Red Alert 1895

Chapter 262: Re-expansion (Part 1)

Soon, Wang Guorui held a military-political joint meeting again, and then discussed the next national policy.

"We in Taiwan have captured Kalimantan Island in Borneo, but we are still very unstable. And our territory is getting bigger and bigger, so we need more troops to defend in the future. And our Taiwan not only To defend Taiwan Island, we must also defend Kalimantan Island in Borneo. After all, if we do not have a strong army, we will not be able to defend the fruits of our victory. The Strait of Malacca in Borneo is even more important for the commercial trade between the East and the West. It is also an important hub for Western countries to invade China. And our defense pressure in Kalimantan is very huge. Therefore, it has become a necessary foregone conclusion for Taiwan to expand its army again." Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this, everyone had no opinion. Even civil servants have no objections at this time. After all, the fact that the territory is large will require more troops, otherwise it would be impossible to defend those newly occupied territories. Especially those officials who are planning to serve in Kalimantan Island, not only will they not dislike too many troops at this time, but they would like to have more. After all, they are going to serve in the newly occupied area. If they don't have enough troops to maintain the regime, what rights do they have! Civil and military officials, they actually love each other and kill each other. In fact, no one can do without the other. So at this time, none of the civil officials dared to propose to stop the expansion of the army, otherwise they would be joking about Taiwan's future and destiny, and they would also be joking about their own lives.

"Master Wang, how should we expand the army?" Hu Wei, chief of the general staff, asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "We now have eight divisions, and in order to protect our territory and expand further. Then we must have the main field troops of twenty divisions, and there must be countless There is a small reserve force, that is, the garrison. Otherwise, it is impossible for us to maintain our Taiwan's rule over Nanyang, and we will not be able to prevent foreign enemies from invading from the Strait of Malacca!"

"Twenty divisions, we don't have enough officers!" Hu Wei smiled wryly.

It has not been long since the last military expansion. But when it expanded to twenty divisions again, this Jane wanted to draw out all the qualified officers. Even if all the officers are promoted several ranks in a row, it will still be incompetent. Moreover, such a direct promotion is also suspected of backfiring the seedlings, which is not very stable for their future.

Wang Guorui thought for a while, and then said: "Isn't the imperial court in the mainland looking for new troops? The new troops are also trained according to our template. Although they may not be as good as us, they still have a lot of troops. The basics. Although the imperial court is so bad, but their population base is too large, and they can train a lot of new troops at one time. We might as well find a way from their new army, we can poach people from their new army. To recruit people with high positions, high salaries and high treatment. Coupled with the attraction of Taiwan's future development prospects, I think many people are willing to take the bait!"

Wang Guorui knew that the Manchu and Qing courts in mainland China had begun to train new troops from the central and local governments, and these new troops were trying to copy Taiwan's template. Although their Qing army did not have as powerful firepower as Taiwan's, their training methods were not much different. After all, Taiwan has been followed by countless forces, and Taiwan's training methods can't be hidden from others at all, so the foreign devils and the Manchus have also followed the gourd to train, and even improved. Coupled with the abundant human resources of the Qing Dynasty, they immediately formed a new army of hundreds of thousands. This is not a small number.

If you can poach part of the officers from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, then this can largely make up for the difference in your own officers. In addition, Taiwan is different today, and Taiwan's strength is already very strong. Defeated hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops. And anyone in the mainland who is not a fool should know that the time to change the dynasty has entered the countdown. If you can take advantage of this time to seek refuge in Taiwan, you may be able to become a founding hero. Isn't that time to get the most benefit? The status of the founding heroes is very lofty, not comparable to those who surrendered later. Instead of being defeated and surrendering at that time, not only will there be no high-ranking officials and generous salaries at that time. Instead, they have to be slaughtered. So taking refuge at this time is not only the founding hero. Moreover, because Taiwan is in urgent need of talents, it will try to win them over at all costs. The conditions given are the best possible. Anyway, Taiwan has the same language and the same race, so it is not considered treason, so those people have no psychological pressure to seek refuge.

"Since this is the case, I don't have any opinions. If we start from the court, we should be able to recruit a lot of people!" Hu Wei said.

"Next, let's discuss our next army establishment. We will have 20 divisions in the future. Naturally, it is impossible for the division commander to be the most senior officer. For a higher level of military establishment, we must start to establish I plan to set up a first-level unit in the theater to be responsible for the combat missions of a certain theater. The theater level is also the commander level, and the commander of the theater is at the same level as the commander in the future. At present, we only have one Nanyang theater, and we will reorganize it next. Divide the war zone."

