Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1921: Sharina

After a kiss, Li Meng let go of Qinqian, took a step back, and left in Qinqian's tender eyes.

A white beam of light suddenly emerged from the void and enveloped Li Meng. In Qin Qian's eyes, Li Meng and the beam of light that had retracted into the void disappeared.

Looking at the place where the master disappeared, Qin Qian's expression was a little dazed.

The owner seems to be a bit busy recently, disappearing for several months without the owner by his side, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

She will not worry about the owner's safety, because the owner is a "god", the real "god", in the entire galaxy, there is no existence that can harm the owner. This is not self-confidence, but an undoubted fact.

The Black Flag Empire was founded more than two hundred years ago, and the Crystal Palace has not been immutable. It has been repaired and expanded many times.

Increased height, increased area, from the original main tower, until now it has become a bloated building.

Looking from the sky, the entire Nanlin Island has been covered by metal buildings. The Crystal Palace is located in the middle of the island, surrounded by buildings that extend out, and the buildings on the island are grouped into multiple areas.

The imperial palace surrounded by a tall metal wall in the middle is also the headquarters of the imperial government. Various departments of the empire are in it. On the periphery of the wall are the residential areas, residences of civil servants of the underground palace, various shopping malls, and entertainment venues.

With the Gaoqiao network all over the city and the fast maglev trams, Qingcheng is busy and prosperous, and it is expanding every year.

Over the past two hundred years, with the development of science and technology and the progress of architectural art, the style of Qingcheng has also changed, becoming more technologically textured. In an urban area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, there are a total of millions of imperial civil servants. Here, this number is increasing every moment as the imperial territory expands.

The emperor’s cathedral is also inside the city walls. It is a huge church, a huge white-gold church.

On the opposite side of the platinum cathedral, there is a black church of the death sect, facing each other.

The emperor’s religion manages the faith of the living, while the death sect manages the faith of the dead. Darkness and light are indispensable.

In the huge hall, in front of a huge golden statue, a graceful figure wearing a white and gold robe knelt on the ground, her hands on her chest, her mouth muttering, as if praying something.

The hall was quiet and empty, only her soft mutter echoed in the hall.

As she concentrated on praying, a figure walked out from behind the pillar on the side.

He was walking, but his footsteps were silent, and she was praying intently without noticing his approach.

Beside Sharina, Li Meng stopped and looked up at the huge human statue on the platform in front.

It is huge, thirty meters high, wearing golden armor, holding a large sword in one hand to the front, with a firm expression, as if shouting "Charge", which is seven points similar to Li Meng.

It is Li Meng, the emperor of the Black Flag Empire.

Withdrawing his gaze from the golden statue, looking down at Sarina who was praying next to him, Li Meng said with a smile: "Sarina, the person you pray for is right beside you, right beside you, Why not confide in a statue."

The familiar voice stunned Sharina who was praying, and looked up at the person beside her in amazement.

I don’t know when, your Majesty came to her side...

Although she was a little surprised at the arrival of Your Majesty, Sharina quickly recovered.

She quickly said: "Your Majesty, you... why are you here?"

"Why am I here?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng stretched out his hand and grabbed Sha Lina's small hand, and with a slight force, pulled the soft body into the bad.

Looking at the white and flawless face under the hood, Li Meng leaned against Sharina's ear and said in a low voice, "I'll talk about it later, now there is more important thing to do..."

With that said, Li Meng hugged Sharina and slowly fell to the ground.

She seemed to know what His Majesty was going to do, and Sharina's face turned red.

"Your Majesty, here... this is not suitable."

On the smooth ground, Li Meng was already pressed against Teresa.

Looking at Sha Lina's ruddy face, Li Meng smiled slightly and said softly: "Don't worry, no one will come at this time, we have time, blasphemy? It's me..."

With that, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Sharina's red lips, feeling the softness to his heart's content.

Your Majesty said so, what can she do?

This is the first time your Majesty has bullied her in this sacred place in the Great Hall. While this made her uneasy, she also had a strange feeling in her heart. That feeling was very strange and her body seemed to become more sensitive.

Reluctantly, Sharina had to hold the man on her body and cooperate with him wholeheartedly to serve him.

She is a saint, his woman, and even his concubine. She will not refuse any request from him.

In this sacred place, the two people in the hall rolled into a ball, releasing hormones to their heart's content.

I don't know how long it took before the blushing movement and pictures in the hall disappeared.

Sitting comfortably on the stairs, Li Meng looked at Sharina who was finishing her robes with a smile.

Sha Lina is very beautiful. When she was a mortal, she was so beautiful that Li Meng's heart moved and Li Meng had the desire to possess her.

After becoming a "saint", under the sacred breath, Sharina became more beautiful, as beautiful as a goddess.

As if sensing Li Meng's gaze, Sha Lina showed a trace of ruddy on her face, and she had to pretend to tidy up her robes to hide her shyness...

After a while, Sharina finished her robes.

Patting the stairs beside him, Li Meng said, "Sit down and talk."


Responding softly, Sharina took a step and sat down beside Li Meng.

Turning over and lying down, Li Meng put his head on her legs in the tender eyes of Sharina.

It was very soft, and Sha Lina's body scent drifted into Li Meng's nose, which is why Li Meng liked it.

Looking across the towering mountain peaks of Sharina, Li Mengdan smiled and said, "I heard Qinqian said that you have come to me, so you can come to me in person, right? What's the trouble?"

Looking at your Majesty who was resting on her lap tenderly, Sha Lina shook her head and whispered: "It's not a big deal, but this matter needs your Majesty's personal attention."


An unexpected glance at Sha Lina, Li Meng came in interest.

Li Meng wanted to know what was the thing that could only make him pay attention.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said curiously: "Let's talk about it, what can only make me pay attention."

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