Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1878: Take the fortress

Just after the explosion, the flames that rose up had not dissipated, and the fireball appeared again in the sky.

Pieces of fiery red streamers fell into the fortress again.

The earth-shaking explosion sounded again, and the fortress was immediately enveloped in flames and flying mud.

When everything was over and no fireball appeared in the sky, the fortress had become messy, and the entire superstructure was almost torn apart.

However, it was generally intact, and all the demons on the upper level were wiped out.

The matter is not over yet, the plasma cannon can be underground, and the destruction of the superstructure will not affect the firing of the plasma cannon. With great power, only one cannon can destroy the wreckage above.

Looking at the fortress with billowing smoke not far away, Maureen was very satisfied.

In the atmosphere, the power of magnetic accelerating guns is still good. This is only the magnetic accelerating guns of those small ships. If you replace them with the magnetic accelerating guns of battleships, the ground within a radius of just a few kilometers will collapse and crack, with huge kinetic energy. Will tear everything.

With a slight expression on his face, Maureen said loudly: "Continue to attack and seize this place..."

With an order, the 4th Corps originally evacuated, the heretical court in the sky turned and charged again towards the fortress.

This time, whether it was the heretical court in the sky or the Fourth Corps on the ground, they approached the fortress smoothly without any resistance.

The golden armored guards and banshee transport boats in the sky flew over the fortress.

With the opening of the abdomen deck, countless golden guards landed and attacked the bunker.

In the bunker, Jin Jiawei met resistance, and a small number of surviving demons continued to fight the invaders.

But their resistance was unnecessary, and within half an hour, the battle was over.

The Jinjiawei who rushed into the bunker broke through to the main control room.

"The AI ​​system has been offline. To activate the self-explosion device, manual control is required."

The main control room is located deep in the bunker and has not been affected by previous explosions, but the situation in the main control room is not good.

There has obviously been a battle here not long ago. There are some gradually decomposing soldiers lying on the ground. The uniforms on them should be soldiers stationed in the fortress.

The attack came suddenly, and they were too late to take up their weapons, indicating that the fall of the fortress came from an internal attack.

Obviously, the corrupted soldiers attacked them, and they did not understand to their deaths why their former comrades in arms would point their guns at them.

Without paying attention to the corpse on the ground, Jin Jiawei rushed into the main control room and forcibly opened the self-destructive device hidden in the metal wall.

Facing the red skull button, a golden armor guard opened the protective cover without hesitation and pressed it down.

As soon as it was pressed, the alarm in the fortress suddenly sounded, and the light turned red, flashing.

"let's go……"

In the sound of hurried footsteps, a group of Jin Jiawei left the main control room.

Outside, the Banshee Transport Boat descended and stopped on the ground, preparing to evacuate Jin Jiawei.

Soon after, amid the roar of the engine, a banshee transporter rose up and left the fortress.

Outside, the Fourth Corps, which was blocked by the remains of the city wall, also evacuated again under the order, going away from time to time.

In the Heresy Tribunal, shortly after the 4th Corps withdrew, a burst of sky-shaking power suddenly sounded from the fortress.

The earth was shaking, and the huge fortress was collapsing, bursting from the inside, and numerous huge fireballs were lifted up. In a sea of ​​fire, it was the metal wreck that rose up into the sky, and the sparkling fire light reflected the sky and the earth.

Just when the fortress artillery was completely destroyed, in the fourth area of ​​the airport, amidst the cheers of the civilians, the gate of the airshow building to the spaceship finally opened...

Soon after, passenger ships rose from the airport, riding thousands of civilians and breaking through the planet's gravity.

These days, as the demons around the airport were wiped out by the heretic court, a large number of civilians poured into the airport.

From the original hundreds of thousands to millions of people now, there are more civilians waiting outside, and there are still a large number of civilians on their way to the fourth area all over the world.

Fortunately, the passenger spacecraft has a relatively strong carrying capacity, and the efficiency of transportation is not slow. It can evacuate all these millions of civilians in a few days.

"We have got the news that the first, second, and third regiments are rushing to the fourth area. Faced with these three fallen regiments and a large number of demons, we have no chance of winning, and the guards and tens of thousands The demons are rushing south. Their target should be the cathedral, Aegwynn. After these civilians are evacuated, we must leave here."

Before he could be happy for the victory, in the temporary war room in the airport, Aegwynn got a news that he could not accept.

Hearing this, Aegwynn quickly said: "Arbitrator Maureen, once we lose the fourth area, the civilians will no longer have an evacuation point. What should they do? Are we going to abandon them?"

Facing Aegwynn’s gaze, Maureen said indifferently: “The machine control codes of all the spacecraft have been unlocked, and the AI’s main program has been erased. At the same time, the surviving people in various regions were notified to find the small spacecraft to save themselves. Smaller targets will not be attacked by fortress guns. Their survival rate is very high. At the same time, I also notified Starport and sent a large number of small cargo ships to venture to various areas to rescue survivors. I can do everything I can. Yes, Commander Aegwynn, what else do you think I can do?"


Aegwynn was speechless. He knew that this was the limit that Maureen Arbitrator could do.

With a slight expression, Maureen said: "Captain Aegwynn, after the civilians have evacuated, they immediately evacuated to the cathedral. They are very close to the fourth area. Once we miss the opportunity to evacuate, we will not look back. Now the entire Shennai star is only big. The church is the only place where we can hold on, we must hold on and wait for help."

Aegwynn naturally knew what was meant by Maureen’s words. He was telling him that if the Fourth Corps were surrounded, the heresy court would not return to rescue them. Although it was ruthless, Aegwynn could understand that if it was him, he Will do the same.

This time there are three fallen legions and a large number of demons. Once the heresy court returns, they will only be eliminated together.

Nodded, Aegwynn said: "Understand, if we are really surrounded, don't come back, we will fight to the last person."

Without saying much, Maureen turned and left. He had to return to the cathedral with the army instead of staying here.

Today, in Kana Sing, the cathedral is the only place not occupied by demons. Once here, Kana Sing will fall completely. Even if the support is able to eliminate the demons, the cathedral will definitely be desecrated, which is unacceptable to Morin.

He must guard the cathedral, at any cost...

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