Red Alert 1895

Chapter 701: The Yellow Peril Theory (Part 1)

Photos of Wang Guorui, the rocket loli's flying armor, were quickly sent to Europe by various means, and major newspapers in Europe also published their headlines. And many non-governmental newspapers have also begun to announce that human beings have entered the stage where they can fly.

The Times began to announce: "Humanity can now enter the age of flight, and human beings can fly freely in the sky from now on!"

On that day, all newspapers in Europe began to be snapped up, and countless people, whether they were literate or not, also went to snap up newspapers. Because this news is too shocking, because human beings can actually fly to the sky, which has been the dream of human beings since ancient times. And now that someone can fly into the sky, it makes everyone feel that a long-cherished wish for countless years has finally come true. Even if the aircraft was not invented by one's own country, one can feel that there is boundless hope.

Because according to the current scientific and technological practices, as long as a country invents, it can also apply for a patent, and then after various patent authorizations, it can gradually realize the production of the whole world. This era is no longer an era where technology can be completely blocked. Except for those top-level technologies that are related to the core of the country, everything else can be authorized. Even the technology of many battleships can be authorized. It is nothing more than agreeing to some political conditions. There is nothing that cannot be authorized.

"We humans can finally fly? Haha, I don't know when the Chinese will be able to produce it. Then I will definitely buy this kind of flying armor, and then I must play the game of flying." Someone said.

Many European local tyrants also want to try this flying armor gameplay. After all, they have money if they have nothing else, and they can enjoy a good life if they have money. So in order to enjoy the dream of being able to fly, they will never be stingy with spending money. They asked where in China this flying armor was sold. That way they're sure to be fun. But they were disappointed, because no one in the Chinese embassies abroad could promise this. And the staff in the embassy didn't know what was going on, so naturally they didn't dare to agree casually. What's more, the staff of those embassies abroad are also aware of it. This kind of matter is of great importance, how can they make decisions at will?

"Haha. Do you want us to sell it? How is this possible? We can't produce it ourselves!" Wang Guorui thought.

This flying armor has to be exchanged for a foreign general-level officer, and there is still a quota limit. If you want to produce this armor yourself, let alone now, it would be good to be able to produce it in a hundred or two hundred years. We must know that the aircraft has not been produced yet, let alone the flying armor of this rocket loli? This is also a deterrent, telling those foreigners that Wang Guorui is not a vegetarian. Wang Guorui can attack them from the sky, but they cannot fight back.

Some cautious newspapers in Europe began to publish some news, that is, concerns about China's rise again. They wrote a thing. That's what they're talking about about the Chinese, especially about the fact that the Chinese have started to master all kinds of technology and then have a large enough population that they can definitely launch an attack on Europe.

"People of the yellow race, mainly Chinese, have mastered very advanced technology. They already have a level of technology no less than that of Europe, and they have a population of 400 million. Our entire European population may not be able to More than the population of the Chinese. Once the huge Chinese are armed with advanced weapons, it may become a disaster for our Europe. At that time, our Europe will face another yellow peril. At that time, our European civilization will face A huge crisis, can we Europe survive this crisis?"

"There have been three yellow perils in history. One was the Huns. The next was the Turks, and the last was the Mongols. And maybe you don't know, these Huns were defeated by the Han Dynasty. That's why they were forced to go to our country. The migration of Europe finally defeated our European countries, causing the Yellow Peril. The Turks were also defeated by the Han Chinese, and then they were forced to attack Europe to usher in the Yellow Peril. The last time the Mongols, although they temporarily defeated China The Han people, but the Han people re-expelled them again in less than a hundred years. Therefore, the three outbreaks of the yellow peril were all defeated by the Han people among the yellow race, and then they were able to set off the yellow peril in Europe. Now the Chinese have They have acquired the same technology as ours. And their national strength is already very strong, so can we afford the fourth yellow peril that is much stronger than in the past?"

