Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1867: Raging

With a slight expression, Maureen said solemnly: "We must counterattack and destroy the demons on Kannai. The fourth zone is our only opportunity. We must organize all available forces to rescue civilians in a saturated manner, and we must not give them up. , If we give up one person, there will be an additional demon, act immediately, dispatch half of the golden armor guards, and go to the fourth area to support."

"Dell, immediately dispatch the garrisoned fleet in Starport, which is automatically controlled by AI, and uses magnetic acceleration cannons to bombard the surface long-rangely. Remember, don’t get too close to Kana. The fortress cannons on the ground are powerful and can easily destroy old warships. ."

Speaking of this, Maureen got up and stood up, saying: "Get out, we are running out of time."

Soon after, a field of golden guards and dozens of banshee transport boats rose from the cathedral, flew into the sky, and rushed to the north.

Today's Kana Star, time seems to pass very slowly, whether it is facing the star side or the dark side, a sudden war is taking place in the city on the planet.

Kannai Star, the main city.

Since the martial law order was issued, the civilians returned to their homes and waited with peace of mind.

For the people in the lower classes, the existence of martial law can finally give them a good day of rest.

But today is not a day of rest...

The war came so suddenly, when the civilians reacted, the metal city was enveloped by gunpowder smoke.

The sound of explosions, the flickering of firelight, and the screams were playing everywhere in the city.

I don't know when, the demon guards are everywhere on the lowest street. They roar and attack everything along the way. Buildings, vehicles, and humans are their targets.

They climbed up the building and rushed into the house, extinguishing the owner of the house in the flame of light.

The civilians were driven out of their homes. They fled in horror on the streets. From time to time, there were floating vehicles rushing past the sky, and from time to time, the floating vehicles were hit by red light beams rising from the ground, and a ball of fire broke out.

The whole main city was in chaos, and gun smoke and war filled the whole main city.

"Run fast, don't drive the floating car, the sky is blocked by them, you can't escape..."

On the ground, a group of civilians who had escaped from a housing area were hurriedly fleeing.

There are old and young, and some young people even wear pajamas. At this moment, there is only fear on their faces.

They don’t know what happened. Not long ago, their housing area was attacked by demons. Those fire-colored monsters were killing everything. In the red light beam, one building after another collapsed, and many people who escaped from the room were killed. The devil killed, and some people were even swallowed by the devil, directly swallowing the devil's huge metal mouth.

Fortunately, they escaped successfully...

A young man who was already exhausted wanted to break the window of a suspended car on the side of the road, his behavior was berated.

No one stopped by his side and continued to run forward.

Along the way, they saw too many suspended vehicles destroyed.

Some people are very smart, but too smart, thinking that the floating car will not be attacked by the devil when driving on the road, but they did not expect that the demon on the ground will be easily attracted by the floating car on the ground.

The streets are full of destroyed suspended vehicles, some of them are still burning...

At this moment, in front of him, a rumbling engine roar suddenly sounded...

At the crossroad ahead, a red tank appeared from another street. It seemed to be attracted by civilians fleeing on the street. The muzzle of the black hole turned and pointed at the oncoming civilians.

Seeing its appearance, the running civilians stopped abruptly and turned and fled in horror.


They want to stay away from this monster, but their speed is as fast as a cannonball.


The tank opened fire, and the muzzle of the black hole shook suddenly, flashing a red arc, and billowing air waves swept around.


In the crowd, flames soaring to the sky rose, and powerful shock waves swept all around.

A large number of civilians were instantly swallowed by the flames, some were torn apart by the shock wave, and even further away were knocked into the air, rolled to the ground, and turned on their backs.

This is the Guardian tank. As the name suggests, it is a weapon that only fights for protection. It is the most common and the most numerous main battle tank in the planetary defense regiment. However, the former Guardian has become a demon. .

It has changed. The original Guardian tank was dark silver, but now, it has become crimson, and its surface is covered with red organic matter. Even the muzzle is wrapped with red organic matter.

Under the blow of the artillery fire, in a short while, the streets have become empty, and all the living lives have become its dead souls.

The appearance of the devil is not only to corrupt humans, but to kill, not everyone can be favored by the evil god.

This is the main city, which has fallen. The demon army is spreading all over the city, sinking in the desire and pleasure of killing.

In the north, in the fourth district, a great battle has begun in order to survive.

The center of the battlefield is around the airport. In order to defend the airport, the uncorrupted Fourth Corps fought with the demon army that came.

In the sky, red and dark gray Tianyi fighters passed by from time to time, chasing and fighting each other from time to time, the red and blue light beams interlaced, and a fireball burst out from time to time.

On the ground and on the street, the Red Corps and the Dark Silver Corps fought together. The main battle tanks faced each other, opened fire, and attacked the enemy under the cover of infantry. One attacked and the other defended.

The buildings around the street were affected by shells from time to time, the glass shattered, and the flames were surging...

"Support, we need support, there are too many of them, we can't support it..."

In a frontline command vehicle, the regional commander urgently requested support from his superiors.

On the street ahead, in a large block, although a large number of armored units and soldiers can be seen, there are more demon armies. They are surrounded from all sides. They have tanks and armored vehicles. There are also huge guards.

On the forefront, at a crossroads, a fierce battle is taking place.

More than ten Guardian tanks of the Fourth Corps, dozens of armored vehicles of various types, and thousands of soldiers are guarding this area.

Although the street is open, the red figure in front of it occupies the whole street like a wave.

The fierce battle has begun, the sound of gunfire "rumbling", the sound of explosions Luo Yi endless...

Like the Era of the Red Police Disaster, please collect it: ( The literature of the Era of the Red Police has the fastest update speed.