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Chapter 489: Medical Development (Part 2)

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Hearing Wang Guorui's words, "What are you guys!", everyone was so frightened that they couldn't speak at all. It was the first time they had heard that Wang Guorui was so angry, which made everyone scared. And everyone didn't know why Wang Guorui was so angry, but everyone also chose to remain silent, and then began to listen to Wang Guorui's instructions. And Wang Guorui's expression was also very bad. Looking at Huang Feihong and Fang Peibo, his face darkened.

"Huang Feihong, Fang Peibo, this is the military hospital you created? I am so disappointed in you, so disappointed, so disappointed." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui used "too disappointed" three times in a row to describe his dissatisfaction. Huang Feihong and Fang Peibo were almost frightened, and then they didn't fart a single one immediately.

"Do you know where you went wrong? You actually hope to use this method to balance the competition between Chinese and Western medicine. You will only magnify the matter. You have forcibly separated Chinese medicine and Western medicine. One is so clear, this is a treat Is there an attitude that academics should have? You should have heard a saying that science has no national boundaries, and whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it is all medicine, but should absorb knowledge from each other. And you all know that Hua Tuo I almost had a craniotomy that year, and that may be the first craniotomy in ancient China. If it can be done, then such a so-called surgery will become our traditional Chinese medicine. Although this is our regret, But it is enough to show that medicine has no absolute national boundaries, and surgery is not unique to Western medicine. Strictly speaking, there is not much difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, both of which treat patients."

"If you can't treat patients, it means that this medical skill will not work. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat. And you are actually thinking of setting up a vice president of Chinese medicine in this military hospital , the vice president who has a background in Western medicine. Then Chinese and Western medicine took turns to control the military hospital. Although you originally had a fight, it was only an academic dispute, just a dispute about how to treat human diseases better and more effectively, but you By doing so, you are turning academic disputes into political struggles. You are definitely not easing conflicts, but escalating conflicts into political struggles. The problem is complicated.”

Wang Guorui is very disappointed with these guys' ability to solve problems, because Chinese and Western medicine are actually solutions for human beings in the final analysis, and Chinese and Western medicine are actually "means" rather than ends. Whether it is Chinese or Western medicine, the purpose is for human health and to solve various diseases for human beings. However, Chinese and Western medicine are just "means" based on this purpose, and the means and methods used are actually nothing more than an academic dispute.

Academic battles are classified as academic battles, and politics must not be involved. Academically speaking is pragmatic. Especially in science, it must be absolutely precise and pragmatic, and there must be no fake big empty space. Once science is involved in politics, I am afraid that a lot of fake empty space will come out. Just like in a certain crazy era in later generations, science was also kidnapped by politics. At that time, it was really a tragedy of science. It is inevitable that science cannot tolerate any fake big ideas, so Wang Guorui will never allow academic battles to become political battles.

But these "idiots" in the military hospital actually came up with this method. Actually thinking about peaceful coexistence through political balance. In this way, the originally good scientific and academic dispute has become a political battle, and science has become a bargaining chip in the political battle. Then such science is still somewhat credible, who else will develop science with peace of mind? Therefore, this kind of thing must be suppressed, and it will not work if it is not suppressed. Once science is involved in politics, it will definitely be problematic.

"In the future, you must not engage in this kind of separation of Chinese and Western medicine. Then take turns to master the practice of the military hospital. If you want to be the dean, you can! I don't care if you are Chinese medicine or Western medicine, you show your results. Who can cure it? There are many patients, who can develop more treatments, and who can prevent more patients from being injured. Then I can promote him, and even give him a bonus, maybe even a higher title. Everything It all depends on your own achievements, not on any political factors, understand? Medical skills are medical skills, don’t make it look like political factors. Originally good scientific research, but you have made it into political factors, so that How? So, in the future, it will all depend on the results, and don’t expect Chinese and Western medicine to be managed separately. If you don’t work hard, then don’t think about seeking honor status through other means.”

"I tell you that if you can't make enough performance, then I won't continue to support you. Whether it's Chinese medicine or Western medicine, if you don't live up to your expectations, then don't blame me for being rude."

