Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1143: soar

Just as the United Kingdom fleet sailed into the sea area of ​​Skull Island and launched a crusade against the large group of pirates gathered here, on the seabed in the southwest not far from the sea area of ​​Skull Island, a bright red warship wrapped in bubbles was waiting quietly. on.

On the deck of the warship, the pirate king Barbarossa crossed his arms and hugged his chest, standing there with a calm face, but his eyes were not focused, and he did not know what he was thinking. His hair and beard had disappeared without a trace, and his head was bare. If it weren't for the eyebrows, it would look like a big egg was peeled off as a head, and then the facial features were drawn on it.

Behind him, there are hundreds of sailors - if they can still be regarded as "sailors".

These former pirates have completely changed their appearance. Their bodies are covered with blue-black scales, and long tentacles stick out from their arms or legs, squirming and curling in the air constantly. But more powerful. There was a bright red light in their eyes, and it looked like a group of flames were burning. Every now and then one or two sailors opened their mouths, revealing piranha-like teeth as sharp as piranhas, and thick, curved tongues covered in suckers like octopus tentacles.

Obviously, they can no longer be considered "humans" or any other normal species, and even if they are "alive", there is a question mark.

But their expressions seemed very happy, not even a little bit of pain or unwillingness, but full of indescribable relaxation. It's like a person who has suffered from insomnia for a long time and finally fell asleep happily; or a person who is troubled by constipation and used Kaisailu for the first time in his life.

It's just that, although morale is good, their "discipline" is really bad. The team stood in a mess, and fought each other a few times from time to time - mainly because each other's tentacles touched each other and entangled each other, and then both sides showed disgusting expressions, looked at each other, and waved their hands without hesitation. fist.

Their fists are so heavy that they can often break their opponent's tendons with one blow. And **** is actually quite good, more than one sailor even draws a knife and slashes, and every now and then an arm, a thigh or simply a head falls to the ground.

What's weird is that no matter how many injuries they have, as long as the battle is over, the injured sailor will instantly recover and return to the appearance before the battle. Those cut off hands, feet and even heads will disappear immediately, as if teleporting back to where they were supposed to be and reconnecting.

Barbarossa naturally knew what happened behind him, but he didn't care.

He had seen these strange sights many years ago.

In the cave ruins on the bottom of the sea, a large group of such strange sailors guarded a tattered sailboat. They are hostile to everything around them, mercilessly tearing apart any creature that comes close. If no enemy came, they would kill each other - just like what was happening behind his back at the moment.

Barbarossa had just stepped into the legendary realm, young and vigorous. Even in the face of these strange things, he was not afraid.

In the end, he found the key hub to control the ship, became the owner of the ship, and built the famous magical ship "Redbeard" based on the weird ship.

In fact, the Redbeard is just a new body for this broken ship.

In fact, the ship originally had a name.


This magical ship from ancient times has great power, but due to the invasion of the years and the destruction of violence, it has become crippled and can no longer reproduce its former glory-another reason is that Barbarossa does not intend to let it recovers.

He has full confidence in his own strength, and neither does nor does he need the help of a strange ancient magic ship.

This thing can power the magic circle, make the ship faster, stronger, and make the sailors on the ship more fighting... For him, it is enough.

As someone who had been framed and nearly died in prison, Barbarossa had little faith in everything but his own power.

Therefore, although he has often killed living beings over the years, he has never offered blood as a sacrifice to the Flying Ship as required.

However, he has always kept his backhand - every time he kills, he pours blood on his head and absorbs part of the blood into his hair and beard, thus getting the nickname of "red beard", and It also named the pirate ship with the Flying number as its core "Redbeard", so that it might be used in the future.

According to another history, he would have been defeated and died many years ago. Because of the sudden incident, I didn't have time to use any trump cards. Even the Redbeard was burned into a big torch at sea, and only a few fragments remained, which eventually fell into the hands of the new generation of pirate king Captain Jack, and was installed on his "Black Pearl" magic ship.

The few remaining fragments, although they lost their original strangeness, still possessed considerable power. A large part of the reason why the Black Pearl can gain the ability to navigate freely on the surface, sky and underwater is from them.

However, because of the influence of the traversers. The pirate king Barbarossa lived many years longer than the original history, so that he accumulated more blood, gained stronger power, and even... When the crusade came, he was more fully prepared.

After crushing the Thracian navy at great cost, Barbarossa faced a tragic victory - his sailors were all but destroyed, and two of his three warships became afloat The waste at sea, even the Redbeard was so tattered that it was almost impossible to sail.

In this case, he finally changed his mind.

As the Pirate King, he cannot escape. Even if he escapes now, he will be chased and killed by countless powerhouses.

After all, if he does not die, the heads of state participating in this crusade will not be able to sleep.

Therefore, he can only fight, either to win or to die.

If that's the case, then you can only try to win.

So Barbarossa made a choice, a choice that he had prepared for a long time ago, even almost ready.

He used the blood of both sides of the battle as a sacrifice, and used his hair and beard, which had stored countless blood, as the key to start the sacrifice, and completed the sacrifice that Soaring had always wanted.

As a result, there is no more Redbeard Pirate King in the world, no more Redbeard pirate ship, only the reborn Flying, only the pirate king who drives a terrifying magic ship with a group of weird things. Barbarossa!

Like the sailors behind him, Barbarossa is no longer alive. If needed, he could also take on the monstrous look of the pirates behind him.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong." After a while, the pirate king's eyes regained focus, and a happy smile appeared on his face, "Even though he is on the bottom of the sea, he can clearly feel the blood flowing on the sea surface. This feeling is quite interesting.”

So he pulled out his machete and pointed to the sea.

"Let's go! Go get more blood!"

The sailors cheered in unison, and even the Soaring vibrated with silent cheers.

Then, the ship rushed from the bottom of the sea to the sea at an alarming speed, heading towards the sea area southwest of Skull Island, in the direction of the combined fleet of various chambers of commerce in the South China Sea...