Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 659: war is coming

June 25, 781 in the mainland calendar, is a date that will be recorded in the annals of history.

Get up early, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, put on your armor, and pack your gear. There was chaos in the military camps on both sides, but the lizardmen's side was in chaos and order, and the coalition's side was really just pure chaos.

Panda put on the full-body armor produced by the Prett workshop, put on a helmet rarely, and followed behind Uniro in a similar image as a guard. Beside him are those leveling madmen who have come from afar. Surrounding them were the Lizardmen Guards.

Yunero took this group of people and walked inside the army that was slowly assembling. He didn't say a word, but wherever he went, the soldiers all stood still with excitement on their faces.

The team of 2,000 people was not very large, and it took him only a few minutes to reach the front of the entire army.

Then he took a flag from the SS, held it high, and pointed forward.

All the soldiers - whether they were lizardmen, murlocs, humans or other races, all raised their weapons and shouted excitedly, and then, as they had been in intensive training during this period of time, put up a formation, and under the command of the officer, shouted With the slogan of 121, go forward.

Walking in the forefront is naturally the elite of the lizardmen. They are all wearing full-body armor, and the bright armor is shining in the sun, making it difficult to see directly.

Of course, these armors cannot be supported by others, and they are all produced by the Tara Khan headquarters of the Ilo Workshop. Yiluo applied the assembly line technology of the earth to this world, and recruited hundreds of craftsmen in groups of several. Each group was only responsible for making one type of armor. The size may be slightly different, but the style will always be the same. Through this method, a group of capable armorers were quickly trained and possessed the ability to manufacture a large number of armors.

Although limited by the raw materials, they are still honing their skills over and over again. Their daily work is to practice and practice again and again, but over time, they have also saved many high-quality works. Anthony found Ilo, and after all he said, he persuaded him not to sell these armors to the outside world. In the end, they all belonged to Yunero, who was used by him to arm the elite troops of the lizardmen.

For this reason, Yuneruo owed a large amount of debt to the Yiluo workshop. He planned to use mines or ports to pay off the debt after the founding of the country. In fact, Yiluo did not intend to collect money. He spent his whole life in the ivory tower. There are not many concepts of "cost" or "profit" in the mind of the circling scientific researcher. For him, as long as he does not lose a large amount of money in a short period of time, it is not worthy of attention at all. But if Yune did not agree, he said that it would not be difficult to borrow and repay the loan, and if there was a loan and no repayment, the business would not go on. The two sides almost quarreled, and finally agreed on the repayment plan.

According to Panda's experience, Yiluo's business is really at a loss. For his armor, it is not a problem to sell a thousand gold coins for one piece, and more than 200 pieces add up to 200,000 - what mine or port can be worth this price? This is the South China Sea, not the mainland!

But he also knew that this was Yiluo's biggest concession. If Yuneluo really had to scrape together something worth 200,000 yuan, he was afraid that he would turn his face on the spot, and everyone would not even have to be friends in the future.

Panda knows a lot of such people. For example, his master, his senior brother, his several elders and friends... They all have such stubbornness and stubbornness that they have to suffer losses. You have to settle accounts with him so that he does not suffer losses or even gain Instead, he tends to get angry.

Strictly speaking, in fact, sometimes he himself is the same.

Thinking of this, Panda couldn't help but smile.

His helmet did not have a face mask, so the passers-by next to him also saw his smile, and some people whispered: "Brother Xiong, be serious, now we are fighting!"

Panda was stunned for a moment, then realized that he was thinking about something that had nothing to do with the war, and immediately put away these messy thoughts, and resumed his serious face.

"This expression is good, murderous, I give full marks!"

Panda glanced sideways, and also raised his thumb: "Your expression is also very fierce, which is very suitable for the battlefield."

"I have practiced this specially. I have practiced it for almost a month, and my intimidation skills have increased by several levels."

Compared with the lizardmen, the situation on the coalition side was not very good. Because of their lack of discipline, they got up early and late, and the latest one even just left the bed, with some sleepy eyes. As for breakfast or the whole team, don’t even think about it—Yuneruo chooses to fight during the day, not to learn from Song Xianggong and prepare for the enemy, but just to have enough sunshine to let the enemy see how powerful he is. That's it.

Therefore, he didn't mean to assemble the coalition army at all, and directly directed the army to rush over.

Facing the neat and tidy enemy troops approaching with the slogan of 121, the Orcs at the front of the front line showed obvious panic.

"...It's impossible!" Gang Fang, the boss of the Orc Tribal Alliance, stared with round eyes, as if two eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. But he still couldn't believe his eyes, couldn't believe that what he saw was real and not an illusion.

Beside him, the other leaders of the alliance were all stunned, the dull ones fell into confusion, and the smart ones started to panic.

How can you walk so neatly during a war? ! They have never heard of such a thing!

Those who can become leaders may not necessarily be smart, but they are absolutely impossible to be ignorant. Of course they all know that when it comes to gang fights, the disciplined side is far better off than the undisciplined side. Even most of them have tried to train a disciplined army in their own tribe, but... they all failed, and no one was able to succeed.

Discipline seems simple, but it is actually very complicated. Without adequate resource reserves and proper conceptual support, it is impossible to train a truly disciplined army.

Also noticed the unimaginable discipline of the lizardmen coalition, as well as the leaders of the anti-lizardmen coalition.

The messengers of the Smuggling United Chamber of Commerce reacted the most. Their faces became like dead people in an instant, and then they didn't say anything and ran away without hesitation for even a second.

Different from these relatively less-informed "natives", they are well-informed. The equipment and discipline of the group of lizardmen are completely at the level of the mainland's first-class strong army. Not to mention that the difference in military strength between the two sides is not large, even if one's own side gathers a 50,000-strong army, the other side can swept away with only two or three thousand people. There is no suspense in this war at all!

What they are thinking now is to flee back quickly and spread this information.

This group of lizardmen, who have not been able to attract the attention of many people, is not a tribal alliance put together at all, but is already a powerful country!

On the way to escape, they unanimously uttered similar exclamations.

"South China Sea, the sky is going to change..."