Red Alert 1895

Chapter 273: Immigration (below)


A huge ship was sent to the port of Keelung in Taipei, Taiwan, and these were cargo ships full of migrants. , the reason why passenger ships are not used for transportation is because of cost issues. After all, if a passenger ship is used, it is to use a cabin, and the comfort of the cabin must be greater, and the population density is much less. However, the resulting cost increases and efficiency decreases. If passenger ships are used, then naturally only a small amount can be transported at a time. But these immigrants from the mainland, strictly speaking, they all bought from Taiwan, and they are almost the same as goods. Of course, after all, they are their own compatriots, and it is impossible to treat them as slaves. Although for the sake of transportation efficiency, they did not give them a good life on the passenger ship, but they all had enough protection in terms of medical insurance. For example, there are special medical staff on board the passenger ship to formulate recipes to restore their bodies. Except for the crowded life, everything else is passable.

"Go ashore quickly, line up, don't mess up! If anyone jumps in the line randomly, don't blame my whip for not recognizing people." Someone said immediately.

In this case, since many of them are criminals, it may not be useful to reason with them, but using a whip is the most direct way. So those in Taiwan are not so reasonable, they just use the whip. It is easier to reason with a whip, not to mention that these immigrants came to Taiwan not so voluntarily, so they cannot be deterred without some coercive means. As long as you don't beat them to death, it's okay to cause some violence, so those civil servants in charge of immigration work also use whips directly, don't be so polite.

"Come over to me, go wash it, take a bath, change your clothes and go out!"

These new immigrants were also made responsible for disinfection. Then they have to go through some showers, and then go to some swimming pools containing disinfectant, and then they can come up and officially become an immigrant. This is also the experience accumulated in the past. This is not to discriminate against these immigrants, it is because it is the same no matter where it is. Because the living conditions of these immigrants were very poor before, many of them lived together. It is even possible to be infected with some viruses or something. Therefore, it must be disinfected, otherwise it is easy to bring in the plague from outside. Therefore, Taiwan must disinfect them once, and then prepare for distribution.

"Okay, select some ingenious ones from here, and then send them to technical schools for learning. And the rest will be sent to Nanyang people, and then they will be given land for them to cultivate well." Immediately, an immigration official said.

When some ingenious people were selected, they immediately quit, saying: "My lord, I want to go to Nanyang and get our own land."

"Yes! My lord, we all want to go to Nanyang, we want land!" "Yes, my lord, we don't want to be workers, we want land."…

And I have to say that the Chinese people's land complex is very stubborn. These people who are going to be sent to work as workers are also unwilling to give up their land. After all, land is priceless. None of them were willing to give up, so they resisted becoming workers.

"What do you know? Do you think they can really get the land? They just get the right to contract the land for 70 years. At most, they can reach the next generation. Once the next generation has used it for 70 years, they will have to It was taken back. They didn’t get the real land, but the right to use the land. The land was only allocated to them for use, and the ownership still belongs to the Taiwan government. Do you understand?”

This is Taiwan's current land policy towards Nanyang. Taiwan has gradually eliminated landlords within Taiwan, and almost all land ownership in Taiwan belongs to the state. But in Nanyang, there is no landlord class there, so Taiwan is also directly owned by the land state. And these people so-called sub-fields. It is not about dividing the ownership of the land, but obtaining the contractual use right of the land. Those who acquire the land do not own the land, and the land cannot be inherited, only the right to use it can be obtained. In this way, the state can regulate the land policy, and then can continuously obtain the regulation of land resources, so that the land will not be privately owned.

In fact, this is to let the land be owned by the state, and to carry out a land reform indirectly. However, Taiwan has few places, so it is easier to reform, and it can accumulate experience. Taiwan will not support the landlord class, nor rely on the landlord class housing. Instead, it will severely crack down on and restrict the landlord class, forcing the landlord class to turn into a capitalist. And even if Taiwan rules the mainland in the future, it will not fall into the siege of the landlord class. After all, the foundation of Taiwan's country is not the landlord. As for those peasants, they only contracted land, and the difference was the amount of land contracted. A farmer in a family is actually a small self-employed farmer, while those large farmer companies contract tens of thousands of land and then hire others to cultivate it. But none of them own the land, which is one of the foundations of Taiwan.

