Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 425: timeless art

The pirates who went ashore with the pandas came from a little-known pirate ship. The captain died in the battle that attacked them. Several elite members of the ship were killed by Hu, who was interested in intercepting Captain Jack, and became a pirate as an adventurer. Wang's Ge Li recruited and became the crew member of his monstrous super clipper "Flying".

The rest are naturally ordinary sailors, both in terms of sailing skills and combat skills.

In the Western Continent, learning culture is more expensive than learning martial arts. Many adventurers are illiterate, or can only recognize dozens of simple words. Of course a pirate like this cannot be literate. The only literate man on the pirate ship was a mediocre sorcerer--he was also on the "Flying".

That is to say, among the group of people brought by the panda, there is not even a single person who can read.

Being illiterate is not a problem, but should you still learn art if you are illiterate? This is kind of weird.

Generally speaking, artists are scholars, because if you want to learn art, you can't do without reading and literacy. But... Panda thinks about it carefully, and it seems that no one stipulates that artists must be literate. For example, the famous blind man A Bing, not to mention reading and literacy, he can't even see directly, he is also a famous artist.

So he thought for a while and asked, "What art are they studying? Music?"

"Fine art," the man replied. "They study fine art at the Eternal Art Academy."

Panda nodded - to learn art, you don't need to read and read. Although it sounds strange that a painter can't read, it's not impossible.

"Where is that 'eternal art'?" he asked again.

The guy hesitated for a moment, then introduced: "Go out from here, turn left, pass four intersections, then turn right, pass six intersections, pass left, pass two intersections, turn right again, pass one intersection, Again……"

"Stop!" Panda interrupted him, "Needless to say, I'll just go out and rent a carriage... Those who rent carriages, do they know this place?"

"This academy is still well-known, and I think they should know each other."

Panda nodded and left the shop.

There are still quite a few taxis carrying passengers in the city of Terrera. After walking for about ten minutes, he saw one on the side of the road. The horse pulling the carriage looked a bit old, but in good spirits, the carriage was neat and tidy, and the driver was a young man with a smart face.

He discussed it with the young man, negotiated the price, and got into the car.

Similar to the taxi drivers on Earth, the coachmen in this world are also very talkative.

Famous places or something, most of the interesting things he said were all kinds of filth in the aristocratic circle - generally they were all around Xia Sanlu, not a certain noble who took expired aphrodisiac medicine and was carried from the brothel to the temple, It was a certain noble lady who came out of the wall, an adulterer and her husband dueling in the street... and so on.

These things are of course interesting, but pandas are really not interested.

So he yawned and asked, "Is there a story about the Academy of Eternal Art?"

The young man said with a smile: "Of course, there was a Viscount Adabras not long ago who wanted to molest the models in the academy, but he was coaxed and tricked, and he went on stage to become a model himself, and within two days, he His whole body painting was distributed all over the streets - it's not that I'm so uncommon, his bird has a really weird shape, it's neither straight nor curved, but it actually has a spin, as if it was twisted halfway by something. It looks like a circle..."

Panda thought about that appearance, and couldn't help laughing: "He didn't take revenge?"

"Retaliation? How to retaliate? People took out the magic image of the time. In the image, he was in high spirits, with an excited expression, shaking a bird and shouting, 'I want to show my magnificent figure to the people of Terrera'... If it wasn't A few burly students stopped him, and he was afraid that he would be able to rush out and run a few laps in the street."

"He was hit by a trick, right? Maybe it's a hypnosis spell."

"Maybe, but who can tell from the image? So Viscount Adabras had to admit that he was unlucky, and spent a lot of money to buy all those paintings."

Panda nodded: "It seems that there are many masters in this academy!"

"That's for sure, if you dare to struttingly carry out 'body art painting', you haven't been asked for trouble, and there must be powerful people behind it."

Speaking of this, the panda suddenly froze and asked, "Body art painting? What exactly are they painting?"

"Human body," said the coachman. "Men, women, old people, children... of course. The most popular of course is the pretty girls, but that's just a gimmick. I have a relative who also went to two classes, The model in one class is a fat man as fat as a pig, and the model in the other class is a strong man with many scars on his body, and I don’t know if it’s Jiang Yang’s career change.”

Panda was stunned for a second. He originally thought that the "art" of this academy was just a gimmick, and it was selling hues in his bones. So it sounds like it is still a serious art academy?

Although he is not an art student, he has seen a lot of body art paintings and bought a body painting album. In the entire album, at most only one-third of them are related to women. Many of them are muscular men, or old people. The strong vitality or the precipitation of the years are expressed incisively and vividly in the paintings of the painters. There is a feeling of being straight to the heart.

In that album, what impressed him most was a skinny African child. The child who didn't even have clothes walked in the sunshine with a smile. His expression was obviously very happy, but it gave people a feeling of extreme sadness. It seemed that he could hear the painter covering his face and crying through the drawing paper.

Compared with that painting, the appeal of any kind of beauty is too far behind.

If the "eternal art" academy teaches this kind of painting art, it is not an ordinary high level. So... those pirates who switched careers ashore have really embarked on the road of becoming artists?

"It doesn't make sense... how about dozens of people who have all changed careers as artists?" Panda shook his head and muttered to himself, full of doubts in his heart.

He wouldn't be surprised if one or two stumbled across his artistic talent and switched careers to learn painting. But the group of pirates who came ashore was not so small, dozens of people changed careers? Not all of them have the talent in this area!

If so, what a hell!