Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 184: Wolf's Nest Lake Beast Tide and Crusader

Outside the tent, the autumn rain continued to fall.

Panda couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the drizzle that was faintly forming a curtain of rain.

Autumn in the grassland is like this, with a drizzle from time to time. In contrast, it is more amiable and amiable in the often rainy summer.

After all, after it rains, you can hurry.

He turned over the map and checked the system map to determine the current position of the crusade team.

At present, they are located north of Mulandana, about 200 kilometers away. There is a lake in front of here, one side of the lake is grassland, the other side is forest, the terrain is very wonderful.

This lake has a very long name in the local dialect, which sounds awkward. The panda has heard the guide say it several times, but still can't remember it. The only thing I know is that if the name translates according to its meaning, it is "Wolf's Den".

As the name suggests, this lake is a den for wolves.

On the grasslands, the wolves of beasts and the falcons of birds are the easiest to turn into monsters. One is that there are enough numbers, and the other is that they live long enough—the vast majority of beasts are transformed from ordinary beasts. This world is full of magic, as long as you live long enough and absorb enough magic, even a rabbit may become a monster.

... Of course, it is not easy for a rabbit to live to that age.

In contrast, intelligent creatures suffer from living in groups. They live together in groups and hardly move their nests. How can the magic power of the place of residence be shared by so many people! Not to mention that intelligent creatures often raise livestock, which is also to rob them of magic power. Therefore, even if they live to the age of fifty or sixty, ordinary people are still ordinary people.

For this reason, people who want to pursue extraordinary power often choose to leave the crowd and live in the wilderness; if they have the conditions, they choose to live in the nodes of the leylines and draw magic from the leylines; some people choose to believe in gods or monsters , get power from the object of their belief; of course, some people have embarked on the road of "self-sufficiency of supernatural powers, not seeking outsiders", focusing on tapping their own potential, without thinking about what to draw from the outside world.

There may not be any distinction between these roads, and each road has extremely strong people, but for the beasts, it is obvious that the only way to go is to draw magic power.

Wolf's Nest Lake is a node of the leylines. The concentration of magic power here is much higher than that of the surrounding grasslands, but it is not stable and chaotic, and it is not conducive to learning and cultivation at all.

But for the beast, it doesn't matter so much. They just need to get power, and they don't even consider whether this power is stable and unstable, and whether it will bring any side effects.

Live, live long enough, to be able to consider those things. For a guy who can't guarantee his own safety, these questions are too extravagant.

As for the reason why he has absorbed magic power and evolved from a beast to a beast, but still can't survive, then you have to ask the soldiers of Mulandana.

Every one to two years, the soldiers of Mulandana would come to Wolf's Den Lake and sweep the place. They tried their best to kill all the beasts they saw, and spared none of them. Especially those who have evolved into monsters, are even more in the list of sure kills.

There are several leylines nodes near Mulandana. Among them, Wolf's Den Lake is the most suitable for animals to thrive and has the largest number of beasts. Ordinary adventurers can't take advantage of it here. Only when the army is overwhelmed can they clean up those pests like a comb.

As for the other nodes, because the number of beasts is small and the number of beasts is relatively small, it is enough to leave it to the adventurers to clean up.

The rain fell for two days before finally stopping. As soon as the rain stopped, the crusade team immediately hit the road and hurried towards Wolf's Nest Lake.

Going out is not a comfortable thing. It is only reasonable to finish things early and go home early.

This time, the sky was beautiful, and there was no strong wind or rain along the way, and they successfully arrived at Wolf's Nest Lake.

Before reaching the lake, and seeing the forest opposite the lake from a distance, the panda clearly felt the magic of the surrounding chaos. These magic powers are in a mess, as if countless turbulent currents are swaying each other. When you are in it, you feel like you are standing in the water, and even breathing is a little difficult due to the pressure of the water.

Jaime had never presided over a crusade at Wolf's Den before, but many of the knights had participated in such battles, and he knew what to do with a little advice.

The first is to set up camp and establish a solid camp. Then use the special incense that can lure the monsters to lure the nearby monsters, and kill them as much as possible with the help of the camp. After killing these actively attacking beasts, send an elite team to search for the fish that slipped through the net and drive them out.

Year after year, the knights and soldiers of the Mulandana Patrol Division have been repeating such battles to maintain the peace of the neighborhood.

Every year, people die in the crusade, and there are also people who make great achievements and become famous in the crusade.

This is the grinding wheel of flesh and blood, and it is also the trial of heroes.

As the distance got closer, the panda looked at the peaceful lake from a distance, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Over the years, is the blood shed by the demon beasts and the crusaders enough to fill the entire Wolf Den Lake?

Could it be that the magic surrounding Wolf's Den Lake is so chaotic that it also has something to do with the brutal battles that take place on a regular basis?

He doesn't know.

However, he knew what to do now.

People always have a position, no matter how kind and kind people are, they will not consider the problem from the position of those monsters who have absorbed the magic power of chaos and become a little crazy.

...such a wonderful Virgin, there is absolutely no support in this world.

Panda is a traveler. In theory, he does not belong to any race in this world, but he is an intelligent creature, and his position is inherently on the side of intelligent creatures.

There is obviously an irreconcilable contradiction between those crazy monsters and intelligent creatures like them.

It is said that when Mulandana was not established, every ten or eight years, the grassland in this area would be swept by the tide of monsters. A large number of monsters surging out of Wolf's Den Lake will destroy all the towns and villages they can encounter, whether it is humans or orcs, there is no difference in front of them.

Later, in the place where Mulandana was established, he fought them fiercely for a few times, and after paying a heavy price, he finally repelled the beast tide. Soon after, Mulanda established a crusade system to regularly exterminate the monsters around the Wolf's Nest Lake to prevent the beast tide from appearing again.

Whether humans, orcs or other races, support the crusade army system. In recent days, orc warriors who have received news have come one after another, temporarily joining the crusade, and fighting to prevent the beast tide.

The panda turned around and saw a group of more than 20 werewolves roaring on horses. The one at the head looked a little familiar. Upon closer inspection, it was the Ironmane Gaoshu from the Gaoshu tribe.