Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 510: Traveler's love story

Pratt didn't come to have a drink and celebrate getting out of the house together, but continued to be busy.

After being busy for a while, he turned his head to look at the panda who was a little boring drinking alone: ​​"It seems that you haven't left the house yet, why are you cheering for the house?"

"I've never been in a house before, how can I get out of my house?"

"Let's talk about this when you have a wife."

The panda was silent, speechless.

It is not easy for him to find a wife.

Human women are generally not willing to marry orcs. As for orc women... I'm sorry that his aesthetics have not yet been transformed into real orcs. In the face of those thick and hairy orc girls, he may be reliable. comrades-in-arms, but there is really no way to treat each other as a woman.

Most of the transmigrators who have transmigrated into non-human races now encounter this problem.

Of course, they also want to solve their own life-long affairs, but what they like is a beautiful girl with human or human style, but how many such girls would be willing to marry a man with a strange shape?

Even in the "Beauty and the Beast" in the fairy tale, the prince who was turned into a beast will return to his human appearance at night!

At this time, Panda thought of Uniro.

"Speaking of which, that guy Yunero is lucky!" he said enviously and jealously. "Not long ago, he went to visit Princess Aribella of the Mermaid clan, and after talking, he went to bed."

"That's normal, unrestrained Ji."

"The problem is that after a few days, he went to visit Princess Aribella again. This time the princess was not at home. He talked to the guards under the princess and went to bed."

Prett was silent for a while, and asked, "The guards?"

"That's right, the guards 'men'."

"...How many bodyguards does Haofang Ji have?"

"I do not know."

"Yunero doesn't know that either?"

"He said he didn't remember how many women were on the bed at the time."

"……Depend on!"

"Yeah, he's obviously so ugly!" Panda said indignantly, "Wang Tuhao, the terribly handsome guy who can pick up girls everywhere, I recognize him, he's really handsome. You, with a handsome appearance and a talent, went to the Three Kingdoms. At least it's the third master Zhang type, you have a wife, that's normal. But Yune is so ugly, but she is so beautiful-Princess Aribella and her guards are all beauties! "

Pret sighed: "Yunero seems to be planning to establish a kingdom in the Southern Islands to be the king. He is going to be the king. There must be a lot of mermaids in the concubine."

Panda sighed deeply: "This world is really unfair!"

"The world is inherently unfair."

"Damn, I don't think I'm ugly. Why don't girls like me?"

"You run around all day, and you almost never settle in one place for more than three months. Where do you find the time to develop relationships with others?" Pratt asked.

Panda was stunned, pondered for a while, and said hesitantly, "You mean, I should find a place with beautiful girls and live for a year or a half?"

Pret seemed to be stuck, and after a few seconds, he said, "This should at least give some hope."

Panda thought about it carefully for a long time, and finally sighed: "That's okay. Sometimes in life, there is always something, and in life, don't force it. This kind of thing depends on fate."

"Fate is a ghost! You need to take the initiative to attack this kind of thing! Do you think that a girl is the rain and snow in the sky, and it will fall automatically when you sit there?"

"But I don't think you seem to be "taking the initiative"..."

"How did you know I didn't?" Pratt's voice was full of sarcasm, "You forgot how long I lived in the capital? It's been over a year, okay!"

"Come on, you can complete a lifetime event in one year. You belong to a flash marriage. And did you know Jenny as soon as you arrived in the capital? It must have been a while. You know your wife after a while. It almost fell from the sky."

Pret shook his head: "If you want to think so, then I can't do anything about it. It's just that I tell you as a person who has come here. If you want to find a good girl who suits your heart, you have to take the initiative to attack."

"I'm a bear man, it's useless to take the initiative to attack."

"That's not necessarily true. To be honest, you are actually pretty good-looking. Among the orcs, pandaren are relatively close to the aesthetics of human beings. As long as you work hard, your sincerity will pay off. Even if you fail once, you can still do it. Look for something else... Sakuragi Huadao has lost love fifty times, and it is only the fifty-first time that she finds a girl who really suits her, you will never be worse than him."

"...Why do I feel like you're laughing at me?"

"You think too much about yourself."

Panda sighed deeply again: "Forget it, don't talk about that. You'd better tell me your love history."

Prett smiled: "What's there to talk about? After I came to the capital, I opened this workshop first, and then Alexander came to watch the fun - he is also an armor fan. We both fell in love as soon as we chatted. , I felt that it was too late to meet, and then we ate and drank together. He was drunk that day, and I took him back. Back at his house, Jenny came out to greet him. When she saw that Alexander was drunk, she criticized him fiercely and sprayed My dad didn't even dare to say it back - that's when I noticed her."

Panda nodded again and again: "Then what?"

"Then a few days later, Alexander invited me to his house. He had a set of ancestral armor, and he wanted to show it to me to check if it was damaged and whether it needed repair." The armor is really good. It should have been made by a legendary blacksmith. Unfortunately, the blacksmith's artistic level is very average. The armor is sturdy enough, but the aesthetics are not very satisfactory. A month of fine-tuning that piece of armor with a water grinder, eventually turning it into a beautiful and sturdy piece of art."

"That's why he likes you?" Panda asked.

"Probably, he said, 'A person who can modify the works of a legendary blacksmith will become a great tool in the future', and he has a crush on me."

"But what does this have to do with Jenny?" Panda asked again.

Prett thought for a while and said, "Actually, between Jenny and I... probably because we met more often, we became familiar with each other. Then Alexander admired my talent and wanted me to be his son-in-law... At first, Jenny She doesn't like me, she wants to marry a heroic warrior, not a craftsman who builds and repairs armor with a hammer all day long."

"and after?"

"Later...something happened." Pratt said something vague, "In short, she saw my force and found that I fit her aesthetic well, so we developed smoothly, and the marriage was decided. down."

"Damn it! Why did you skip it when it was critical!"

Prett was silent for a while, and sighed: "That matter is a bit troublesome, let's not talk about it."

"What's the trouble?" Panda frowned and asked.

Just as Prett was about to answer, a voice came from the door.

"Excuse me, is Master Pret here? I am Doron, the Knight of Prince Zion. I have something to visit."

There was a little helplessness in Prett's voice: "Look, trouble is coming..."