Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 280: Second search sewer

During the day, neither the officials and army of Panda **** Lock City nor the Adventurers Association did anything.

On the bright side, the patrolmen were still running around the city, looking for possible clues to the murderers, but in fact, the real masters did not act rashly.

They all know that the killer who killed the Seahorse Gang—or that group of killers, is definitely not an enemy that can be easily dealt with. Now is not the time to scare the snakes, but should try to assemble the masters as much as possible, wait until the preparation is ready, then launch a thunderous blow, and strive for the blow to be effective.

Many people actually have another thought in their minds.

Maybe those killers are just passing by, and as long as they don't provoke them, maybe they will leave in a few days. No matter where they go to harm in the future, as long as they don't continue to cause trouble in Pollock City, it is not worth fighting with them for the death of a group of smuggling gangs.

After all... the traversers are immortal, but the natives of this world are not.

Everyone has only one life, not a last resort, who wants to risk their lives?

Panda and the others also waited for a few helpers, of course all of them were traversers.

In addition to the dark elf ranger Cervantes (Su Zixi), there are also the lion warrior Io (door three), the high goblin thief Gondor (bounty hunter), and a small army led by him hastily thrown down, Yunero, a dragon man berserker who ran wildly from the Norma defense line.

Among these four people, Cervantes, Gondor, and Yuneruo all reported that they wanted the golden quality. In addition, there are several people on the way - from the castle to here, it is really a bit far, even if you run all the way, you can't get there quickly.

When night fell, Cervantes suggested that everyone take advantage of the night and go to the rat-man's lair in the sewers to investigate.

"We are all capable of night vision, and the dark night is a complete advantage for us. If we take advantage of the darkness to take a look, we may be able to find some clues," he said.

Of course this makes sense, but everyone knows what he means.

Panda and Yunero looked at each other, and both saw approval in each other's eyes.

"Aio, what do you think?" Panda asked.

"I don't care. If you go, of course I will go with you. If you don't go, I will sleep." Io replied.

So things settled down.

After arranging the students and Lu Lu's family (they also moved to the Grey Pigeon Hotel, and Lu Lu was worried about staying at home), Panda and the other six quietly set out, and came to the dock area under the cover of the night. .

Although the only real professional thieves among them are Gondor and Lulu, who can pass through without stealth skills? No, I learned it during the day, and then I used the experience points to point the skill level, and it was hard to point out.

Along the way, they did not alert even a single patrolling soldier, and quietly came to a place near the north side of the dock area and adjacent to the city.

According to Lulu, this is one of the most unnoticed sewer entrances, and there should be a certain distance from the headquarters of the rat people.

Although it is safest to enter from the sewer exit at the port location, there has been a battle there, and it is impossible for the Rat Man to be unprepared. In comparison, this is more suitable.

This time, Gondor was the first to explore the way. As the most powerful stalker among the traversers, his stealth skills are among the best in the world. Panda and others only saw a shadow flashing at the entrance of the sewer. It has already been drilled in, no more than half a second before and after, and there is no sound that is louder than a needle falling.

Lu Lu's eyes widened, laymen watching the excitement, and experts watching the doorway. As an old thief who had worked **** stealth technology, he could see at a glance that Gondor's stealth skills had reached a state of perfection, let alone being old. Now, even if you can maintain the peak state when you were young, you may not be able to reach this level after 30 years of hard training.

This is not because he is underestimating himself. Gondor's stealth skills have the bonus of legendary races, as well as the effects of legendary skills and legendary occupations. Without one of these three, just relying on the ordinary thief occupation, a hybrid goblin no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to. Possibly reach his heights.

If ordinary occupations can keep pace with legendary occupations in the most advantageous items through hard work, what is the point of legendary occupations?

After a while, Gondor said in the chat channel: "It's safe downstairs, there are no ratmen sentinels or traps, come down."

So the pandas filed in, and the last one to come down was naturally Lu Lu. This time everyone let the old thief stay last, lest he accidentally die in the battle.

The five transmigrators present are not the ones who are stubborn, so it's fine if they can't do anything about it. If possible, they want to protect this comrade as much as possible.

The sewers at night were pitch-dark, but fortunately, everyone had night vision ability - Lulu had the weakest night vision ability. Cervantes added a night vision buff to him, which solved the problem.

They walked very slowly, stopping about every three or five minutes, Lulu looked around to determine the current position of the team, and Gondor went to the front to scout to prevent it from being discovered by the sentinels or traps of the Rat Man.

After walking like this for about half an hour, Lu Lu waved his hand, gathered everyone around him, and said in the lowest voice possible: "Almost, we should have reached the periphery of the Rat Man gang. If there is no accident, then You should meet the Rat Man."

The pandas nodded and drew their weapons.

Their weapons have been specially painted black, and they are almost invisible in the dark, and they are a bit dark.

After a while, Gondor, who went out to explore the way, also returned. Sure enough, as Lu Lu said, there are traps ahead, and there are more than one.

"The level of these traps is not low, and I have no absolute certainty that they can be dismantled." He said in the chat channel, "If the dismantling goes well, we can continue to sneak in. If the dismantling fails, we must prepare for battle."

"Fight just fight!" Panda said nonchalantly, "Are we still afraid of fighting?"

Everyone gave a smile, and the matter was settled.

Fortunately, the character of Gondor was good this time, and the six traps before and after were all successfully dismantled at one time. He also obtained four blues and two purples, and six sets of trap materials.

They did not rush forward, but Gondor shot and rearranged the traps in place.

If all goes well, he can easily recycle these materials when he returns from the battle. And if the battle doesn't go well, they can retreat here and use these traps to overturn the enemy.

After doing all this, they were led by Gondor and continued on the road that Lulu pointed.

This time, after walking no more than 100 meters, they heard the sound coming from the front.

It's quarrels and scolding.