Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 672: Status of the disciples

After solving the problem on Yunero's side, Panda returned to Tarakhan City and continued to be his instructor.

Now he has two positions, both of which are instructors. On one side is the instructor of Tara Khan, and on the other is the instructor of Longtou Island. He didn't mind where he worked, so Anthony told him, "Yunero's side has already won, and there is no need to train more troops in the future, but the police on my side are still far worse, and they need to continue training." , he came.

The life of an instructor is very peaceful. In addition to training soldiers or policemen every day, it is self-exercise. Panda felt that he seemed to have returned to his original life on Earth, but he was not dissatisfied.

He also brought students from Kalipura Village to Tarakhan City, and let these young people who have grown up to train with them. Unlike those rookies, these young people who have spent a few years laying the foundation are very strong, and in terms of personal force, any of them can deal with more than a dozen strong peers. But they also have their own shortcomings, that is, they don't know anything about tactics, and they will only fight alone.

Panda himself doesn't understand the technique of joint combat. He has never learned anything in this area - traditional martial arts do not have such taboo skills. On the contrary, according to the research of one of his senior brothers, an important source of modern martial arts is In order to avoid serious casualties caused by large-scale armed fights, civil duels were launched.

In other words, the kung fu learned by Panda is basically the opposite of "joint combat" - he really knows more than a dozen means, although it is not ideal in terms of practical results, but considering that empty-handed versus hand-to-hand combat is originally It's a big loss. The other party may also have received special training. He can beat both sides after playing more than a dozen.

Panda asked the disciples in detail about their plans for the future. Unsurprisingly, his disciples were roughly divided into two groups. One group was obsessed with the Tarahan family and expressed that they wanted to follow the senior brothers to become mercenaries or adventurers. Start a small adventure team; the other group thinks that they should let go of the past and look forward, and they want to be the police or militia to maintain social order.

For the plans of the disciples of the two factions, Panda is very supportive. In his view, whether it is a mercenary, an adventurer, a policeman or a militiaman, it is a positive force that maintains social stability and promotes social progress.

However, the skills required in these two directions are different, so he has to focus on teaching.

Those disciples who want to become police officers or militiamen are still taught in the same way as in the past, mainly teaching hand-to-hand combat and stick-type kung fu. For those who wanted to be mercenaries and adventurers, he began to teach relatively advanced weapon skills, mainly swordsmanship.

Panda's swordsmanship skill level is very high, no less than those long-established swordsman masters. Through hard training over the years, he has transformed these techniques from system skills into his own skills. Now he can call himself a master swordsman with his head held high, absolutely no moisture.

The swordsmanship he taught to his disciples was full of the style of the clergyman. It was wide open, fierce and fierce. If it was matched with a heavy two-handed broadsword, it would be like the **** who can run the world with only one arm. Condor Heroes Alien Edition. Under his guidance, the disciples quickly mastered skills such as "Burst of Sword Qi", and officially upgraded from "novice adventurer" to "intermediate adventurer".

... Of course, this is only in terms of force value, and they still need to learn a lot about adventure-related knowledge.

Panda is not in a hurry, he knows that growth cannot be achieved overnight. But watching the disciples' character templates change from green to blue, but only stop at a slightly blue level, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

(Why can't the template continue to improve? Where is the difference?)

He thought about it for a long time, and he wanted to ask someone to ask, but he planned to wait a little longer - other people's experience is someone else's after all, if he can figure out a path by himself, it may be more suitable for him.

Anyway... with the current strength of the disciples, as long as they don't die, they are enough to break through the rivers and lakes.

What's more, even if these disciples are not strong enough, there are still their brothers and sisters.

Erwin, Ryan, and Riana are all grown ups. These three young people are well-known throughout the Tarakhan Territory. The little adventure group they set up, "Languresa", often travels to and from Tarrahan. And several nearby territories, in addition to completing various adventure commissions, they often do some small businesses, and the income is not bad.

Now the three of them have accumulated a lot of property, and they can be called three little millionaires. Ren plans to study magic in the royal capital system. He has a good relationship with several members of the Tarrahan family, and then wants to try to learn from Miss Anna Tarrahan. While Erwin and Riana plan to live like this, Panda thinks they are probably thinking about getting married and then retiring...

At the beginning, Panda accepted a total of ten disciples in Kalipura Village. Except for the three of them, the remaining seven are now in Tarakhan City. The young people in Kalipura are still very vengeful. There are two who are willing to join Tarakhan as a policeman, one who wants to return to the village to become a militiaman, and the remaining four who want to follow Big Brother Erwin. Go on an adventure together.

Panda felt that they must have watched Erwin make a lot of money and thought that this business was pretty good.

...To be honest, he also thinks adventurers are a good business. As long as you pay attention to safety, don't kill yourself, and do more business during your travels, and don't be extravagant and wasteful. No matter how you look at it, you can make money and save it.

Those who have been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and when they are old and alone, have neither fame or strength, nor can they save money for retirement, basically they are not motivated people.

It's not that they haven't been able to make money, but they basically used up the money they made--when they make money, they spend time and money for fun, and when they're short of money, they go to make money. Most adventurers live such a life, and it is obviously impossible to save money by such a life.

So when the disciples followed Erwin to go out, the panda didn't stop them, but just repeatedly urged them to be careful and save.

The former allows them to live and live safely; the latter allows them to save money and live better in old age.

As a master, what he can do for them is almost like this...