Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 282: The strongest of the world

In the dim sewers, only the burning flames on the bodies of those who died in the traps could provide a little illumination. On the walls, on the ground, and on the ceiling above, countless black shadows swayed constantly, like a ghost realm.

In this ghost realm, a fierce battle that ordinary people can't see is taking place.

Gondor rolled and crawled, terribly embarrassed, trying his best to dodge the attack from the gloom. Although he is a legendary professional stalker, because of his level, his stealth skills are not as good as the opponent's. It was the first time he encountered an opponent who was better at stealth than himself since the time traveled.

Not to mention that "King of Shadows" Alan Weena is a thief in the battle direction, and he is a thief in the auxiliary direction. Even if they are of the same level, frontal battles are extremely unfavorable to him.

In fact, he has been able to survive until now, which is already an extraordinary performance.

There seemed to be nothing in the darkness around him, but he knew very well that Alan Weiner was hiding in it.

The King of Shadows has the ability to "blind the shadows". As long as he is in the shadows, he can incarnate into an insubstantial body, not only invisible, but also unable to be hit by ordinary physical attacks. Now this terrain has a great advantage for Alan Weena, and only at the moment of attack will he turn into an entity for a very short time.

It is said that in the face of such an opponent, Gondor can’t stop it three or two times, but fortunately, in the game, every thief player who transferred to the legendary profession has played against Alan Weena—or rather , has been tested by the opponent.

Of course, the same is true of him. In order to pass that battle, he once spent a week researching the strategy and memorizing the routine against Alan Weena. At this moment, he really met the No. 1 thief in the human world, and those experiences from the beginning immediately flooded into his heart and helped a lot.

(Alan Weiner's attack habit is to use the thieves skills one by one. The first is gouge, followed by cutting, then backstab, and then... smearing!)

Gondor turned over, and without waiting to stand up, according to his experience, he erected the dagger in his hand and blocked it in front of his throat.

There was a sound of gold and iron, sparks scattered, and the powerful force shook his arm numb, almost unable to stop it.

A surprised snort came from the darkness. The King of Shadows never thought that this goblin, who could only roll and dodge, could guess his attack method and block it accurately at the moment.

Of course he couldn't have imagined that, in fact, this thief had played against him more than a dozen times, and he had also studied the videos of others fighting him for more than 20 hours.

Although the battle in the game is very different from the battle in reality, Alan Vena's action habits have not changed, which gives Gondor a chance.

While he was fighting hard, the other transmigrators were not idle.

The combat power is relatively weak. The key is that Aio, whose attack power is too low, was assigned to **** Lu Lu away. He did not argue, he picked up Lu Lu, turned around and left without any hesitation.

Ordinarily, as a block fighter, he should stay and defend the striker for the team. However, they also recognized the identity of their opponents, and in the face of the elusive "King of Shadows", meat shields are meaningless at all.

"King of Shadows" Alan Weiner does not eat ridicule, containment and control. Priests in heavy armor are better. Mages and the like are basically like paper paste in front of him, with a knife and a second. There are also dungeons that challenge him in the game, usually seventeen or eight thieves plus a few paladins.

If you have enough hard power, you will be able to pass naturally. If the hard power is not enough, then continue to improve the level, skills and equipment.

The biggest advantage of the traversers is their immortality. In their team, the only person who will die is Lu Lu, so it is the wisest choice to send Lu Lu away first.

The rest kept a certain distance from Gondor and watched the battle.

They didn't know how to fight Alan Weiner at all, even if they were in a hurry, it was useless.

[Panda: Who of you know how to deal with "King of Shadows" Alan Weiner? We met him. 】

[Horus: Lord of Shadows? Legendary killer? ! I'm still playing a ghost with that! They even killed several legendary masters, we may have a chance of winning together with the whole guild, just you few, not one by one...]

[Harmony: How is the environment? 】

[Su Zixi (Cervantes): Inside the sewer. 】

[Harmony: Try to find a way to go out first, it is absolutely impossible to challenge the King of Shadows in this environment. 】

[Xu Xiansen next door to you: Panda will be punished again, maybe a divine condemnation can kill him. 】

[Wu Mian: If a scourge goes on, I don't know if Alan Weena will die, but I can estimate how many people will die in Pollock City...]

[Yunero: Can't get out. 】

[Panda: We can't just throw Gondor (bounty hunter) here, is there any other way? 】

[Harmony: You can try the shadowless tactics, it may be effective, but it may also irritate him. In fact, I think it is the best choice for you to run now and let him break. 】

[Panda: What do you think? 】

【Yunero: Battle! 】

[Su Zixi: Try shadowless tactics. 】

Panda smiled, raised his hand, golden light rose from his palm, turned into a bright ball of light, and flew up.

Meanwhile, Cervantes did something similar, but with a green orb of light.

Balls of light flew everywhere, illuminating the sewers brightly. Because of the deliberate control of Panda and Cervantes, the light **** were scattered all over the sewer, up, down, left, right, front, and back. Under their reflection, everything in the sewer was illuminated, and no shadow could be seen.

This is the well-known "shadowless tactic" in the game. It can make the battlefield without shadows, so that monsters such as shadow demons and shadow monsters that can perform shadow lurking, shadow jumping and other abilities lose this ability. , can only fight head-on, can no longer be elusive.

But it also has a huge disadvantage, it will generate great hatred and anger each other.

Panda had just finished casting the spell, when a strong warning omen appeared. He subconsciously punched in the direction of the warning omen, but he didn't feel like he hit the entity. Instead, his arm was cold and painful. There was also a long wound on the arm, with bone deep visible.

If his reflexes were even a little slower, half of his arm would be lost.

Even if the king of shadows, Alan Weina, only fights head-on, he is still a first-class powerhouse in the world, and it is definitely not something they can challenge now!

Harmony is right, the best option now is actually to run away.

However, the panda doesn't want to run away!

Although I don't know if the King of Shadows has stepped into the legendary level at this time, but even if he has not stepped into the legend, the other party is one of the most powerful masters in the world. The opportunity is rare, and he wants to compete with the other party to see how big the gap is.

For a long time, the biggest threats to travelers are nothing more than two. One is that things are going to be discovered by heaven and hell. If the archangels and demons come to the door, they really have nothing to do; the other threat is the human world. The legendary powerhouses of , they are mobile nuclear weapons with a terrifying deterrent, and before the traversers can confront them head-on, they must be careful to avoid being targeted by them.

Besides, they are not afraid even if it is tens of thousands of troops - let alone as long as the castle is not found, under their full harassment, the army will not last long. Even if the castle is found, the big deal is that everyone relies on it. The immortal body fights hard, day and night, and it won't take long for an army to collapse.

The threat of heaven and **** is another matter, the legendary powerhouses in the world... There is a good opportunity in front of you!

The level of the Frost Sword Saint is too high, and the opponent is almost the number one expert in the human world, and cannot be used as a benchmark for the legendary level at all.

By contrast, the King of Shadows is a fitting opponent...