Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 286: black gear

Of course, it is impossible for the traversers to know what happened in the mansion of Earl Pollock, and they have no interest in it.

Now, they have more important things to do.

After returning to the hotel, Gondor took out "encrypted packages" one by one - these were temporarily made by him using his thief skills. When cleaning the battlefield before, he scoured the dead assassins and found them. The things are such a package.

This is a very interesting setting. These packages must be opened in a safe area, and all team members are required to be present. Each time one is opened, everyone must use the "unlock" command together.

The reason for this setting, in the game, is of course to increase the fun and increase the suspense of players fighting monsters and dropping treasures-many monsters may find good things on them, but different from normal explosive equipment, the things found It was impossible to know the contents on the spot, it was like a treasure chest.

A group of people huddled in the safe area to open the treasure chest, sometimes sighing and sometimes cheering, can greatly affect the players around them and increase their enthusiasm for the game.

"Okay, now it's time to witness the miracle!" Gondor said one of the lines in the game that players often say before opening packages, then chose a package and used "unlock".

Panda and the others followed closely behind.

When everyone used this command, the square cloth bag that was tightly wrapped was slowly unfolded, revealing an assassin dagger inside.

Gondor picked it up, checked it, and shook his head: "Blue quality, in addition to the certain 'special effects on humanoid creatures', there is also an 'additional bleeding state' effect."

Everyone also shook their heads and opened the next package.

A blue dagger, exactly the same as the previous one.

The third package, as usual.

"They don't all use this, do they?" Panda said suspiciously, "Could it be that I was kicked to death that day, but I still have a special identity?"

"You really have a troublesome constitution, you can make trouble wherever you go..." Yuneruo smiled, "I was thinking, could it be that you are the protagonist of this world's destiny?"

Panda shook his head: "If I were the protagonist of this world, shouldn't you all die every time I attack, and I am the only one left to walk back leisurely? Why the other way around?"

Everyone laughed.

After laughing, continue to open the package.

Blue dagger, blue dagger, blue dagger.

In the seventh package, a purple dagger was finally opened, and the attributes were similar to the one Panda had obtained before.

"It seems that these two kinds of daggers are standard." Cervantes said, "With these two purple daggers, it should be no problem to find Sangu to build a purple weapon."

"Of course there are problems, there are big problems!" Aio said, "If you build it, who will it belong to?"

Cervantes smiled: "What do you think about putting aside disputes and developing together?"

"You discuss it with Sanyu, it's not for me anyway."

"Have you forgotten me?" Gondor protested. "I'm still using the blue dagger! This dagger is mine!"

"You are a sneak thief, what do you want a powerful weapon for?"

"Why can't I ask for a powerful weapon? Who would think that I'm not strong enough?" Gondor asked rhetorically.

So everyone was speechless and continued to open the package.

Blue dagger, blue dagger, blue dagger, blue dagger, blue dagger.

Seeing that there was one last package left, everyone couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

However, a dramatic scene happened.

When the last package was opened, it was not a dagger, but a machete and a necklace.

Gondor reacted the fastest, and before anyone else could react, he reached out and took the machete in his hand: "Okay, I want this machete, and everything else is yours."

Seeing his actions, even the relatively honest and honest Yuneruo reacted, jumping up and shouting, "Damn! You brows and big eyes, you are actually doing something about black equipment!"

"I have a small nose and small eyes, so I can tell it's the villain at a glance." Gondor put away the machete and said kindly.

"You're boring! Everyone is teaming up together, why did you just grab something..." Panda sighed and persuaded, "Take it out."

"I don't! Take out the golden equipment and share it? It's not suitable for anyone!" Gondor shook his head again and again.

"You use a dagger, what the **** is a machete!" Cervantes said angrily, "Don't tell me, you are also specializing in machete skills!"

"I'm going to practice the machete now," Gondor replied.

"I've never seen such a brazen person!" Aio shook his head and sighed, "You really... corrupt your character!"

"You've never seen golden equipment." Gondor's green face flushed red, but he still didn't mean to give in at all, "Well, how about I let each of you hang me three or five times to vent your anger. ?"

"...I let you hang me thirty or fifty times to vent your anger, how about you give me the knife?" Cervantes asked rhetorically.

Gondor laughed dryly, but did not answer.

Seeing that he didn't look like oil and salt, everyone had no choice but to check the necklace first.

This necklace is purple equipment, and it is not an ordinary purple equipment, it has a unique name. Its name is "The Shadow of Thrace". In addition to improving a lot of agility and other attributes, it can also greatly improve the thief skills of the equipment, especially the stealth skills. thirty! In addition, if equipped by thieves, it can also give the wearer the ability to freely use "shadow jump", which can teleport between shadows not far away (about 50 meters).

Its equipment requirements are not high, as long as it is a Thracian nationality, it can be equipped; as long as it has an official Thracian identity, it can exert various enhancement effects. For stealth thieves, it can be described as a magic weapon.

And its introduction is this: In Thrace's thieves and assassins training camp, only a very small number of students are eligible to receive the personal instruction of the Lord of Shadows. When these people graduate, they will have a fierce contest, and the best performers will be received and rewarded by the king, and will be awarded the title of "Shadow Vanguard". This necklace is a testament to "Shadow Vanguard".

"Damn it! Shadow Vanguard Necklace?!" Cervantes exclaimed, "Are you crazy in Gondor? Don't want this for a golden machete?"

Gondor also came to his senses, his face tangled.

Of course he knew this necklace. Before crossing, it was one of the best necklaces for thieves. For stealth thieves, if you don't consider the attributes of the suit, even the necklace in the King of Shadows suit that can explode from Alan Weena has no attributes.

Before crossing, his character wore this necklace.

It is said that the style of this necklace should be familiar to him, but when he saw the machete just now, there was nothing else in his eyes.

The leader of the Seahorse Gang was killed by someone who penetrated the back of the chair with a knife from behind; the one who killed him was not the King of Shadows, but an ordinary assassin; this assassin was much stronger than other assassins, so he could He fled to the farthest place from the trap before dying... Combining these points, it is obvious that this assassin is the one who killed the leader of the Seahorse Gang, and this knife is the one he used.

A machete of at least top purple quality, most likely gold quality!

Thinking of the words "golden equipment", where can he see other things, where can he think of other things!

As a result, I left behind what really suits me best...