Red Alert 1895

Chapter 660: The 2nd Dadonggou Naval Battle (final)

When more than a dozen Sovereign-class battleships and five Sword-class battleships successfully encircled these four Japanese battleships and two American battleships, the victory this time is almost certain. ≦≌? Because although the quality of the sailors on Taiwan's battleships is not as good as these Japanese and American sailors, but the remaining 18 battleships in Taiwan must have an absolute advantage in number. With an absolute advantage in this amount, it is impossible for them to win.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Taiwan's battleships began to pour shells desperately, and the entire sea was blasted into waves of spray. But now the joint fleet of Japan and the United States can't escape at all. There are battleships from Taiwan besieging them everywhere, and they obviously can't escape here. Although they can also counterattack, their counterattack firepower is obviously not as good as Taiwan's firepower. At this time, the competition is the absolute amount of firepower, so the consumption of Taiwan's warships can completely consume them.

"It's really not easy to get to where we are today!" Qiu Baoren said.

Li He also sighed: "If it weren't for the boys of these destroyers who tried their best to delay these battleships, our submarines would not have enough time to destroy those cruisers. The cruisers were wiped out, and they would not be able to destroy them." A fleet of mixed types of ships has been formed, and its strength has been greatly reduced. If they can't take advantage of the mixed battle of multiple types of ships, then our hope of victory will be greatly improved. It is only a matter of time before we win now, and it depends on God's will Let’s see how many naval warships God’s will has caused us to lose. Now, it’s definitely a war of attrition.”

This battle was actually quite tragic, because Taiwan's cruisers took on the main task of delaying the enemy's battleships, and it was not so easy for destroyers to delay the battleships, and the price paid was not so easy to solve. Destroyers of this era can only install more than a dozen torpedoes, and it is not like later generations that can install almost dozens of torpedoes. So the torpedo carry is several times less. That means that the combat duration is several times shorter. In addition, the hit rate of torpedoes in this era is very poor, and it cannot be compared with the torpedoes of later generations. Therefore, these destroyers must take the risk of rushing to the vicinity of the battleship in order to increase their hit rate. But once they get near the battleship, their danger is also very great. So to stall for time. A lot of preparations have been made for Taiwan's submarine force to be able to annihilate those cruisers, and the price paid is too high.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Taiwan's battleships kept pouring shells at the Japanese, but Yuheng Ito couldn't bear it at all.

"The telegram urged Lieutenant General Miller to bring destroyers and cruisers to support us. We can't hold on anymore. If we can't hold on anymore, then we will definitely fail this time. Let him quickly bring people over to support!" Yi Dong Woohyung shouted.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Miller of the United States said that most of their cruisers have been destroyed by Chinese submarines. They now have less than six cruisers, and these are all American. Lieutenant General Miller believes that the Americans have fulfilled their obligations in this battle, and they should take these US Navy soldiers back instead of continuing to fight. Even if they bring these six cruisers, it will not help the overall situation , So he took the remaining six cruisers and planned to surrender to the Taiwan Navy. And, he has ordered all Japanese destroyers to surrender to the Taiwan Navy. So now the mission of the destroyers has been completed, and there is no need to continue fighting."

Ito Yuheng's face turned green. He finally realized that he is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. Originally, Yuheng Ito also hoped that Lieutenant General Miller would come to support them, so that they might be able to turn defeat into victory. Although the probability of this is not high, that is also hope, isn't it? But Lieutenant General Miller actually thought that the Americans had suffered enough losses this time, and there was no need to continue fighting for it, so Lieutenant General Miller ordered to surrender. Taiwan's battleships also came to besiege Japanese battleships only after Lieutenant General Miller ordered the surrender.

"Damn, you Americans ordered the surrender, and that's your business. But you ordered our Japanese destroyers to surrender anyway. Do you have this right? Miller, you are such a pig!" Ito Yuheng said angrily .

