if they know that the negotiation is beneficial to each other, but seeing one evil undead acting in front of them, few paladins can hold back their swords.

In the end, the clergy who participated in the negotiation were almost all priests, priests and other personnel who tended to be clerical. Their tempers are relatively good, and they will not turn their faces on the spot.

... In fact, during the negotiation process, they wanted to turn their backs on more than once. Fortunately, there are people from various churches, one person is excited, and other people persuade him, and finally he has not developed to the point of full martial arts.

And in the process of negotiation, Panda finally knew why the necromancers actually chose to negotiate.

"Among you, there are immortal existences. Others will die if they release the 'Scourge', but they won't." The representative of the undead force said, "Faced with an opponent who can use the 'God's scourge' continuously and without limit, We really don't have the confidence to fight again..."

Only then did Panda suddenly realize - it turned out that those undead were shocked by the self-destruction of the transmigrators.