Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 490: Stable

A storm about the guild crystal came to an end.

The traversers are still studying this crystal, which they don’t know how to describe, but the results of the research are very unsatisfactory-the mages headed by Wusian have changed more than a dozen spells before and after, and none of them can produce even a little bit of it. Effect. As for the physical means, this thing is not only indestructible, but there is no echo at all after being knocked on, which makes the engineering traversers who try to use the sonic analysis method very distressed.

Of course, they have enough time to study this thing slowly, whether it is a year, ten years, even if it takes a hundred years or more, there is no problem.

The members of the Homecoming faction have all returned to the castle. Seeing that they can see the earth through the guild crystal, they immediately lost interest in the previous plan of "killing monsters and leveling up the Shattered Void".

Can you reach the Shattered Void by fighting monsters and leveling up? No one is sure. In contrast, the clear earth in the guild crystal is obviously more promising - at least it looks more promising.

Because they have all returned, the monsters in Kamala Swamp can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition to the murlocs in the water, the monsters in Wolf Nest Lake have basically become extinct on the shore. The ecological balance of this area has completely collapsed. Not to mention carnivores, even herbivores are almost extinct. In a longer time, it is probably impossible to breed a huge group of monsters. During this time, I sent a lot of people to go home to Kamala Swamp and continue to farm monsters in another place.

The Kamala Swamp is located in the southeast of the Terrera Kingdom, between Terrera and West Brunei. This place is called the "Great South East", and there are more than two dozen large and small countries - this number is not Sure, because every few years, new countries are established, and old countries are destroyed. At most, two countries in a year have completed the life cycle from birth to death.

In addition to numerous small countries, the most famous feature of the Greater Southeast is the Kamala Swamp. This swamp is a paradise for monsters. Almost all kinds of monsters, from the lowest slimes to the highest dragons, can be found in it.

For this reason, when the traversers killed the high-quality monster spawning location Wolf's Nest Lake to the point of ecological collapse, they went to Kamala Swamp.

The huge swamp is worthy of being a monster spawning paradise in the middle of the leveling party in the game. Dozens of fighters were thrown into it, like throwing a few stones into a pond, and basically no movement was seen.

Perhaps the main reason is... the distribution of monsters in this swamp is very irregular, and most of the time they are fighting with some difficult but worthless monsters.

For example, vine monsters, multi-legged vine monsters, deformed vine monsters... and so on.

As for why this swamp is so rich in vine monsters commonly known as "cottage tentacle monsters"? After all, the reality is not a game, and the basic method should be paid attention to when killing monsters. The terrain of the swamp is very suitable for vine monsters to thrive.

Not to mention, this kind of ghost reproduces asexually. In spring, a circle of spores is spilled. You don't have to wait until autumn. After a week at the latest, there will be some new vine monsters.

For scholars who are interested in studying the ecology of monsters, "why did the vine monsters in Kamala Swamp not form as large as an ant colony and even attack the outside world" is a problem that has puzzled them for a long time, and there is no answer until now.

Some time ago, due to the hard work of the Homecoming faction, the number of vine monsters in the northern area of ​​Kamala Swamp had been greatly reduced, so that some people wanted to build a city here and establish a country-the country in this area is roughly a city. There are several villages outside the village, and if the conditions are not enough, there are not even a few villages.

But because of their departure, it can be predicted that the group of careerists are doomed to fail.

Because, the "force protection" they rely on indicates that it is more important to see the guild crystals when brushing vine monsters!

Compared with being in a dirty and dark swamp, one foot in mud and one foot in water, fighting with countless vine monsters that can't provide much loot and experience points, it is more interesting to lie in a clean and bright guild hall and watch the guild crystal.

Moreover, if one day the mages' research is effective and the portal to the earth is temporarily opened, they can hurry up and jump in directly.

Although this possibility is not very big, but the opportunity always belongs to the prepared people, right?

It's not just the homecoming group who are looking forward to the guild crystal.

In fact, during this period, more than 70% of the traversers gathered in the castle, and those who stayed outside were only those who thought "it's good to stay in this world".

For example, those who are happy to be counts, for example, those who are struggling to become the great chiefs of the centaurs, for example, those who have already taken the human cannon to the South China Sea and started to gain the reputation of the Lizardmen, for example, those who are still in no fixed place to pick up girls, for example It is said that they are busy picking up girls when they have a territory...

For example, pandas.

"I didn't expect you to be someone who has no interest in going home." Liu Daoqing said with a smile, "I thought you would always be by the guild crystal."

"Why do you think so?" Panda asked.

"Because... it doesn't feel like you are the kind of person who doesn't care about anything. If you have a choice, you should go back to Earth... After all, your parents and family are still there."

Panda fell silent for a while, smiling bitterly.

If he had a choice, he would of course be willing to go back.

However, judging from the scene in the guild crystal, if the traversers return to the earth, they will probably return to the moment of their traversal.

If that's the case, he might as well not go back.

Even if he becomes a pandaren, even if the world is far less stable and peaceful than the earth, at least he is still alive.

What a life!

The two chatted while walking, and soon, the simple and solemn Elanz Castle appeared in their field of vision.

Because the leylines around the castle were specially combed by the legendary mages, even Liu Daoqing couldn't go quickly with the water escape, and could only walk over with two feet.

Fortunately, they walked very fast, and it didn't take long for them to approach the castle.

While walking, the panda suddenly stopped.

Liu Daoqing also stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"What a sharp young man." In the open space not far away, the light of magic flashed, and the figure of the sage Lopez appeared, "How did you find me?"

"I didn't notice you, I just subconsciously felt that someone was watching me." Panda replied politely.

The sage smiled and nodded: "The perceptive ability of the clergy is really amazing! I just felt that two powerful people approached the castle of Elanz, so I used the leyline teleportation technique to come and take a look. I didn't expect it to be you. ."

His eyes fell on Liu Daoqing: "Gu Liu, we've all been back for a long time, why did you come back? Is there anything delayed?"

"I went to prepare a present for Katerina, and it took a little time."

"You can come back safely, which is a very good gift in itself." The sage shook his head. "You have dragged on for so long, and now she is a little unhappy. When you meet, be prepared to be beaten."

Liu Daoqing laughed dryly and hurriedly begged for mercy, asking the teacher of the Elanz family to say good things for himself.

Sage Lopez smiled without saying a word, waved his wand, and the light of magic disappeared suddenly with the three of them, and in the next instant, he appeared beside the farmland outside the castle.

It was late spring and early summer, and the farmers were busy in the fields. Katerina was not wearing armor and was standing beside the fields, watching the busy people.

As a qualified lord, she often patrols her territory like this - not just to watch the flowers, but to observe carefully, find problems in advance, and solve them.

Seeing Sage Lopez appear with Liu Daoqing and Panda, she first showed a surprised smile, and then the smile was replaced by anger.

There is no doubt that in a few seconds at most, the bucket will come into intimate contact with Liu Daoqing's head together with the water in it.

So, Liu Daoqing immediately took out his trump card.

The huge pearl that emits a charming blue light in the sun and is so moist that it makes people feel drunk.

"I went to find you a present," he said. "Its light reminds me of your gaze."

Panda touched his nose and said nothing.

(When I have a girlfriend, I should also ask Wang Tuhao how to find gifts and how to talk...)