Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 443: Not competing fully

Facing the roaring army of synthetic beasts, the Thracian army was soon completely unable to resist.

The Thracian army rushing ahead is the left and right flanks of the army. The troops on these two flanks are far inferior to the elite of the central army, and they are not much stronger than the Mo Lai army. Otherwise, how could they have fought several times and always only Can you fight on the **** in front of the Chain Fortress?

At this moment, Mo Laijun added the synthetic beast, which immediately made it difficult for them to resist. In particular, synthetic beasts do not feel pain, and are not as easy to drive away as ordinary beasts. Ordinary means of dealing with beasts or small beasts are not of much use to them. In the face of this kind of enemy, if there is no bad thing about Mo Lai Army in the middle, the Thracian Army can still come up with something - the army is a large army after all, and there are many more means than ordinary adventurers.

But... the synthetic beasts did not fight alone, they were also fighting alongside Molai's soldiers.

In the face of these Thracian second-line troops, Molai's soldiers were not afraid. One might not be able to beat one, and five or four would probably be no problem. The gap between them was probably like this. Now with the help of the army of synthetic beasts, the advantages and disadvantages have been completely reversed. The Thracian army not only fell behind, but the situation was extremely bad.

The means to deal with monsters are useless to people!

Not only is it useless, but... people will crack it in a targeted manner.

The world is huge, and all kinds of wonderful methods emerge in an endless stream, but there are only dozens of types that can be mastered by the public. Each other is a big country, and the Thracians are the means of meeting, and the Molai people will of course. They have already carried out a variety of special drills and made full preparations according to the situations they may encounter. At this moment, as soon as the Thracians made a move, they often broke it before they had time to work, and there was almost no effect.

Dealing with a large group of monsters is nothing more than frightening and deceiving. Scare is to imitate the power of natural enemies or advanced monsters, to scare or even scare the monsters away; to cheat is to simulate the breath of these monsters themselves, or something they value, to induce them.

Dogs have a sensitive sense of smell and are most afraid of irritating tastes, so the most commonly used method to deal with canine monsters is poisonous smoke, which is almost versatile. However, the poisonous smoke of the Thracians had just been lit, and a strange fragrance came out from the Molai Army. The two smells met, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a faint smell of fireworks, like a stove that had just been extinguished.

This is just a scene on the battlefield. In the following time, the Thracian army changed several methods one after another, but each of them was cracked and completely failed.

All means are restrained, and the only thing left is to fight head-to-head. Facing the combined attack of the Synthetic Beast Army and the Molai Army, the Thracian Army was really unable to resist, and they retreated and retreated, and retreated again and again.

Fortunately, they still remembered that they had the world-famous "mountain army" as their backing. Although the situation was very unfavorable, their morale had not collapsed. Even if Mo Laijun tried his best to attack, they could not completely defeat them, and they were finally slowed down by them. Tun Tun returned to the camp.

When they were about to retreat into the camp, Mo Laijun had attacked desperately, killing hundreds of people in just a few minutes. At that time, the position of the Thracian army was really crumbling, and it was about to collapse completely. However, probably due to bad luck, the Molai people's attack failed to destroy the Thracian formation after all, so that they could not hold the formation and completely collapsed.

"X!" Watching the Thracian army retreat to the camp, Brave Cyrus on the city wall stomped his feet and cursed with a swear word.

He was born in a top aristocratic family and received etiquette education since he was a child, and he can maintain a certain etiquette even at the juncture of life and death. Cursing swear words like this now makes me so angry that I can't control my emotions at all.

He is still like this, let alone other Molai officers, sighing and sighing, cursing and cursing, all in chaos.

"Stop arguing!" said the Duke of Cyrus coldly. "As for the war, seven points depend on hard work and three points depend on life. The Thracians are lucky this time, and they have nothing to be angry about. Speaking of luck, our luck is really good!"

He patted Aaron on the shoulder next to him: "With Master Igor Kunzlin (Aaron Igor Kunzlin) helping us, can the Thracians compare to us with this luck?"

The officers nodded again and again. Although this master Igor Kunzlin was frightening, it was also very reliable for such a person to become a companion. And his methods are really unpredictable. In just two months, he has turned into such a powerful and terrifying army-they have all seen the appearance of the previous group of domestic dogs with their own eyes. It is impossible to fight, and even just a few hundred people can kill these tens of thousands of dogs in one go.

But now, the Thracian army who died under the fangs and claws of this group of dogs is afraid that there are already three or four thousand.

Although this battle was not completely won, it was at least a big victory. The Molai Army should have suffered no more than 1,000 casualties, while the Thracian side... I'm afraid the casualties are already close to 5,000.

The Thracian army had a total of more than 90,000, and the loss of 5,000 was already broken. If it weren't for the mountain legion known as "The Wind and Rain" as the backbone, I am afraid that it would have been completely defeated long ago.

With this great victory, the Thracians will no longer have the courage to take the initiative to attack for at least the next month.

Not only that, even if the Thracians reorganized their army, facing the Synthetic Beast Legion, they couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Although Mo Lai may not be able to win this battle, at least he is invincible!

But amid the euphoria, Aaron's face did not have the slightest hint of joy.

On the contrary, there was a deep gloom in his eyes.

(Taking advantage of such an opportunity, they have not been able to completely defeat the Thracian army. The Molai people are really a bunch of waste! If Panda or Yuneruo led the team, the wave just now must have collapsed the Thracian formation. !)

(In this situation, although winning is winning, the war is not over, and there is still more to fight. After all, synthetic beasts are just a surprise weapon. The first time you use them, the effect is the best, and if you use them later, you may not It has such a good effect.)

(The synthetic beasts spawned by mutagenic agents have an unstable foundation. If you don’t use that trick to make up the foundation, they will degenerate in a short time. Although degeneration is actually a good thing, changes can be stabilized and passed down through descendants, but after inducement How many of the changed dogs can maintain fertility?)

(However, if that trick was used, the Molai side must have a worse impression on me. They are already treating me as a dark figure like a warlock or a demon priest, and then use that trick...they I'm afraid I'm going to be reincarnated as a demon, right?)

(But... if I don't take advantage of the current situation to completely push back the Thracians, and keep dragging it on, Duke Cyrus will always need me to make a lot of mutagen... I can't waste my time and energy on doing nothing to me. Meaning "excellence" on!)

(So... let's just use that trick!)

With a ferocious light in his eyes, he leaned over to Duke Cyrus and said in a low voice, "Actually, I still have a way, maybe I can break through the Thracian barracks in one go!"