Red Alert 1895

Chapter 696: The magic stick also came to show its ex

Outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, countless believers of the Orthodox Church gathered. And they knelt outside the Tsar's Winter Palace, and some of them prayed sincerely. Some people are holding up a picture of God, and there are various slogans. What is asking the tsar to repent, asking the tsar to plead guilty to God, and what is even more exaggerated, saying that if the tsar does not plead guilty, then the Russian Empire will be abandoned by God, and even fall into hell. Then these a lot of slogans are more scary than the last one, as if if the tsar doesn't apologize, it will all make Russia exterminate the country and the species.

And the religious leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church immediately laughed here, obviously celebrating their success in reviving the people's belief in God this time. Only when the people have more faith in God, can they gain greater benefits!

"Haha, this time God sent an angel to punish us Russia, which is God's warning to us. So we Russians must repent to God, and then ask God for forgiveness. What a sad news, so we We must believe in God even more, and hope God can forgive us!" The Russian Orthodox Archbishop said with a stern look on his face.

But a young man who obviously just joined the ranks of pastors said with some doubts: "I feel that there is something wrong with this angel. Are the wings behind him obviously too sci-fi? It doesn't look like our religious image!" I wonder if this is a special weapon of a certain country or organization? Should we be more cautious, if we make a mistake then we will be in trouble!"

The archbishop looked at the new pastor viciously, and the other old priests and those who had a certain status in the religion also looked at him viciously.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. You should really sew your mouth shut!" Everyone thought together in their hearts.

Could these pastors not know? None of these old things are simple, can they fail to see that this "angel" is clearly a technological feature? The angels in the myth have fleshy wings, but this angel's wings are obviously made of special materials, with sharp edges and corners, and they are obviously not fleshy wings. Moreover, they didn't admit that they were angels, and their "angels" never claimed to be angels. That's all the Russians themselves think so. When people attack your supplies. Never say a word when cutting your supply lines. What God punishes, what angels judge, they are all made up by the Russians themselves.

certainly. There is no lack of religious forces fueling the flames and so on. Those religious personnel don't know what this "angel" is, and they are not interested in knowing what it is. They just care about what they can use from it? Since this thing looks so much like an angel, and the common people think it is an angel, they will naturally push the flames to make them admit that it is an angel. They don't care what this is. Even if it is the enemy's weapon, then this has nothing to do with them. These religious people don't care about wars, they just care about recovering religious power from it and making people more superstitious about religion.

We must know that after so many years of secular power's suppression of religion, as well as various scientific developments, and even the prevalence of various revolutionary ideas, religious groups have become like Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year—every year is not as good as the previous year. So they finally seized an opportunity, which can be used as an excuse to talk about things, so how could they miss it? What's more, they all know, even if this is the enemy's weapon, so what? This weapon doesn't look that invincible either. He is not enough in the air to destroy the entire empire. It's just a sneak attack to cut off their supply line. It's impossible to really occupy an inch of land, and it's impossible to really seize the territory. So they are not worried that this "angel" will make them subjugate their country, so they, religious people, are also confident and bold to directly use them to gain their reputation. '

"Archbishop, there are still many people rushing here one after another. At present, more than 100,000 people have petitioned. They hope to follow us to petition here, and then let the tsar go to confess to God, hoping for God's forgiveness!" said a priest.

And the archbishop immediately continued: "Let everyone work hard and continue to mobilize believers. Come outside the Winter Palace to petition. Even, at that time, we can exaggerate and say that this is just a warning from God. If the Tsar does not come to repent. It will be damned." The action of destroying the earth will continue thoroughly. Even, there will be a so-called great flood of destroying the world at that time!"

"I rub it, is it too hard?"

This archbishop is really not taboo about meat and vegetables, and he even said such a thing as the Great Flood. But this world-destroying flood is simply too terrifying. Everyone probably wouldn't believe it at first, but now things like this "angel" have appeared together. In this way, I am afraid that they will also be deceived by these religious elements, and then come to stand on the side of those religions, put pressure on the government of their own country, and hope that their government can compromise. But is it actually that easy to compromise?

