Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 204: Wolf's Nest Lake Leveling Point

The biggest problem that travelers are currently facing is not the imperial invasion that will come sooner or later, but the lack of channels to obtain experience points.

The game "New World" has been greatly influenced by European and American games. Although there are also routines to gain experience by fighting monsters, compared to fighting monsters, doing tasks is the main way to gain experience. From helping people to look after the house and finding things, to protecting the world, beheading angels and demons, all of them can only get a lot of experience points when the task is settled.

This was understandable at first, but when the game became a reality, things got a little awkward.

In the game, the tasks are refreshed infinitely. The same task, everyone can take and complete, and many tasks will be updated and reset every day, which is endless.

For example, for the task of "Patroling in Kalipura Village", even if tens of thousands of people take the task, everyone can still walk around Kalipura Village every day, and then go to the village chief to get their own rewards. . You don't have to worry about being preempted by others, and you don't have to worry about doing a task today and not having to do it tomorrow.

But in reality, the head of Kalipura Village didn't need anyone to patrol at all. The traversers who lived in the village gave him enough sense of security, and he didn't worry at all that something might disturb him. As for the routine inspection of mass graves, it is also done by the militia in the village, and there is no need for high-end force such as the passers-by.

A similar situation is also evident elsewhere. For ordinary tasks, people don’t want to find a master to do it at all—letting a martial arts master to find a lost Persian cat for the lady, this kind of thing can only appear in funny comics, In reality, even if the lady had a problem with her mind, the professional agents would never dare to trouble those heroes who could knock down a wall with one punch.

There are many ordinary adventurers, and it is fine to leave such trivial matters to them.

The tasks that can be taken by traversers are generally of sufficient strength. Of course, the traversers don't care about the intensity. For them, the higher the intensity, the better. The higher the intensity, the more rewards. However, high-intensity tasks are few and far between. The world is still peaceful at the moment, and there are not so many monsters, monsters, monsters, ghosts, and monsters to kill. Therefore, many traversers can't find any suitable way to gain experience other than daily exercise.

This is also an important reason why after the situation in the Tara Khan leadership stabilized, combat masters such as pandas went out one after another.

After detailed statistics and calculations, the strategy team finally figured out that the most practical way for traversers to gain experience points is to farm monsters in the pickle game.

The premise is that you must find a suitable leveling point.

There should be enough monsters here, and the traffic should be more convenient to facilitate supplies. It would be perfect if the monsters here were evil enough to kill them and get rewards in nearby cities.

Coincidentally, Wolf's Nest Lake is one such location.

It has a high output of monsters, hundreds of monsters, countless ordinary beasts, and there are murloc tribes in the water.

It is hostile to the nearby city of Mulandana. Killing monsters or murlocs can definitely be rewarded in Mulandana.

For the travelers, the biggest problem is that it is too remote and the traffic is inconvenient.

Even from the nearest Mulandana to Wolf's Nest Lake, it would take six or seven days to walk quickly. Even if the traversers do not hesitate to run wild, it will take at least two or three days to eat and sleep all the way, and they will be tired when they get there.

This is too far, too far, too inconvenient!

If it weren't for this reason, when the crusade against the army and the war of beasts was first, Changsun Wu, Jian Shisan and Xingzhao would have run over to gain experience.

However, if the panda gets a fief near Wolf's Nest Lake and establishes a teleportation array, the situation is completely different.

Imagine eating and drinking well in the castle, recuperating, and then coming to the panda's fief through the teleportation array, walking for half a day to a day, and it was dark when it was near Wolf's Nest Lake. Monsters refresh quickly at night, which is most suitable for leveling. After a night of fierce battles, you can set off and return at dawn, and at the latest in the evening, you can return to the castle through the teleportation array for dinner - it's just a two-day, one-night easy self-driving tour!

If it was a little extreme, it would be extremely comfortable to commit suicide and return to the city after a night of fighting, even if it was just a one-day and one-night journey.

As for the experience point issue here, the murlocs in Wolf's Nest Lake are quite advanced dungeons. According to the leveling speed of the traversers, at least in the next three to five years, don't worry about it not being able to provide experience points - as long as you take it easy, don't worry about it. Just kill the murlocs.

Murlocs are a real evil race. They cannot coexist peacefully with any other intelligent race, not even slavery. They will only consider killing and eating them - in fact, they eat them together with their species. Crusade such a guy, even the kindest person, will not feel the slightest sense of guilt.

So the panda's plan was unanimously approved by everyone, and even those who hid in the castle all day, many people expressed their opinions, nothing more than "if you need my help, just speak up" and so on.

Panda summed up everyone's opinions, and then set off to visit the Governor that afternoon.

"You want to choose the vicinity of Wolf's Nest Lake as your fief?" The Governor was taken aback and asked in confusion, "Why?"

"This battle has made me see the great danger lurking around Mulandana, and I feel the need to do something," Panda said. "The greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. Since I have enough strength, I should take responsibility. Take your own responsibility."

"'s not your responsibility..."

"I can do some if I can." Panda said, "Also, I can also find friends and teach students - as long as we persevere in eliminating monsters, we will be able to gradually eliminate the beast tide in Wolf's Nest Lake. ."

The Governor grew his mouth wide and looked at him in shock. He never thought that this orc would have such noble sentiments and such lofty aspirations.

After a long time, he whispered, "I'm afraid... it's not easy!"

"Even if I'm gone, there are still my children and grandchildren. If there are my students, they will also have their own children and grandchildren, their own students." Panda said, "Beasts can reproduce, and so can I. At most, everyone will fight hard from generation to generation. Go on, in short, we will never let them continue to be rampant!"

The Governor nodded again and again, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"You're a true hero!" he said solemnly. "Don't worry! I'll give you my full support. No, the whole of Mulanda will give you my full support! Whatever you need, whether it's money or people, speak up!"

Panda smiled: "Whether money or manpower, we don't need it for the time being. The first thing we need now is to finalize this matter."

"After all... Regarding the issue of fiefs, we can't say it, it needs the approval of the king."