Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1944: They are coming

Three days later, the House of Representatives convened a meeting.

The results of the meeting came out very quickly, implementing the proposal of His Royal Highness, and establishing a planetary defense system with the assistance of the Black Flag Empire.

On the second day of the meeting, in the Black Flag Empire, the Wormbridge Station, which had been closed for more than two hundred years, opened again.

The God of War Academy also became lively, on the road, on the grass, on the playground, was flooded by a large number of transport spacecraft.

These spaceships are not big, but a hundred meters, very bloated, and the sturdy lift engine under the abdomen is particularly eye-catching.

Al did not develop anti-gravity technology, and their spacecraft were very small, even warships, no more than a few hundred meters.

In the underground of the God of War Academy, the largest worm gate opened and began to continuously transport equipment and personnel from the Black Flag Empire.

In order to reduce the loss even smaller, Al gave the order to withdraw and return to the defense of the colonies in the galaxy.

For a time, a major evacuation was taking place in the El star system.

Time just passed day by day, and the advent of before the war made Al's atmosphere tense in vain.

Al, in a farm in the west of ASEAN.

Under a big tree in a piece of grass, two figures are hugging each other with their backs against the big tree.

Holding Kayla from behind, Li Meng sat with his back leaning on the tree with a comfortable expression.

Today’s weather is very good, cloudless, and the sun is shining...

Lazily leaning back against Li Meng's arms, Kayla squinted and said lazily: "His Royal Highness, how did you find this place? I came here without telling anyone."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said in Kayla's ear: "Who said it was the first time I came?"

With a slightly stunned expression, Kayla showed a daze, and said: "I thought it was an illusion, it turned out to be you."

Before I knew it, it had been more than a year since I came to Al, and Kyla's child was born.

The child is healthy, a little boy.

In Kayla's ear, Li Meng said in a low voice: "Why, don't you want to be me?"

With a reddish face, Kayla whispered: "Naturally I wanted it."

With a smile on his face, Li Meng's hands were inadvertently placed on Kayla's chest...

Feeling the strange hands on her chest, Kayla lay flat in Li Meng's arms with a flattering face.

Kayla whispered: "What happened recently? My father said that the city is not very peaceful and a bit chaotic, and many people have fled to the country."

With his head slightly lowered, Li Meng exuded roughness between Ruola's neck and said in a low voice: "That's not important. Those who should always come back, or cherish this moment, right?"

Kayla has fallen, she can only let the man behind her play with her.

Standing up, Li Meng hugged Kayla and stood up.

Turning around, Li Meng asked Kayla to turn his back to him, bending over, holding the trunk with both hands.

Kayla didn't know what the prince was going to do, she blushed and bent over...

Kayla today is wearing a pair of tight jeans. At this moment, the curve is so beautiful.

Seeing Kayla's cooperation in this way, Li Meng secretly smiled, a woman in her thirties is indeed like a wolf.

This place is pretty good...


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng lay on the grass lazily.

Beside Li Meng, Kayla blushed and put on the jeans that had been retracted in the crook of her leg.

Looking at Li Meng who was lying on the ground with a grin, she smiled slightly and sat down beside Li Meng.

Without saying much, the two remained silent, quietly looking at the distance, quietly feeling the tranquility of this moment.

"He came to you?"

With a weed in his mouth, Li Meng said calmly.

Looking down at His Royal Highness beside him, Kayla hesitated for a while, and said softly: "Father wants us to be reconciled. He took a small German hair to test the DNA, and he came. He came many times. I want to remarry."

Glancing sideways at Kayla who was sitting beside him holding her leg, Li Meng said, "What do you think, want to go back?"

Shaking his head, Ruola whispered: "I won't go back. He is married and his current wife is also pregnant. His heart is too big. I am not a fool. I would rather stay alone. It is impossible to remarry him."

At this moment, the communication on Li Meng's bracelet suddenly rang.

