Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 103: real dragon

The little episode did not prevent the trio from continuing to go deeper into the forest, and they walked a long way the next day, and finally found the trail of the dragon before they were ready to camp in the evening.

Those were some huge footprints, probably due to the rain a few days ago, that had turned into small ponds.

The bounty hunter squatted beside a pond, gestured with his hands, and then used his own skills to make an estimate. After the estimate, he stood up again and said with some worry: "This guy is bigger and he was killed than the last time we killed him. The one is much bigger."

"How big is it?" Panda asked.

"Last time it was about five to six meters high. Now this one is at least twenty meters, maybe even higher."

This statistic made the foolish panda even widen his eyes: "What did you say? Twenty meters? And 'maybe higher'?!"

"You can't be mistaken?" The self-proclaimed most handsome Druid walked to another pond, cast a spell, and turned the water in the pond into a large ball of water, and threw it at a distance to the nearby Go into the woods.

What appeared in front of them was a pit that ordinary people could lie in and use as a bath. One end of the pit is clearly marked by four toes, and the other end is more recessed.

No doubt, this is a big guy.

Panda leaned over, used his own pace as a reference for comparison, and then spoke in the chat channel.

[Panda: Ask, who still remembers the ground dragon we killed before, how long are the feet? 】

[Sleepless Night: Forefoot or Backfoot? Its front feet are slightly smaller than its rear feet. 】

[Panda: Probably... the hind feet. 】

[Sleepless night: I measured it at the time, assuming Sanyu's height is 1.8 meters, then the front feet of the ground dragon are about 45 centimeters long, and the hind feet are about 55 centimeters long. The forefeet is narrow with sharp claws; the hind feet have blunt claws but broad paws. Preliminary estimates suggest that its usual mode of action may be similar to that of a bear. It can run faster on all fours, but it can also walk more easily on its hind feet. 】

[Panda: Then...if it is an earth-traveling dragon, its... is probably the footprints of its hind feet, about one meter five or longer. Looking sideways, it is estimated that it is close to one meter. How big will it be? 】

[Yunero: I'll go! so big? ! 】

[Acao: This guy is different from the one we killed before, right? 】

[Mavie: Are you sure these are its footprints, not something else? 】

[Bounty Hunter: There is a large row of such footprints in front of us. 】

[Fenghuang: This... I remember reading a news before, on the news, a foreigner was lying next to a fossil of dinosaur footprints, and his height was almost the same as the fossil. That dinosaur is said to be thirty-five meters in size! 】

[Bounty Hunter: My identification skills tell me that this footprint belongs to a rock-type ground dragon. Its height may be more than 20 meters, and its weight is difficult to estimate... Are we really going to hit it? 】

There was silence in the chat channel, and everyone was frightened.

Such a big man can really be regarded as a giant dragon - not the so-called "real dragon" dragon, but the huge "dragon".

After a while, someone spoke again.

[Sanyu Wumengsheng: I think let's forget it, this size is too big...]

[Harmony: Is this really a dragon on the ground? Not a real dragon or something? 】

[Bounty Hunter: It can definitely be the footprints of the dragon. 】

[Sleepless Night: I have a question—if the size of this earth-walking dragon is so huge, how did the adventurers who discovered it escaped alive? 】

This question is indeed very acute. Earthbound dragons are not the kind of stupid beasts that sleep lazily when they are full. They not only possess powerful strength, but also have a very high level of intelligence, especially a very strong sense of territory. Once someone invades its territory, it will soon usher in a merciless blow.

Since those adventurers can see the dragon, they must have invaded its territory. There is no doubt that they will be attacked by the dragons.

They don't have the ability to resurrect, how did they survive?

So the traversers went to the gate of Lorca Town and asked Major Lorca about it.

Only when they asked this question did they realize that they were mistaken—the adventurers never saw the Earthling Dragon at all, they only saw the props that the Earthling Dragon used to mark the territory.

A pile of dragon dung.

The peculiar smell of dung of dragon creatures is their special way of emphasizing territorial ownership. This smell is very strange, I can't tell if it is fragrant or ugly, but it is so strong that people will never forget it after smelling it once.

It is precisely by the effect of these feces that dragon creatures can circle their own territory well and prohibit any other beasts from coming in to take a share of the pie.

It is also very interesting to say, for adventurers, dragon dung is actually a very good harvest. They can be used to smear on the body to cover up their breath and scare off dangerous monsters; they can also be sold to alchemy workshops to refine the famous "ambergris".

Ambergris is one of the most expensive spices, and a small bottle can be exchanged for ten times its weight in gold. But in order to extract such a bottle of ambergris, the materials required are also amazing - according to Wusian's skill data, it seems that hundreds of kilograms of fresh dragon dung are needed to extract about fifty grams of ambergris. This also requires the dragon dung of a real dragon. If it is from a dragon, or it is not fresh enough, it will require more weight.

When they dismantled the body of the ground dragon they killed, they got a lot of dragon dung. They were well collected by the dragon-pulse kobold "Sanlang", waiting to be refined into ambergris when there was time.

Saburo's occupation is "Master Craftsman", which is a legendary occupation unique to some underdeveloped areas, and can do all the collection, processing and manufacturing work with one hand. But no matter what aspect, it can't achieve the legendary level, and it is regarded as the panacea of ​​the production system.

As a somewhat lazy guy, Saburo is rarely willing to make things - unless he encounters a subject that interests him.

Ambergris is precisely the subject he is interested in.

This kind of thing is not only an excellent incense, but also a very high-grade condiment. Although the source is disgusting, once you have tasted it, no one will care about its ugly origin.

Saburo usually has no hobbies, but is interested in all kinds of food. When he was in the castle, he had been very enthusiastic about learning cooking skills from Sanyu, and he already had four or five points of skill in Sanyu. According to Sanyu, he taught everything that could be taught, and the next step was to practice hard.

However, the thing Saburo hates most is hard training, so he simply changed his direction and planned to seek a breakthrough from the perspective of ingredients.

Recently, he has been researching dragon ingredients, and ambergris is one of his research directions.