Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 718: Folklorist? Suicide career?

After giving these residents a wave of buffs, to ensure that they would not get sick from the cold, the pandas left.

Although Aaron invited him to the laboratory and waited to see the outcome of this "promiscuous meeting", he said that he was a veteran driver who had been reading films for many years and was not interested in these - if the results were worth mentioning, let me know the results He is fine.

Then, he went back to his room and continued to sleep.

This time he didn't dream and slept soundly.

Shortly after waking up in the morning, he met Alphine with red eyes and dark circles, yawning and looking like she was sluggish due to lack of sleep.

"What's wrong? Didn't sleep?"

"I finally got my hands on the profession of folklore scholar yesterday, and I spent the night studying skills." Alphin said listlessly, "This profession... is very evil."

"Very evil?" Panda asked curiously, "Where is the evil?"

The profession of "Folklore Scholar" is not obtained by players in the game, because after the initial linkage activity, the relevant content has not appeared again. Since the Mad God World never appeared again, and there were no related plots or monsters, of course "folklore scholars" were useless.

In other words, even if you count the tens of thousands of players before crossing, Alfion is the only player "Folklore Scholar".

Because this profession has only appeared once in the linkage event, so even the Raiders madmen don't have much research on it. Panda knows even less about it - according to his impression, folklore scholars are a group of people who are mediocre in their own strength and rely on borrowing the power of the evil **** to make a living.

That's right, borrow the power of the evil god.

Although folklorists are professions against the evil gods, they essentially borrow the power of the evil gods-this is a unique content of the Cthulhu worldview, and they use the power of the evil gods to fight the demons and demons under the evil gods.

Since it is borrowing the power of the evil god, then of course it is impossible to truly defeat the evil god. Even against the powerful servants of the evil gods, it will be very disadvantageous. Therefore, in the original event, the folklorists whose level was so high that even the characters with the full level of 60 could only see the reminder of the bright red skull (the difference between each other's level was more than ten levels), so they had to ask the players for help. , with the power of players.

The occupation of "Folklore Scholar" that Alfion has now obtained is similar.

According to her introduction, this profession is really like the one in Panda Impression, basically relying on "borrowing" to live. In other words, they really only have the ability to fight "flies", and if they encounter "tigers", they will hit the streets.

Not only that, in addition to the abilities of normal people, their supernormal abilities almost always bring so-called "inspiration checks", and every time they use their power, they will lose some sanity more or less. In other words, to be a folklorist is to embark on the road of no return to neurosis.

"Damn! Then you're not very dangerous!" Hearing this, Panda couldn't help widening his eyes and exclaimed, "It's not a bad job!"

"Don't worry, folklorists have their own means of suppressing the sharp drop in sanity." Alfion said with a smile, "Actually, this profession is very suitable for me. I have a very high perception, and can perceive the power of the evil **** very well and borrow it. It. And relying on professional ability, I can avoid sanity diving most of the time... Maybe after becoming a folklorist, my sanity will decline more slowly than before."

Panda frowned and asked, "How sane are you now?"

"Sixty-nine, not too low."

"Didn't you have recovered to around ninety before?"

"You will also lose money in the process of studying." Alfin said with a relaxed smile, "Don't worry, I have the numbers myself. If it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to commit suicide and go back to the city. After training in the castle for half a month, as long as there is no sanity. If it really hits the bottom, it can all come back.”

Panda frowned again: "If Sanity really bottoms out, what will happen?"

Alphin was silent for a while, then raised his eyebrows: "Your question is a bit sharp..."

"What will happen if Sanity really bottoms out?" Panda asked again.

Alfion sighed and said, "I will become a lunatic... No, I can't say that I am a lunatic. According to the knowledge brought by professional skills, it should be distorted by the power of the evil gods. The power of his own understanding of the world becomes similar to a cult. The freak of the fanatic."

Panda sighed deeply: "This is a suicidal profession! The price is too high, let's forget it!"

"Don't worry, I have prepared a lot of means to restore Sanity. Even if Sanity drops, I can save it in time." Alphin said with a light smile, "It's nothing more than a ritual."

"What if the situation is urgent and there is no time for the ceremony?" Panda asked.

"It has been said that the sanity of our folklorists will not plummet. No matter how urgent the situation is, we can guarantee that we will not lose too much in 'an adventure'. So no matter what, there will always be enough left to hold the ceremony. The sanity value. This is the minimum professional quality, please believe in my professional ability!"

Panda shook his head: "Professional! You are not a professional folklorist at all! How can I trust you?"

"I'm the highest-ranked folklorist in the world, how can I be called unprofessional?" Alfion smiled slyly, "A folklorist at grade 38 is three grades higher than the village chief's grade 35. If I were not a professional folklorist, there would be no professional folklorist in the world."

"There are no professional folklorists in this world!" Panda said bluntly, "This world is dying!"

Alphin looked at his stubborn face, and couldn't help but smile and sigh: "You are so stubborn!"

"I've always been so stubborn, and it's not like this today."

"But, I'm also a stubborn person." Alphin also became serious, "Perhaps you think that when the sky falls, you should also carry it; if you can't carry it, there are other men. It's never a woman's turn to stand up... But I don't think so. In my opinion, since I have this ability, I should play this role. Even if the sky falls and I need to be a sacrifice, I will only Complain about your bad luck and not turn around and run away."

She was silent for a while, then whispered: "Hidden back, shivering like a quail, watching others take risks and fight, such a thing is enough once. Even if I die, I don't want to die like a Like a coward!"

"Death is not terrible." Panda also said seriously, "What's more, we won't die. On the contrary, if you really lose your Sanity Points and your understanding of the world is distorted, it will be more terrible than death!"

He sighed deeply again and persuaded: "You are the only folklore scholar among us. As long as you don't have an accident, we will have a guarantee. No matter what, there is hope for salvation. But if something happens to you , we don't even have a guarantee... I've said it all, you must take care!"

After speaking, he shook his head, sighed, and turned away. Only Alphein, who was left with a frown, stood there, thoughtful.