Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1103: Aaron's Means

Aaron hasn't fought seriously for many years since he was captured by pandas from the wizarding world.

Over the years, he has followed the panda around, fighting and quests. He has been in contact with a lot, and his experience value has increased very quickly. Currently, he is a taboo scholar at level 85, and he also has other miscellaneous occupations. big pile.

However, he didn't really show his power as a taboo scholar.

In the past few years, on the battlefield, he mainly used some auxiliary spells to help pandas, or to help sweep away some cannon fodder-level enemies—for example, the miscellaneous demons below.

With a wave of his hand, a handful of golden-yellow powder turned into smoke to instantly kill a slice, which he had used more than once before.

That is a wonderful poison created by combining the power of "order" with "poison". This toxin has absolutely no effect on the creatures of the order camp. It is no problem to eat it as food. Even if it is eaten to death, it will only be because of strangulation or choking. But if it is a creature of chaos alignment, it will be poisoned when encountering it. The more chaotic, the more toxic.

The creatures like miscellaneous demons are the most chaotic even in hell. The poison of order has a very good effect on them, and they are completely instant kills.

Such means are not shocking, but the means he followed one after another surprised Holy Angel Jafar.

As a middle and high-level commander in the Angel Legion, he still knows something about Aaron, the magician who accompanies the "Dragon Slayer". In his impression, the magician should be an evil wizard or shaman, but he was restricted by the dragon slayer and could not use his most powerful means, so he could only act as a well-regulated auxiliary mage.

He had imagined what it would be like if the magician could be unshackled and used all his means?

It must be terrifying and eerie, perhaps evil, even disgusting.

But he never thought that Aaron's means would be so... shocking.

Those purple creatures that crawled on arthropods and had slightly bloated bodies, although they were born from the flesh and blood of miscellaneous demons, did not smell even a little bit chaotic or evil. Holy angels can see through the eyes of good and evil, and what they see from them is a very strict order and complete neutrality of neither good nor evil.

It was a very strange feeling. If these creatures were not of flesh and blood and were born in front of him, he would even suspect that what he saw was not an ordinary flesh-and-blood creature, but a living mechanical puppet. .

Jafar has lived for many years. In his long life, he has seen many wonderful creatures, and the mechanical doll is one of them.

Those creatures are neither good nor evil, or have no concept of good or evil at all, just strictly abide by the "order" they are given.

They are serious and ruthless soldiers, reliable guards, and fearless warriors.

Jafar would have liked to have a large army of those soldiers if he could - angels were of course the most reliable, but there were never enough of them, so some supplements were always needed. Among the various supplementary arms, it is obvious that this absolutely reliable order creature is an excellent choice.

So he quickly ignored the strange looks of those creatures and instead focused on studying their strengths.

Under Jafar's gaze, those slightly bloated carapace creatures kept making bags one after another, as if they were laying eggs. They move very fast, making at least hundreds of "eggs" in just a moment.

At this time, the demons also reacted and rushed towards this side in a hurry.

What greeted them was the poison of order that Aaron once again spilled.

Aaron is proficient at the means of playing with poison.

In the face of the poison of order, even the stronger middle-level and high-level demons are difficult to resist. After losing at least a hundred people in one go, the demons had to retreat, waiting for the poison to subside.

However, retreating does not mean not attacking, and the demons do not lack the means of long-range attack.

So after a second or two at most, spells, bone spurs... and even stones, like raindrops, smashed towards this side.

Panda frowned and was about to shoot, but Aaron smiled.

"Enough is enough." He said, and stretched out his hand toward the blood-stained ground below, "Break out, swarm!"

In the next instant, the thick bloodstain exploded violently, and countless fist-sized beetles crawled out. They hummed neatly, flapped their wings, and took off.

Jafar exclaimed - he clearly saw that these beetles were all evil creatures, and the degree of evil was terrifying.

If such a thing appears in the human world, even if there is only one, it is enough to become a disaster. It doesn't even need to attack anything on its own. As long as it keeps in contact with ordinary people and infects some of its extreme evil through contact, it can cause large-scale disasters.

The last time, the last time, will be a large number of crazy mobs who don't care about anything other than destruction and killing.

He looked at Aaron in shock, and raised 120,000 vigilance against this auxiliary magician who looked nothing but handsome.

No wonder it is a character who needs to be suppressed by the Dragon Slayer himself, this person is so terrifying!

Just when Jafar was shocked, a large number of beetles gushing out of the blood had already met the attack of the demons.

Most of the beetles were smashed to pieces and left in blood, but a few lucky enough to escape the lethal attacks and survived the less deadly ones.

Then all these beetles changed color, from purple to black, and their bodies became more and more swarthy.

What's even more terrifying is that the blood stain has just landed, and a new beetle has drilled out from it - just like the changed beetles, dark and shiny.

They continued to rush towards the surrounding demons. This time, the effect of the demons' attacks on them was significantly weakened. After a wave of attacks, there were still about half of the remaining beetles.

The half of the beetle continued to change, and magical patterns appeared on the dark and shiny carapace, and then the beetles that were bred also had the same pattern.

In the following blows, they lost less and less and got closer and closer to the demons.

Finally, the army of beetles and the army of demons around them face off.

The strength of the demons is not comparable to that of a small beetle. Just one face-to-face, the army of beetles will suffer heavy casualties.

But the losses of the demons are not small, especially those miscellaneous demons, many of which were bitten to pieces by the beetles - that small body has amazing power.

Immediately afterwards, both the dead demon and the beetle quickly melted and turned into blood.

Inside the bloodstain, new beetles were born continuously.

Just as Aaron said, right in front of them, in less than a minute, a huge swarm of insects appeared quickly, as violent as a disaster erupted.