As soon as this report comes out. It immediately aroused the concerns of many so-called "sighted people" in Europe, and they began to worry if Wang Guorui once controlled China. Will it use advanced technology to launch the fourth yellow peril that invaded Europe? You must know that the first three yellow perils made Europe extremely afraid. If the fourth outbreak broke out again, would they be able to hold on? Therefore, many people of insight also began to suspect in their hearts, and then thought about the future of Europe.

"I think we white Europeans must unite and fight against the coming yellow peril together!"

This report ended with this sentence, which immediately touched the minds of many "savvy people" in Europe.

"Master Wang, Europe has already set off a yellow peril theory, and they set off a peak again." Li Enfu said.

Wang Guorui looked at the report on the Yellow Peril theory, and said, "Huh, this is an old calendar. The Yellow Peril theory has been said for at least decades, and they are still making leftovers here!"

The theory of yellow peril is actually not uncommon in Europe, as it existed decades ago, and now it is just leftovers, and Wang Guorui will not take it seriously. The theory of yellow peril has been brought up even in later generations. There are always people in Europe who use this **** to talk things out. Wang Guorui also heard the cocoon in his ears in later generations, so he didn't really take it seriously. However, Li Enfu shook his head next, obviously indicating that he disagreed with Wang Guorui's words.

"Master Wang, in fact, the way of thinking of the yellow peril theory in the past is different from ours now. In the past, Europe advocated the yellow peril theory, in fact, it was to find a theoretical basis for oppressing China. In the past, China was under the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and serious It has declined, and those in Europe have gradually realized this since the Kangxi era. At that time, it was the ideological enlightenment period of the Yellow Peril theory, and after the first Opium War, they also began to gradually climb to the peak. It stands to reason that at that time We are a weak country in China, it is impossible to threaten them, but they have said some yellow peril theory. So what is this for? In fact, it is nothing more than to find a theoretical basis for invading China. It is like the so-called want to treat others It is necessary to find a reason to go to war. They use the Yellow Peril theory as a reason, and then use it as a theoretical basis for invading China."

"You must know that no matter which country you are in, there are always hawks and doves. In fact, in Europe, it is not without some so-called 'sighted people' who disagree with taking the initiative to attack China. For example, there is a writer Hugo who once I have criticized the burning of the Old Summer Palace. Not all European celebrities agree with the invasion of China, and even ordinary people do not necessarily understand the benefits of invading China. You must know that they can gain benefits from invading China, but this benefit cannot benefit ordinary people It’s all because Europe secretly wanted capitalists and aristocratic bureaucrats to gain benefits, and ordinary people got nothing, but had to pay taxes and various costs for the war.”

"In this case, they must concoct something to appease the people and deceive the people, so that they can make the people think that the invasion of China is necessary, so that they will be 'willingly' for a so-called great dedicate their own interests to the cause.”

Wang Guorui understands the reason for the past yellow peril The past yellow peril theory is to make those in China who oppose the invasion of China and ordinary European people think that it is reasonable to invade China and are willing to Take out your own wealth and various labor force military service, etc. to support the country's invasion of China. However, most of the benefits obtained from the invasion of China were swallowed up by capitalists and bureaucratic nobles, and ordinary people could not benefit from the so-called invasion of China at all. And what they pay is the interests of ordinary people in Europe, and then the final income will exclude those ordinary people, and most of them will be swallowed by capitalists and bureaucrats.

It's like the United States in later generations fighting against Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. Not everyone in their country would support them. After all, when the Yankees wanted to fight against Iraq, there were a lot of domestic opposition. So at this time, the Americans concocted an Iraqi nuclear weapon as an excuse, and then forcibly launched the war to invade Iraq with the attitude of "I don't care if you believe it or not, I believe it anyway". This yellow peril theory decades ago is similar to the United States using nuclear weapons as an excuse to attack Iraq. In fact, it is all an excuse for its own aggression.

"Master Wang, the yellow peril theory in the past was just an excuse to invade China, but it is different now. The current yellow peril theory is different from the past, and it is not the same thing! Even the purpose of the yellow peril theory concocted by European countries has become fundamental. The change is no longer for the purpose of invading China, but they are afraid that the statement in the Yellow Peril Theory will become true." Li Enfu said. (To be continued.)