"Instructor, they are here, they have entered the El star system, and they are coming menacingly..."

It's Fiona's voice...

Is it finally here?

Looking at the sky, Li Meng's eyes were deep.

"What's coming?"

Kayla also heard Fiona's voice, and she asked curiously.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "It's nothing, it's just a guest."

With that, Li Meng got up slightly and sat up, pinching Kyla's chin with his right hand.

Seeing His Royal Highness's face getting closer, Keira closed her eyes shyly.

Li Meng kissed Kayla's red lips, and gave a splash...

When Kayla opened her eyes, Li Meng in front of her was gone.

Looking around in a daze, Kayla was puzzled.

His Royal Highness was here just now, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Could it be her hallucinations?

This is impossible……

He lowered his head and touched her lower abdomen. There were still his things in her abdomen, and the burning sensation never disappeared.

At this time, on the edge of the El star system, a huge fleet quietly appeared in the El star system.

In the dark universe, a red fleet is slowly moving forward, and the tail engine is jetting red tail flames.

The fleet is very large and consists of large and small warships. The shape of the warships is very strange, like a diamond-shaped arrow. The large warships are no less than five kilometers in length, the small ones are no less than 500 meters, and the number is no less than 200.

The fleet lined up in the universe, row after row, looking very orderly.

In the fleet, another warship is particularly eye-catching. It is very huge, very bloated, no less than ten kilometers, and other warships are a small point in front of it. It is in the middle of the fleet and is protected by layers of fronts.

In the bridge, in a metal world dominated by red, in front of various instruments, there are crewmen in blood-colored long coats.

On the high seat, a figure wearing red armor and long black hair was sitting with a faint smile on his face, looking at the starry sky outside the window.

"This is just a small world, a small but unusual world. The guys in the Republic have taken a fancy to this place. Let me think about how we can clean the world. Should we graze? Or slaughter? Or looting? ?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the old man in black robes and said with a faint smile: "Archbishop, what do you think?"

The old man bowed slightly and said in a low voice: "The emperor knows it in his heart, so naturally I don't need to say much."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said calmly: "Then go ahead, don't the traitors of the Republic want this world? Then ransack the world, destroy El Star, destroy the Wormbridge Station, and leave the Republic's fleet with nothing."

The old man was speechless, he said loudly: "The Great Order, attack..."

Outside, the blue brilliance flickered continuously, and the red fleet jumped into hyperspace.

After a few breaths, in the universe outside the gravity well of El Star, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and a red fleet suddenly jumped out of hyperspace and appeared in the universe.

Hundreds of warships of the Al Federation are waiting in the orbit of the distant planet of Al.

"Withdraw, immediately enter the atmosphere, and the landing planet indicates that the whole army is retreating..."

With the evacuation order of the Supreme Commander, the fleet in orbit began to penetrate into the atmosphere.

Suddenly, a spectacular meteor shower appeared above the El star.

Al, Naval Command.

"The enemy fleet has entered the alert range, is approaching, warns, is approaching."

"Our fleet is being evacuated, and the evacuation is 85%. The evacuation is expected to be completed in two minutes."

"Can't wait, turn on the planetary defense system immediately, hurry..."

On the command platform, an officer with the rank of general gave the clearest order.

He is the supreme commander of the Navy Command, General Sinda.

"Yes, start the planetary defense system immediately, the estimated time is one minute and twenty seconds, the countdown..."

Outside, all over the world on El Star, huge fire-red beams of light suddenly rose from the ground.

The rising beam of light spread in the atmosphere, forming a fiery red shield, and spreading around.

"What's happening here?"

In the Red Fleet, in the huge battleship bridge, the emperor looked at the planet that was being shielded in surprise.

The archbishop beside him said: "It should be a large-scale defense system. The Great. As a civilization that cannot leave the galaxy, this technology is impossible to possess. I am afraid that the Republic will pass through the Zhongqiao Station to Ai. You did some help."