Nicholas II also sat in wax in the Winter Palace, because he knew that this time it was really troublesome. More than 100,000 people outside are kneeling and begging him to apologize before God. This is nothing at all. This is actually the so-called "edict of guilt" with the Chinese emperor, which is of no use. But the current situation is different from ancient China. Since ancient times, the religious power in China has not been strong. The Chinese people believe in Confucius. But Confucius is not a god, and Confucius also said a sentence without talking about strange powers and gods, so why should he respect ghosts and gods at a distance. This is not what a believer should say, it is completely telling everyone not to believe in ghosts and gods. So China doesn't have much soil for religious belief, and the political influence of religious people is even lower, and they are even just playthings of those in power.

But Europe is different. There was a time in Europe when the world’s religion was so powerful that it could even affect the dominance of various countries. Even at that time, any European emperor had to be crowned by the Holy See. If there was no Holy See’s crown, it would be with China Kind of unorthodox emperor like. The Holy See is also the Supreme Emperor of Europe, and those emperors are also half of their vassal states. Without the support of the Holy See, it is impossible to stabilize the power of the monarch.

It took those monarchs many generations to gradually squeeze the Holy See. From the original huge power, they gradually controlled the territory and were squeezed to the Vatican. However, on a land of less than one square kilometer, the power is already very small. The kings of all countries are no longer interested in the Holy See, and the Holy See has no right to continue to crown the emperor.

Originally, if there is not much religious soil like those civilizations in China, it would be nothing if he, a king, went to confess to God. But now the religious soil is very strong, even though they have been suppressed now, if they are not careful, religious forces will revive. Fighting religious forces is the common goal of European monarchs, and even revolutionary forces will not support religion. But once I take the initiative to make the so-called confession to God, will those religious gods take the opportunity to make trouble and then take the opportunity to revive?

This has to be guarded against, so Nicholas II naturally refused to carry out the so-called "confession". But he wanted to get these people to evacuate, but there was no good way. People who fall into religious fanaticism cannot be stimulated. Once stimulated, it is more powerful than a powder keg. This is hundreds of thousands of people, even if it is not easy to kill hundreds of thousands of pigs. In addition, these are the residents of St. Petersburg and nearby, and they are more or less related to the officers and soldiers in St. Petersburg. If he ordered the soldiers to kill those residents, those soldiers might betray him immediately and rebel instead.

"You can't be killed, you can't be driven away, you are a bastard. These religious gods are so hateful one by one. They actually use this incident to incite the people to riot. This is really troublesome." Nicholas II said angrily.

Looking at more and more people kneeling outside to petition Nicholas II also felt a lot of pressure. If this period is not handled properly, it will easily become the fuse for the domestic revolutionary party to take the opportunity to create chaos. Even the forces of religious gods have joined this incident, which makes the situation even more complicated.

Nicholas II knew that he could not repent to the so-called "God". Once he repented, it meant that he was wrong? Are you wrong? Nicholas II didn't think so. As a self-willed emperor, he started a war of hundreds of thousands of people with a single sentence, and ignored how unrealistic this war was, but he insisted on starting it. As such an emperor, how could he admit that he was wrong? What's more, he really couldn't admit it this time, and once he admitted it would cause a series of turmoil, which he was not willing to bear. Whether it is from personal feelings or from the future political situation, he cannot admit his mistakes. Once he admits his mistakes, the consequences will be disastrous. Those god-stick forces will rise again, and he will become the "first" king who bows to those religious god-stick forces after the Industrial Revolution, and he will become the laughing stock of the whole of Europe.

Even, if the game is not played well in the future, the religious forces will expand wildly, and then Russia will become a religious control empire, and its own Romanov dynasty will become a puppet, so what's the matter? (To be continued.)