Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 265: Druid Glass

Can cats swim?

Some cats will, but many will not, not sure.

But even cats that can swim rarely go into the water, and it can be very uncomfortable if their long hair gets wet with water.

Panda and they are not sure if the cat named "Toby" can swim, but they can be sure of another thing - the cat went into the water, and then the smell was naturally washed away by the river.

If you want to follow the smell to find it, I am afraid that you can only search along both sides of the river and try your luck to see if you can find its landing place.

Moreover, even if you searched the river banks on both sides, there would only be no more than one-third chance. After all, it may have been carried into the sea by the river, on the shore of the sea; it may have drowned directly, or been eaten by something in the water.

These are all things that can be easily thought of, of course the Druid will not miss them. So he looked at the billowing water and was dumbfounded. After a while, he sighed deeply, chanted a spell, sent the animal companion back to the original place, and left in dejection.

"Master, let's go too." Ren said, "The cat obviously fell into the river, and there is no way to find it."

Panda nodded and was about to leave. After thinking about it, he contacted Harmony through private chat.

"Just ask, do you know Pollock City?"

"of course I know."

"There is a wealthy businessman Malfoy in this city. He lost a cat named Toby by the river. Do you remember this mission?"

Harmony thought for a long time before answering: "No, there should be no follow-up continuous tasks or large-scale tasks. This is probably a random task that is refreshed regularly in the game."

The panda asked again: "Then do you have a way to find the cat?"

"No way. When playing the game, the map is small, and you can use the search commands to check the past along both sides of the river. Now the map is many times larger than the game, and the search efficiency is greatly reduced. It may take two or three days to find it. Got it. It doesn't feel like a good deal."

Panda sighed, thanked him, and greeted his disciples to leave.

Although it is still early, it is also a good choice to go to the hotel early to settle down.

They walked for a while, but saw the druid again. This guy was standing on the side of the road, staring at a bakery stall in a daze.

When passing by him, the panda clearly heard his stomach growling, and he didn't know how long he had been hungry.

Before he could speak, Erwin had already leaned over and asked, "What's your friend's name?"

"My name is Glass, and I'm a Druid." The Druid answered honestly, showing that he was an honest man.

"My name is Erwin, I'm from Trela." Erwin said familiarly, "Okay, we know each other. I haven't met a druid before, and I'm very curious. I can treat you to a meal. Fan, by the way, would you like some news?"

Glass was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his eyebrows: "No problem!"

Seeing this scene, the panda nodded secretly and smiled slightly, but both Riana and Ren sighed.

"Erwin is here again!"

"He's all right, he's just too generous..."

The five found a roadside stall and ordered stewed soup, scones and smoked fish. The pandas didn't eat much. Glass was eating like a storm. Reincarnation general momentum.

That is to say, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, almost half of the soup that is about the size of the small washbasin has entered his stomach, and there are six scones about the size of two hands. He didn't eat the smoked fish. Although he looked at the fish several times, he was obviously envious, but he didn't extend his hand after all. Obviously, he wanted to give it to Erwin.

Panda couldn't help but nodded secretly again, thinking that this young man was a good man. Although it is only a green card with limited prospects, but with character, it must have some promise.

What happened to the green card? At least you can be a village chief.

Erwin was not in a hurry. After Glass finished eating, he asked with a smile, "Grass, don't you Druids usually live in the wilderness? Why did you come to the city?"

"I converted to the Church of the God of Travel some time ago. The bishop said that Druids are children of the wilderness, but they also need to know how to get along with others. So he gave me a gold coin and asked me to stay in the city for ten days." Si sighed, "It's okay to live there, just find a nest in the corner, but the food is really a problem! The bishop requires me to eat and live in the city, and forbid me to find food in the wild. , I tried my best to save, and I only ate a gold coin for five days... I've been hungry for three days."

Panda and the others looked at each other in dismay. One gold coin would be eaten for ten days. It would be fine if they were in a hotel in Tara Khan's countryside, but Pollock City's prices were so high, how could they be able to eat it!

What was the bishop thinking?

Panda couldn't help but think of Mencius' famous saying, that is, "Heaven will give great responsibility to the people of this country." Grass looks like this now, "suffering his mind, laboring his muscles and bones, starving his body and skin, emptying his body, and scrambling his way. Everything" is complete, could it be that the bishop really intends to "be tempted and endure, and he has done what he can't"?

Erwin smacked his lips and asked, "Then why didn't you go to the Adventurer's Association earlier to find work?"

"They didn't lack people a few days ago, and I didn't sign up." Glass sighed, "It wasn't until last night that I got the news that Thrace was calling, and a large number of adventurers rushed to the Norma line of defense. It can be regarded as a successful registration, mixed with a 'preparation' level, and can only come to the cat."

Erwin couldn't help but complained: "So do we! That aunt really has no vision! How can we, such powerful people, waste our time on things like looking for cats!"

"And haven't found it yet," Riana said.

Erwin laughed dryly and said to Glass, "What are you going to do next?"

"Just bear with it." Glass said listlessly, "I have eaten this meal now, and bear with it for another ten days, even if I have completed the mission of the bishop..."

"I think your bishop probably didn't intend to make you starve in the city for ten days." Panda said, "He probably wanted you to find some short-term work, such as working hard."

Glass was stunned and looked at him blankly.

"As a Druid who can summon animal companions, your strength is stronger than that of ordinary strong men, whether you are carrying bags or boxes, even if you go to the dock to help unload the goods, you can still earn money. Pay for your own meals." Panda continued, "I think that's what your bishop meant."

Glass was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted, jumped up and ran.

"What's wrong with him?" Erwin asked blankly as he watched him run away.

"Probably went to the dock to find work." Ryan said.

"What an interesting person!" Riana smiled. "Erwin, you have met a very interesting friend this time."

Erwin laughed twice, and was about to say something, but Ren said, "By the way, this meal cost six silver coins, which will be charged to your account."

Erwin's smile suddenly froze on his face, and the smile turned into a wry smile.