"Okay, you guys are going to prepare to learn craftsmanship. You may not know that a technician with a certain level in Taiwan can earn three months of income in a quarter, compared to many farmers who can make money in a year. To At that time, you would not think about being a farmer. Even if you can become a senior technician, the annual income will make you feel unbelievable. In Taiwan, the social status of a top technician, even Can be compared with many officials. Now there are quite a few senior technicians who have been specially hired as professors by Taiwan Hai University. This status is compared with the senior teachers of your Guozijian in the past. Compared with the scholars you usually come into contact with It’s much higher, so it’s still very promising.”

And those immigrants who were chosen to be workers were also a little surprised when they heard this. He didn't expect to be a good worker to have such a future? You must know that although they may not know the teachers of the Guozijian, they know that scholars are scholars, and those scholars usually have a very high status in the village. If there is any conflict, they should be asked to mediate. And they have all heard those scholars say that many of them want to study in the Imperial College. Even scholars and Juren have to go to the Imperial Academy to study, so what is the status of the teachers in the Imperial Academy? Obviously an official! And if you are a good worker, you can also be an official. This is really great.

And hearing that being a worker might be able to become an official, this also made them willing to work as a worker. The current situation in Taiwan is actually somewhat similar to that of China in later generations. Many state-owned factories are at different levels, and they are all intertwined with the administration. Later generations, Wang Guorui, also opposed this situation, but only in this world did he truly understand that in China everything pays attention to rank. Rank is also a basis for measuring a person's social status, and this does not mean that it can be canceled if it is cancelled. As long as there are still differences in status in society, those levels cannot be cancelled. Especially in the government, it is the level of officials who crush people to death, and it is impossible to solve it completely. So there must be a reason for the existence of ranks. At present, many state-owned enterprises in Taiwan also have ranks.

So these people heard that being a worker can have the opportunity to be an official, and this is what makes them tempted. And Taiwan is also willing to transform these people into workers, so that Taiwan can achieve a higher level of industrialization. And if these peasants think they can be officials, let them go. Anyway, they can be fooled into becoming workers. After all, China is an official-based country, and the status of officials is very high. When those workers heard that they had the opportunity to become officials, they changed their minds and rushed to become workers.

And the economic benefits produced by industry are much higher than those of This is also the reason why all countries want to develop industry. And the agricultural economy and the industrial economy, that is, the difference between unprocessed wheat and grain that has been made into bread, the usefulness of the two is not at the same level at all. Therefore, the economic benefits produced by industry are also higher and more valuable, so the income of these workers is actually much higher than that of farmers. Of course, there are factors that Taiwan has poor scissors for industry and agriculture, but there are also factors that agriculture is really not as profitable as industry.

Ordinary individual small-scale peasant economies naturally have a poor ability to resist risks. In the future, the country will focus on industry, and agriculture will gradually move towards intensive production, instead of letting them disperse one by one and become a small-scale peasant economy. The small-scale peasant economy is very dangerous. If it is not done well, a large number of farmers will go bankrupt, and then the landlord will take the opportunity to buy the land. Therefore, when Wang Guorui nationalized the land, he half-forcibly forced those peasants into the ranks of industry. Then the vacated land will be contracted to the land reclamation company for intensive planting.

This kind of intensive planting has very huge benefits. It not only saves the planting cost of agricultural units, but also facilitates the promotion of agricultural machinery. For example, in the past small-scale farming economic model, even a single farmer could not afford to use agricultural machinery. If the land can be concentrated for planting, the use of agricultural machinery will save a lot of human resources. Therefore, the concentration of land is an inevitable trend, but how to concentrate and how to prevent farmers from losing their land and income is the only way to truly industrialize the country. (To be continued..)u