But Huang Feihong immediately said, "Master Wang, if you don't support Chinese medicine, how can you inherit and develop Chinese medicine?"

"What's the use of my support alone? If I can't help you, then my support is useless. Of course, I'm not saying that Chinese medicine can't help me. I just want to say that everything depends on my own efforts, not It can only be supported by the government. I choose to protect Chinese medicine, not to make Chinese medicine bureaucratized, not to protect Chinese medicine without principles. The ultimate goal of medicine is to cure diseases and save people, not to involve politics. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, when it comes to In the end, it is still the same goal by different routes, and there will not be much difference. Traditional Chinese medicine in the past relied on experience to diagnose and treat, and could not come up with a complete scientific system. You all rely on experience to use medicine, but why don’t you try to analyze those Chinese herbal medicines? The medicinal value in it is what ingredients are working. Why can't you use some means to extract those useful ingredients and make them into tablets?" Wang Guorui asked.

Huang Feihong immediately asked: "Isn't this the practice of Western medicine?"

"Here again, I have said that both Chinese and Western medicine have the same goal in the end. There is not much difference, but the research direction is different. Who stipulated that Chinese medicine cannot analyze the chemical components in herbs? Since so many dynasties, Chinese medicine Physicians rely on experience to diagnose and treat, and cannot specifically analyze the chemical components in it. But now that we have the conditions, why can’t we use advanced chemical equipment to analyze the components in the herbal medicine?"

"Also, now that Western medicine has so many advanced equipment and conditions, why can't we find some information from the classics of Chinese medicine? Those classics of Chinese medicine are a treasure trove, which records countless experiences of our predecessors. They used various means, even at the expense of personally The data obtained from testing medicines, although they do not have perfect experimental equipment, they are able to test out a lot of data. And the research of thousands of years is a treasure trove! Finding a medicine to treat a certain disease is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but looking for it from so many classics of Chinese medicine is like looking for a needle in a bowl. And the research experience of those predecessors can greatly narrow the scope of investigation, and then develop into My own discovery. Therefore, the so-called Chinese and Western medicine should not be confrontation, but cooperation. If you can’t cooperate, then you can only go further and further in the end, and then you will have to walk countless twists and turns on the road of medicine. Everyone is doing it for scientific research and to relieve the suffering of patients, so you base your so-called honor on the suffering of countless patients. If this is the case, then I will definitely not reuse it for you.”

Wang Guorui thought about it, and finally said: "I suggest to establish a discipline called the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. This discipline specializes in cultivating those who study the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and then through the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, you can learn from this thinking There are more sparks colliding inside. Medicine is a science and an art, and it needs to absorb the strengths of hundreds of schools to develop. Therefore, in major hospitals, it is not possible to have such a clear distinction between Chinese and Western medicine, and must cooperate more, and then establish Institute of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. As long as the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can be used, many new sparks will be In later generations, many medicines are also invented using the method of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, which is no longer the case in later generations What a new thing. But in this modern period, this is not the case at all. In modern China, this kind of medical thinking has been biased to the extreme. Or, seeing the advancement of Western medicine, they completely deny Chinese medicine, or even say Chinese medicine It’s witchcraft. And the other kind of thinking is very strong ethnic hatred, extreme rejection of Western medicine, and then protection of Chinese medicine. The more the country is invaded, the more it keeps the things of the ancestors, and refuses Abandon any outdated ideas. Even in the name of maintaining national characteristics, and then label those who advocate learning from foreign countries as traitors.

In fact, these are unnecessary. Medicine is also a science. How can we develop ourselves if we don’t learn from others? So many of these people are too extreme. This is also because they have received too much aggression in modern times, so they have become very extreme. It is necessary to protect national traditions, but it is not a reason to reject foreign advanced technology. However, when dealing with foreign things, we cannot treat them with extreme national ideas. If we smash foreign products or refuse to learn advanced foreign sciences, we will ultimately be the ones who suffer the most. Such an extreme rejection of science can only be complacent in the end, and then block its own long-term development path. Science has no national boundaries. Once science and the struggle between nations are confused, it is actually a self-enclosure, no different from the past. (to be continued...)