Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 625: About titles and families

The negotiations between the Terrera Royal Family and the Demon King of the North proceeded so unhurriedly. The two sides talk once every three days on average, and each talk takes about an hour. In general, the atmosphere of the negotiation is good, and the exchanges between the two sides are also very frank - the word "frank" here is by no means the political slang that implies that "everyone has great differences of opinion", but it literally means - - At least both parties think that they are quite frank, and they definitely did not deliberately hide news that was unfavorable to the other party, playing tricks and cheating.

... For this statement, many people in the traversers disagree.

You are all pretending to be a ghost, and you are not fooling yourself? Those who talk nonsense with their eyes open can deceive outsiders, but they can't deceive themselves!

But they also have an explanation for this - the traversers come from the earth, and this world is roughly the same as the game on the earth, so of course the traversers were born before the game world was born. One day, I was three years earlier than the planner." It's definitely not a boast... No one else will say, at least Uncle Volibear must be older than those planners in the game company, and he is about to retire...

Having said that, the trolls suddenly lost their fire. They can't hold their necks and say "the game planners are older than Volibear" - there may be sixty-year-old online game planners in the world, but at least until they crossed that time, most of them still didn't - At least not in China.

On the contrary, several people who were studying in Japan before crossing said that "the plan is older than Uncle Volibear, and there are some old game companies over there."

Fortunately, they don't belong to the ranks of trolls, so they didn't talk about it again.

After nearly a month and nearly ten rounds of negotiations, the two parties finally reached an agreement.

The "recruitment" plan of the Terrera Kingdom has achieved initial success.

In fact, Locke really doesn't mind getting a title of nobility. If it were replaced by him a few years ago, he might feel that he was complicit in Anthony and others, but now he doesn't think so - the world is currently at this level, It is unrealistic to want to develop by leaps and bounds in one step. So even if he just takes care of the mood of the people who follow him, he needs to be justifiable, even if he just makes everyone happy.

However, he was very entangled with the issue of the title.

At the end of the negotiation, Prince Zion gave him the bottom line, and the Terrera Kingdom would officially ennoble him when they saw fit. At that time, his title will be Earl, equal to that of Earl Tarahan.

Then the question arises, what should he be called the Earl?

As soon as this question was raised, someone immediately shouted "Count Dracula of course".

That's right, the vampires in the game "New World" are designed in the style of Count Dracula in the game "Devil City" series, and works such as "Twilight" and "Frightening Four Hundred Years" The vampires inside are completely different - the biggest difference is in the basic attributes. The basic attributes of vampires are "darkness" and "dragon", not "darkness" and "undead".

Although most vampire players choose to specialize in necromancy, and few people specialize in dragon spells, the attributes are clear and real, and weapons with special effects on necromancy will not have any additional effects if they are cut on them. ; On the contrary, the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword is extremely effective when slashing it, and a single sword can kill them half-life.

Locke doesn't mind being treated as Count Dracula - the Count Dracula in his impression is not particularly bad, but more of a good fortune. He walked on the route of the Great Demon King, pure bad luck That's it. By borrowing the other party's name, I might be able to improve the reputation of the blood-sucking count.

But... when he really wanted to decide, he hesitated.

"Will this name... be a little too unlucky?" he asked.

Seeing his tangled face, Panda sighed: "If you feel unlucky, change it. 'Lucky Earl' is quite good. Although the surname 'Like' has been used by others, but that noble's status is not high, It's not famous either. If you want to use this title, in the future when people talk about the 'Lake family', most of them will be you."

"The premise is that he has to have a family." The poisonous dwarf Loma said with a sneer, "Looking at his appearance, he must have died of overwork. How could he have time to leave his descendants!"

It is rare for Locke to not refute, and he also knows that he does have a problem of overwork, and he has indeed been exhausted once or twice during this time.

"Anyway, our transmigrators are immortal. Maybe a few hundred years later, he will still be alive... When the time comes to adopt some adopted children or something, the family will be established." Panda said, "Anthony is considering adopting children. Well."

As the contemporary Earl of Tarahan, Anthony naturally faces the problem of family continuity. Of course he doesn't dare to marry and have children by himself - his race is a shapeshifter, not even a human being. Even if he gets married and has children, regardless of reproductive isolation, he will only give birth to a half shapeshifter, who will be killed at a glance. recognize.

So what he considers is adopting a child.

The reason he used it externally was that "injured by training in martial arts when he was young, it hindered fertility", and expressed that he wanted to adopt the children of his tribe as his heirs.

Among the descendants of his clan, the first in line is naturally the child of the eldest son of the old Earl Tarahan, Harley Tarahan. Harley has three children, one son and two daughters. But Harley's son is a little older, approaching 20 years old this year, and it is really not suitable for training to be his successor. This child also knew that he was not only ineligible to inherit, but also disgusted by his uncle, so he has been studying abroad, planning to be a scholar, and live a stable life.

Among Harley's two daughters, the younger one is five years old this year, and he can be trained very well. But since adopted sons are to be used horizontally and vertically, it is of course the most appropriate to adopt a son. After all, the contemporary "Count Tarahan" is only thirty years old this year, and he is still very young.

Therefore, Anthony tends to let Anna Tarahan, who is studying magic in the capital, get married as soon as possible, and have a son to inherit the seat of Earl Tarahan. For this reason, he wrote to Anna more than once, urging the other party not to indulge in learning and to fall in love, to find a suitable man to marry and have children, and to make due contributions to the reproduction of the direct line of the Tarakhan family.

He said over and over again that he would talk about this in almost every letter he wrote to Anna. Now the "Flower of the North" who is studying in the Magic Tower of the Royal Capital has already heard the letter from his hometown, She frowned, like an older woman on earth who was urged to marry by her parents, eager to jump on the street and roar three times to express her depression.

But no matter how depressed it is, Anthony has made up his mind.

Anna is a gold card character, and the child born must be of extraordinary aptitude. By educating this child well and training him as an adult early, he can retire as soon as possible and enjoy a happy and adventurous life.

He doesn't want to be the spokesperson for "death from overwork" like Locke!