Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1126: The source of passion

Farewell to the quiet "town", the panda continued to move forward under the leadership of Jafar.

As we walked along the way, the temperature gradually became hotter, but it didn't have that kind of hot and dry feeling, just made people feel warm.

"Our heaven is essentially a collection of various positive emotions, so many places here are related to certain emotions in the human heart." Jafar said, "The place we are going now is to gather people's various passions. The place of affection, the source of passion."

"The Yuan of Enthusiasm is a large plain, born here with the enthusiasm of people's hearts, the climate is warmer, and there are many unique animals and plants. Many angels who yearn to fight live here, honing their martial arts. The whole passion In terms of the topography of Zhiyuan, its terrain is gradually rising. At its edge, there is a floating mountain called 'The Passionate Mountain'. The towering peaks float in the sky, and there are many images on it. Holy angels like me are living and exercising, and it can be regarded as a famous scenery in our heaven, not to be missed."

"I can't believe that you are still a part-time tour guide." Panda said with a smile, "I thought you should be a simple warrior."

"I am indeed a simple warrior." Jafar explained happily, "I asked people about the introduction of these scenery not long ago. After all, since I have decided to be your guide, I must be able to Let me introduce you to the scenery. If you just walk to a place stupidly and simply say 'this is a so-and-so place'... that would be a bit too incompetent."

Having said that, they have completely walked out of the valley.

After bypassing the solitary peak like a screen, the eyes are suddenly enlightened. A large patch of red and green, as if trying to jump into his eyes, immediately attracted the panda's attention.

This is indeed worthy of the name of "enthusiasm", whether it is flowers or grasses, all grow extremely vigorously. Although the flowers and plants are not high, the exuberant and fiery vitality can be clearly felt just by looking at them.

When I got a little closer, the fiery and exuberant feeling permeated from the air and soaked into my body and mind.

Originally walking in the quiet valley town, Panda's whole mood became peaceful and quiet. But now, soaked by this warm and enthusiastic atmosphere, his mood became happy and relaxed in an instant, and there was an urge to run, shout, and even have a good fight with others.

"Sure enough, it is a place where enthusiasm is gathered!" He quickly suppressed these impulses in his heart and said with a smile, "If you live here, your martial arts will definitely improve very quickly."

"Yes, this is one of the two main settlements of our heavenly battle angels." Jafar said, "Although I grew up on the Iron Mountains, many of my comrades grew up here. Yes. They usually exercise on this plain, they have confidence in their own strength, or when they want to prove the results of their training, they go to the Mountain of Enthusiasm to compete."

"Oh? The Mountain of Passion is a competition arena?"

"Almost, are you interested?" Jafar asked, and then he laughed dumbly, "You must be interested, after all... Which martial arts practitioner would not be interested in the angels' martial arts arena?"

Panda also smiled: "Yes, let's go and have a look."

They didn't stay much in the Land of Enthusiasm. Although the scenery here is full of vitality, it's just like that when they see it too much. Over the years, pandas have traveled all over the world, and they have seen enough of all kinds of scenery. If this field didn't exude fiery emotions, it wouldn't even be a big deal in the landscapes he'd seen.

The source of enthusiasm is very large, and the two of them walked for a long time before they came to an end.

At the end of it, there is a vast lake, with waves and ripples, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

Jafar stopped by the lake and pointed to the sky: "Go past here, and you will soon reach the Mountain of Passion."

The panda looked in the direction of his finger, but only saw the blue sky and white clouds, but did not see any floating mountains.

"Is it tall?" he asked curiously.

"It's not very high, it's just... standing on the ground, you can't see it." Jafar said, his wings flapped behind him, and his feet left the ground, "to fly, to a certain height , to see it."

The panda smiled, and also spread the light wings behind his back, but when he tried to fly with the light wings as usual, he found that no matter how the wings flapped, he couldn't leave the ground.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Jafar responded and introduced: "In our heaven, flying doesn't require deliberate use of power—or rather, what you need to use is not 'power', but 'spirit'. "

"Spirit?" Panda asked, "How do you say this?"

"Concentrate your spirit and use your spirit to let yourself fly." Jafar said, "For us angels, spirit is the source of strength, and proper use of our spirit is to exercise and master our own strength."

The panda suddenly understood a bit, he closed his eyes, and instead of using his divine power to turn into wings of light, he concentrated and silently wanted to fly.

Sure enough, his feet quickly left the ground, and the whole person swayed and floated up.

"It seems that you need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the method of flying here." Jafar flew to his side, and did not rush to take him to the Mountain of Passion, but persuaded, "You must master this first. Only then can it be convenient to travel around in heaven.”

Naturally, the panda would not refuse, so he stayed beside the huge lake called "Xinxin Lake" and concentrated on training his mind-control skills.

With his great strength, he can learn anything very quickly. Although he had no foundation before, and even did not even do related exercises at all, but after two or three days, he completely mastered the technique of controlling flight with his mind, and was able to fly freely in the sky like other angels. , is simply more flexible than a bird.

And these days, he also tasted the special food of heaven.

Just like in the legend, there is no danger of hunger and cold in heaven. As long as people are hungry, food will appear out of nowhere. Likewise, you can use your mind to mediate the types of foods that appear, and you can use your mind to control the presence or absence of foods.

The food in heaven is not much different from that in the world. After all, angels are also transformed from all living beings, and they will not change their recipes because of this.

But heaven also has its own special food, mainly some food condensed by divine power. The texture is soft, sweet and pleasant to eat.

The only problem is that if it is not someone like Panda who can adapt well to divine power, if it is replaced by Aaron and the like, maybe after a bite of rice, it will explode in place...