Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 351: silver wire

Although it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, the business of Flying Fish Bar was still very good. The magic street lamp at the door emitted a strong but not dazzling yellow light, which illuminated a large area around it. Through the hidden door, you could see It was lively and noisy inside, and the guests who came in and out from time to time also proved this.

The level of customers in the Flying Fish Bar is obviously a bit higher than that of the average bar. The four well-armed strong men at the door will stop those who have no money and no ability at first glance, and those who are qualified to enter, or are dressed in luxurious clothes. , or it is imposing, and there may be a silver gun wax head, but definitely not too much.

Panda stood not far from the bar and watched for a while, nodded, and walked over.

Of course, the guard at the door wouldn't stop him - anyone who can wear full-body armor is eligible to enter this bar.

But they stopped a thin man who was following behind. The strong man who reached out his hand to stop the man didn't speak, just looked at the other side with a sneer.

The thin man's face immediately flushed red, and he shouted, "He can go in, why can't I go in?"

The strong man didn't answer, just bent down and stretched out his hand, but stopped in front of him, preventing him from taking a step forward.

Panda found it interesting, so he stopped and stood in the corridor at the entrance to watch.

The thin man kept shouting, but it was like a one-man show, and no one paid any attention. It just so happened that there were no guests coming in or going out during this time, and it didn't provoke any bad-tempered masters.

After a while, a priest wearing a white robe inlaid with silver threads and a four-leaf clover holy emblem came out, looking at the skinny man who was still making noise, and sighed.

"You have about 140 or 50 gold coins in total. This amount of money is probably all your belongings. Our consumption here is not suitable for you." He said.

The thin man didn't expect that the other party would be able to tell his family background as soon as he opened his mouth, and his eyes widened suddenly, but he didn't know what to say, and was stunned there.

The priest shook his head and added: "You have a magic item on you, probably something like 'Lucky Rabbit's Feet'. With its help, you gambled among your friends, and you should have won several times, so you have Confidence. Smell the smell of alcohol on your body, you probably drank a lot, took advantage of the alcohol, took out all your belongings, and wanted to come to the casino in our bar to make a lot of money..."

He sighed and said softly: "But please think about it carefully, how powerful can even what you can get? Our casinos here only take the plunge and don't play the banker. Those gamblers are often very skilled. Many people's lucky equipment is much more advanced than yours, what are your chances of winning against them?"

The thin man was speechless, but there was still a bit of resentment in his eyes, obviously not really convinced.

The priest saw what he was thinking, smiled slightly, and took out a dice: "This dice has six faces, three red and three black. Since you are lucky, you might as well guess. If I throw it now, is it red or black?"

The thin man hesitated for a moment and said, "Red."

The priest threw the dice casually, and the dice landed on the slate floor. It rolled twice and stopped, but the black side was facing up.

He stretched out his hand, and the dice flew to his hand: "One more time, guess whether it's red or black."

The thin man hesitated longer this time, then said, "Black."

The priest threw it again, this time with the red face up.

Next, the pastor asked the thin man to try more than a dozen times, and he was wrong every time, not even the last time.

"Look, I'm just a pastor who can do this kind of thing. Those high rollers who slaughter all over the casino are only better than me. Why do you win their money?"

At this moment, the thin man's face was pale, his head was downcast, and he was speechless.

So the pastor put away the dice and stretched out his hand in front of him: "The consultation fee is one gold coin, please settle the bill."

The thin man sighed deeply, took out a gold coin and gave it to him, then thanked him in a voice so low that he could barely hear it, turned around, and left weakly.

Watching him walk away, the pastor frowned and said to the doorman, "Send someone to follow him, and if anyone tries to beat him on the road, help him stop him, anyway, he's leaving from us today, so we can't damage ours. Reputation! Tomorrow, find out who encouraged him to come here, and dare to cause trouble for us... After finding out, you don't have to report it to me, just throw it into the sea to feed the fish!"

The four strong men nodded together, and one followed in the direction the thin man left.

The panda watched from the side without saying a word. It was only at this moment that he applauded lightly and praised: "As expected of the 'silver thread' under the **** of luck, I really opened my eyes today!"

The pastor turned around, bowed slightly to him, and saluted: "In front of the 'Iron Hand' under the Throne of Suffering, what's the point of my ability?"

Their commercial touts, but they use the professional term in the clergy circle - in the Church of God of Luck, priests and other spellcaster clerics are called "silver threads", and paladins and other martial arts saints are called "silver threads". The practitioners call it "Golden Sword"; in the Church of the Suffering God, the corresponding names are "Wings" and "Iron Hands".

These titles are not used by others, only among their clergymen, sometimes they are used.

Calling each other by such a name is a natural sign of friendliness.

The priest of the God of Luck was polite and friendly to a mere ordinary person, and of course he was even more polite to the paladins of the Church of the Suffering God. Panda has always been kind to people, not to mention he also knows the identity of the other party - the famous legendary powerhouse "Frozen Clover" in the Southern Archipelago, the future first Pope of the Church of God of Luck, promotes the establishment of the Southern Archipelago, and participates in the siege of the Pirate King The battle of Barbarossa... Of course, that's a long time coming.

The current priest is just an ordinary priest named "Giacomo Chiesa".

An important reason why the pandas disembarked at Feiyu Port was to meet this person. According to Harmony's estimation, at this point in time, Giacomo should have not left the port of flying fish and went to the sea farther south to seek wisdom and strength - that was after the battle between the pirate king and the mermaid queen. At present, the two Although the legendary powerhouse has a bad relationship, at least it hasn't really turned its face.

Panda is not sure when the battle will start. Judging from the unknown whereabouts of the Pirate King during this period of time, it is possible that the two sides have already started confrontation, and it may not even be long before the battle begins.

So until then, he's going to wander around the Southern Isles to see if he can get some good stuff -- say, get some treasure that would have been lost in the chaos that followed the war, or maybe save one or two with the skills. Some people, or know some people, climb up some friendship.

Getting to know Giacomo is part of that.