With a cold smile, the emperor said indifferently: "I want to be able to resist my fleet with a shield? Pass the order and attack on all fronts."

At this time, outside, El Star was covered by a fiery red shield. The shield was colored, and there was a layer of glass with a surge of energy, which was very beautiful.

Whether in the universe or on the ground, you can see that shield.

The civilians of Al were in panic when the shield was raised, and the sky was red, as if the end had come.

At this time, the Al Federation had to use the media to spread the news of the Red Police Empire attack. For a while, the entire Al was in panic.

The red fleet in the starry sky rushed towards Al and launched an attack.

The red particle beam pierced the starry sky, like a red meteor shower attacking Al.

When the red meteor shower touched the shield, the fiery red shield flashed suddenly, rippling like a wave.

Looking at the sky from Eldi, the sky was shining with various colors, very gorgeous.

In the face of hundreds of red light beams, the shield was like an iron wall to stop all attacks.

At the God of War Academy, Ron, Aaron, and Cheng Qiang, a group of people stood on the roof of the teaching building, staring at the gorgeous sky in a daze.

"It's so beautiful, can you stop it?"

Looking at the sky blankly, Aaron muttered to himself.

Cheng Qiang said in a daze, "I hope I can, if I can't..."

After Cheng Qiang glanced at it, Zena said angrily: "What are you talking about? I can definitely stop it."

If you can't stop it, Alco will really be destroyed.

Shaking his head, Aaron said grinningly: "Why do you say the Red Police Empire is for? The Al Galaxy is so small and there are no useful resources. Is it worth the expedition?"


Ron said calmly: "I remember Miss Ruola said that in the eyes of the Red Police Empire, we are resources and humans are resources."

The expression was slightly startled, everyone remembered, vampire...

With a wave of the spear in his hand, Xin Zhao said coldly: "I really hope to see those vampires for a while and see what they are."

Office building, in Li Meng's office.

Standing in front of the window, Li Meng looked up at the sky. The brilliant colors let Li Meng know that the enemy fleet was attacking.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps behind him sounded, and Fiona, in dark iron armor, came to him.

Following Li Meng's gaze, Fiona looked towards the sky and said: "Instructor, can you say that the shield can stop it?"

Withdrawing his gaze from the sky, Li Meng glanced at Fiona, who looked heroic beside him, and said calmly: "If these energies are concentrated and attack the shield a little bit, it may be able to destroy the shield, but if they keep using this This level of attack and offensive shields can last for several years without any problems."


Fiona breathed a sigh of relief. It doesn't take years, but only two years.

As long as the Republic’s army arrives, the Red Police Empire’s fleet will either retreat or fight the Republic’s fleet.

Looking back, the two looked at each other, and Fiona smiled and said, "Will the instructor go back to accompany your wives? They should need you very much at this time..."

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked back at the sky again, and said: "Don't underestimate them, they don't need my protection."

Fiona smiled and said, "The instructor means we need protection?"

Regarding Fiona's strong words, Li Meng said indifferently: "Fiona, it seems you are very free."

With a faint smile, Fiona leaned back on the window sill and said, "Perhaps Al is on the verge of destruction, but for us, the destruction of a world, the loss of billions, tens of billions of lives, is not difficult. Acceptance, in my 100-year-old career, I have seen many planets destroyed, self-destructed, destroyed by the void creatures, destroyed by the Red Police Empire. We have resisted and fought desperately, but there is nothing we can do. Over time, we I have also learned to give up. In the eyes of others, this may be an escape, but for us gods of war, only living can have everything."

Speaking of this, Fiona laughed at herself and said: "Instructor, do you know that Teacher Charn is ready to take Al’s God of War away. Once Al’s destruction cannot be stopped, we will leave, and Destroy the Wormbridge Station."

Looking back at Fiona again, Li Meng said calmly: "Why tell me?"


