Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1324: War


In the sound of rapid footsteps, a soldier boarded the command vehicle.

He held a military salute to Tan Ya and Davis said: "General, Commander, they are here."


At this time, the observer in the command vehicle also said: "There are abnormal movements in the forest, maybe it is them."

"They" at this time, of course, will only be demons.

In the hood, Tan Ya's expression moved slightly and said, "Ready to fight!"


The soldiers left, and Tan Ya strode out of the command vehicle.

The command vehicle was located on the city wall. Leaving the command vehicle, Tan Ya entered the frontline battlefield.

Standing on the top of the wall, Tan Ya raised her eyes and looked out of the city.

In the forest outside that wasteland, there was an unusual movement at this time.

It was a sound, a piece of "grumbling", accompanied by the swing of the canopy.

In the forest, there seemed to be a wave approaching Sley City.

The abnormal movement in the forest made the soldiers on the wall nervous. All the soldiers stepped back so as not to be affected by the guns of the Guardian tank. Not to mention the shock wave generated when the gun pops out of the chamber, the huge sound is also not common. Bearable.

The first wave of firepower nets are all missions with long-range firepower armored units.


At this moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded from the forest. It was so sudden, very close to the edge of the forest.

And the wave in the forest was also close to the edge at this time.

Along with the roar, in the gaze of all the soldiers, a scarlet figure rushed out of the forest.

At that moment, a red wave appeared for several miles, and they came in groups like locusts to Sli City.

The scale is unimaginable.

They were roaring, their feet constantly alternated, rushing towards the city wall frantically.


With their appearance, in the distant forest sea, crimson figures rushed into the sky and rushed towards Sli City.

"Fire, fire, shoot free!"

In the command vehicle, Davis quickly gave the order.

With an order, the calmers in the city fired their self-propelled artillery.


With a roar, the fire flickered, and shells flew into the sky amidst the sound of breaking through the air.

The huge shelling sound resounded across the city immediately, and also announced that the battle had started.

Outside the city, amid the rapid sound of breaking through the air, a violent explosion occurred on the edge of the forest.

Piles of flames rose up, and under the powerful shock wave, countless demons were enveloped in flames and their figures flew horizontally.

Hundreds of Calamity self-propelled artillery, the powerful firepower almost covered the continuous battlefield for several miles.

In bombing after bombing, a large number of demons disappeared into the flames.

But the red wave did not disappear. They braved the artillery fire, and the red figure was still running wildly, quickly approaching the city wall. Under the bombardment of the artillery fire, their continuous red figure appeared in a few blank areas, and soon It was filled by demons rushing out of the forest.

As the demon approached, the guardian tank on the wall opened fire.

With the flame jet, in the continuous sound of shelling, the charge suddenly exploded in the front demon group.

The flames billowed, the mud splashed, and there was the flying figure.

For a time, the rumble of cannons echoed in the sky over Sley City, very intense.

Under the intense firepower, it slightly blocked the demon group's offensive and slowed their approach to the city wall.

But this was not enough. They were not afraid of death. In the intensive artillery fire, they stepped on the bodies of their companions and approached the wall in front. Although their charging speed was slow, the red figures outside the city did not seem to decrease in any way.

The surging figure is still continuous, and a large number of demons continue to rush out from the forest.

"Pay attention to air defense and stop them."

At this time, during the battle, the demon approaching from the sky flew over the edge of the forest.

They are extremely fast, rushing towards the city wall like sharp arrows.

In just a few breaths, he surpassed the vanguard of the ground demons.

"Da da da!"

Seeing the flying demon attack, the soldiers on the wall opened fire, and the secondary weapons on the armored units.

Amid the intense gunfire, a burst of fiery and dense bullet marks rose from the city wall, turning into a rain of bullets and attacking the demon in the sky.


Under the burst of bullets, the sky demon suddenly splashed a lot of sparks.

It was sparks from the collision of sharp bullets with their solid scale armor. One can imagine how strong their protection is.

Although the defense of the scale armor is strong, it cannot withstand the attack of a large number of bullets, especially the 40mm seven-tube rotary cannon on the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle. Any demon attacked by the fire dragon will be shredded almost instantly. In order to improve the body and defend against the air demons, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle is the main force.

Although the firepower is strong, the demon's offensive is also increasing, and the red figure, whether it is the sky or the ground, is approaching the city wall little by little.

Looking from the sky, it was a battlefield that stretched for several kilometers, and the red figure was approaching the city wall.

The demons in the sky are too flexible, no matter how dense the firepower, they can't completely resist them.

In the sky, although demons were constantly falling, the speed of their charge did not slow down in the slightest. After a few breaths, they flew over nearly a kilometer of wasteland and rushed toward the wall.

For a time, the pressure on the soldiers on the wall increased greatly.

"heads up!"

Compared with war machines with heavy armor, the soldiers on the walls have become the main targets of flying demons.

In the melee, a large number of flying demons rushed into the city, and some demons attacked the soldiers on the wall.

The attacks of the devil came from all directions, and a red figure fell from the sky and rushed towards a soldier with lightning speed.

The soldier regarded as the target of the attack did not react at all, and was directly thrown to the ground by the demon.

At the moment of the impact, the demon's sharp, blade-like hand pierced the soldier's body.

With well-protected combat uniforms, this time it did not protect the soldiers well.

"Da da!"

Seeing that his comrade-in-arms was pounced on, the soldiers on the side quickly turned their guns and fired at the demon who had fallen on his comrades.

In the dense bullets, the demon's solid carapace was torn apart, and green blood shed.


It was not dead, it still had strong vitality, and it uttered a roar at the surrounding soldiers, wanting to attack again.


A burst of bullets hit its head. In the blood splashing, the entire head was almost torn apart, and it could only fall weakly.

And under him, there are soldiers who have lost their lives.

With that blow, the demon directly pierced the soldier's heart, and the mixed red and green blood on the ground indicated that he had no possibility of survival.

Before it was too late to grieve, the soldiers refocused their attention on the enemy and used their weapons to retaliate against the enemy.

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