"We first set up the Taiwan Theater in Taiwan, and the Taiwan Theater is a theater that defends our core area. I plan to assign the current Fourth Division, as well as the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Divisions that will be established in the future, under the Taiwan Theater , and there will be some garrison areas and military divisions under the theater. The garrison area is set up in the capital of each province, and there are some strategic locations. The military divisions are set up under other state capitals. These two small military areas The commanders are all at the division commander level. In the future, Taipei will set up a garrison area, and other state capitals will set up military divisions. The relationship between the garrison area, the military division, and the field troops is similar to the division of labor between civil and military forces. The field army is in charge of the field troops and is responsible for fighting big battles. .The garrison area is responsible for recruiting soldiers, providing special care for the retired soldiers, resettling veterans, etc., and suppressing local resistance forces. That is to say, one is in charge of the front and the other is in charge of the rear.”

And everyone heard the division of the Taiwan Military Region, and they all understood Wang Guorui's intention, which is to be responsible for establishing an army to protect Taiwan, and the Taiwan Military Region has five divisions in total! This is definitely a first-class core force, and it is the force responsible for protecting Taiwan. And no one has any objection to this. After all, Taiwan is the core of everyone, so it is natural to use heavy troops to protect it. After all, the bandits also know that they will leave enough people to protect their lair. This is not surprising.

"Taiwan Theater, I plan to let Zhao Xi, the division commander of the transferred Third Division, be in charge! This time I only transferred Zhao Xi to come back from Nanyang alone, not the entire Third Division."

And everyone knows that Wang Guorui once again pulled Zhao Xi out of the third division during this adjustment process, and the third division will also be replaced by a new division commander again. This is the legendary emperor's mind technique, which made people get promoted but made them lose their past leadership, avoiding entanglement with the past and accumulating strength.

"Next, in terms of Nanyang, we will set up two theaters. The original Nanyang theater is divided into two, with the middle of the original Kalimantan Island as the dividing line. The West Borneo theater is established in the west, and the East Borneo theater is established in the east. The West Borneo theater The main strategic responsibility is to guard the Strait of Malacca, as the first line of our Taiwan defense, directly facing the invasion of foreigners, so the strength must be sufficient. The West Borneo theater currently plans to have the second, fifth, eleventh, and tenth Two, the thirteenth and other five divisions were transferred to the West Borneo Theater to monitor the Strait of Malacca. If the foreign devils dare to attack us, they will fight back. The West Borneo Theater is in charge of the former Nanyang Theater Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff Chen Liyan .”

"The East Borneo Theater has 14, 15, and 16 divisions. The current task of the East Borneo Theater is to open up to the east and then occupy those territories. As the commander of the East Borneo Theater, I plan to let the original fourth The teacher is in charge."

"As for the last four divisions, they will serve as troops directly under our Military Commission, where they will be supported wherever they are needed."

"In the end, the Heavy Artillery Brigade will be expanded to become the Artillery Command, enjoying the treatment of the deputy and the Artillery Commander will manage the artillery of each unit, and then there will be two heavy artillery brigades directly under it."

"And other technical arms can be expanded as appropriate!"

Everyone probably understands the deployment of these troops. First of all, the most important theater is the Taiwan theater. After all, it is the place to guard the lair, so everyone should not underestimate it. And the second is the West Borneo theater. It is also very important for them to directly face the first attack of the foreign devils. The strength of the West Borneo theater is actually comparable to that of the Taiwan station, but it's just that the political status cannot be compared with the Taiwan theater. As for the East Borneo theater, their enemies are all natives, and they don't need too much strength.

"Also, the original First Division was reorganized into the First Division of the Guards, which is responsible for protecting our central government. Moreover, the guards will be composed of non-commissioned officers in the future, and they must serve for more than one year, or have experienced five times. Soldiers who fight can participate in the registration selection. As long as they enter the Guards, they will get the rank of the least non-commissioned officer. The officers of the Guards are all assigned one level higher. For example, division commanders can be treated like army commanders, and regiment leaders are treated like division commanders , and so on."

And everyone knows that Wang Guorui is preparing for the formation of the Imperial Forest Army in the future, and the First Guards Division is also the beginning stage of being the Imperial Forest Army. Although the name has not changed, but it is also obvious. (to be continued)