Fearing to face Li Meng’s gaze, Fiona said in a low voice: “Instructor Charn does not intend to take away anyone other than the super genetic warrior of the Heavenly Dao Civilization. Friends and enemies are unknown."

It turned out to be like this...

It is understandable for the Temple of War to do so, no matter who is just considering their own interests, no one cares about the interests of others.

For some weak civilizations in the universe, the existence of the Republic may be a good thing, but there is also darkness behind it, but it is not visible on the surface, and it will not be noticed for a short time.

The expansion of the republic is a kind of cultural invasion, which is not felt at first, but over time, it will be integrated into the republic’s system. At that time, a civilized culture will disappear quietly and become a part of the republic. Elements.

Heavenly civilization, this is an inclusive cultural civilization, a terrifying and difficult civilization to refuse.

For nearly a year, Li Meng has already learned something about the Republic.

Like the Red Police Empire, the Republic has been expanding its power, but compared to the Red Police Empire, the expansion of the Republic is relatively more just, and it is easy to persuade people.

The Red Police Empire is a military invasion, occupying more pastures with a powerful military.

If the Republic is compared with the Red Police Empire, the Republic can indeed be called the righteous party.

Li Meng was not angry about the behavior of the Temple of War planning Al.

In the eyes of the Temple of War, Al is just a small place. It is better to hold it. It doesn't matter if you can't hold it. As long as you bring back the genetic seed, you can ignore the rest.

Li Meng took off the bracelet and let it fall to the ground...

Looking at the sky, Li Meng said calmly: "I really can't look at you high, nothing else, since you are a god, you have to be like a god..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Li Meng's mouth curled slightly: "Then let's play a game."

With that, in Fiona's stunned gaze, a white beam of light emerged from the void and enveloped Li Meng.

Before Fiona could react, Li Meng disappeared unimpeded with the beam of light.

what is this?

Looking at the place where Li Meng disappeared blankly, Fiona had a bad feeling.

What she said just now seemed to anger the instructor...

Looking at the instructor's bracelet on the ground, Fiona's expression changed. She bent down and picked it up.

In the starry sky outside Al's orbit, a white beam of light suddenly emerged from the void. When the beam disappeared, Li Meng's figure suddenly appeared.

Standing in the starry sky, Li Meng silently looked at the red fleet in the distance, a white beam of light emerged again, and Li Meng's figure disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, in the huge flagship bridge of the Red Fleet, a white beam of light suddenly appeared, and Li Meng's figure suddenly appeared in the surprised eyes of the surrounding crew.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, guards..."

The appearance of Li Meng caused a commotion in the bridge. A large group of guards rushed in and surrounded Li Meng.

They are wearing red combat uniforms and holding red guns. They seem to like red very much.

This is a vampire?

Looking at the guards around, although they were wearing combat uniforms, in Li Meng's eyes, they could not hide anything.

From the outside, these guys are no different from humans, but in their bodies, there lives a beast, a bloodthirsty beast.

"who are you?"

Looking at Li Meng in the bridge below, the emperor on the throne was in deep voice.

He appeared too suddenly, and the way he appeared...

This made the emperor very vigilant.

"who am I?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng glanced at the surrounding guards indifferently.


The screams suddenly sounded, and the guards around Li Meng suddenly burned. White flames burned in their bodies. In an instant, with only one scream, dozens of guards were turned into ashes.

This scene made the officers and crew of the bridge show horror. What kind of monster is this?

"Attack, kill him..."

Seeing the guards turned to ashes suddenly, the emperor on the throne roared.

Although panicked, the crew raised their pistols and pulled the trigger to Li Meng.

All of a sudden, the red particle beams in the bridge danced, whizzing repeatedly...


With a scream, the crew of the bridge turned to ashes.

The red particle beam was useless at all, hitting behind Li Meng, even the clothes were not torn.

White ashes floated in the huge bridge, gray, not bloody, but very cruel.

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