Yuheng Ito was really furious. This American lieutenant general Miller was a teammate like a pig. He originally followed their division of labor. Yuhiro Ito was in command of the battleships, while Miller was in command of the cruisers and destroyers. He thought there was no problem at first, but now this Miller actually ordered to surrender. And he didn't know at all that Americans' fighting willpower is very poor, and Americans' fighting willpower in this era is simply not good. Americans haven't experienced war for too long, although their navy may have a longer heritage. Maybe the military quality is better than Taiwan. But there is one thing they will never be able to compare with Taiwan, American soldiers have very poor will to fight. If Taiwan's navy and the U.S. navy confront each other at the same time, then although Taiwan's navy is relatively poor in combat capability, the Americans will definitely collapse first. The Americans have not experienced war for too long, and they have long forgotten the feeling of fighting at sea. Therefore, their generals have no willpower to fight. It may be okay for them to bully those indigenous people and those small countries in South America, but if they really compete for willpower, they can't compete with Taiwan's army at all. It is not impossible that Lieutenant General Miller of the Americans ordered the surrender.

"If that's the case, then we will fight them!" Ito Yuheng shouted.

Ito Yuheng immediately ordered the remaining battleships to open their firepower to Taiwan's navy, and there would be no sympathy at all. But now they are completely caught in a confrontation mode. This is a war of attrition, completely in a kind of attrition. But no one doubts that Taiwan will win this battle, because Taiwan has eighteen battleships, while the United States and Japan only have six. In addition, the firepower pouring capability of Taiwan's five sword-class battleships is five times higher than that of ordinary battleships. Such a sword-class battleship can be used as five ordinary battleships. So it is not a problem that this victory belongs to Taiwan.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The two sides were fighting each other like this, and the remaining destroyers beside them were watching the fun. They knew that it was not their battlefield now.

"Touch!" With a loud noise, a sword-class battleship in Taiwan was punched with a huge gap below.

"Captain, what should we do? Damage control is going to plug the loophole right away, but it seems that it can't be blocked? Should we abandon the ship?" Taiwan's bridge staff officer asked.

The captain was very hesitant, this is a battleship, it is worth a lot! Generally speaking, no one wants to abandon ship if they have to. In addition, according to the unspoken rules, if the ship is abandoned, the captain will sink it together.

However, just as the captain was hesitating, some destroyers came under the rain of bullets.

"We were ordered to rescue you. Abandon the ship quickly." The destroyer detachment captain shouted.

"But, this is a battleship!" The captain said hesitantly.

"Have you forgotten what Mr. Wang said? If the ship is gone, you can continue to build, but if you don't have people, you will have nothing. Now that we have secured the victory, there is no need to sacrifice the lives of so many sailors again. Sacrifice before was a last resort, but now that the victory has been secured, we don't need to sacrifice. Also, you don't have to live and die with the battleship, our Lord Wang will not do such inhuman things. We can't blame everything for the sinking of the battleship Captain, let alone push all the responsibility to the captain, everyone, come with us!"

Because of the timely evacuation and the constant salvage of sailors by nearby destroyers, most of the more than 400 sailors on a battleship survived, which can be regarded as capital for rebuilding the navy in the future. Talent is the most important thing. Only with the talent of the navy can the navy be formed again. If there is no talent, it is useless to ask for ships. Fortunately, Taiwan prepared well this time, so even if the ship sank, most of the sailors could survive. You would rather sink the ship than let too many sailors die unless it is absolutely necessary. Even if those destroyers went to fight the Japanese battleships, most of them would let more than forty soldiers retreat on small boats, and only some of the remaining people would stay on the destroyers to fight the Japanese battleships. loss of personnel.


A Japanese battleship also began to flood, but their sailors were not so lucky, but no one would save them. And other warships in Japan are fighting, so they can't take care of themselves. As for the sailors of the sunken Japanese ship, some of them would be sucked in by the sinking vortex, and even if some of them could swim away, they would all be shot dead with pistols by the sailors on the destroyer who were cruising, leaving none behind. In short, this naval battle can keep no prisoners or try not to keep them, unless they voluntarily surrender. If they don’t voluntarily surrender, then Taiwan’s navy can justifiably kill The three giants of the navy, Qiu Baoren, Sa Zhenbing, and Li He, looked at the battleships in the distance to bombard each other, and then poured a glass together Wine, and then actively sprinkled into the sea water.

"Old brothers, today we have avenged and avenged you, rest your souls in heaven! Maybe we had fights and fights for power and profit back then, but now we have written them off. We have also avenged you. I hope your souls in heaven can rest in peace Right." Qiu Baoren said with emotion. (To be continued.)

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